New England Frag Farmer's Market 3/11/17

New England Frag Farmer's Market 3/11/17

I just added a pretty cool vendor to the FFM for this year. John Langlois from Enfield Scuba is coming out to talk scuba diving and even cooler to sell Megalodon teeth that he has collected. I have seen some of the teeth has and some of them are impressive!

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I left another important addition to the FFM off the list!

Dirk's - The Real Reefer's Store

Sorry Dirk!

More to come!!!
Here is the updated list of sellers for the Frag Farmer's Market, including the companies that will be there. I will send out a list of companies who have donated to the raffle in a bit, it already has some crazy stuff in it and grows daily. Looks to be the biggest, best FFM yet!

Coral Vendors
AC Corals (hobbyist) - CT
Alex's Advanced Aquatics - CT
Aquadreams - MA
AZNnutty's Saltwater Connections -OH
BareBottom Corals - NJ
Blastomaster (hobbyist) - MA
Blue Glow - MI
Blue View Aquatics - MA
Connor's Corals (hobbyist) - CT
Coral Cruze (hobbyist) - NY
Dr. Salomon's Corals (hobbyist) - RI
Easy Aquariums - ME
Elmafioso52988 (hobbyist) - MA
E.O. Smith Coral Project - CT
Exotic Fish and Corals -CT
Fins Aquarium - NY
Fraggin' Idiot - VA
Fraggin Wagon - SC
Frag Freaks -MA
Frank180Reef (hobbyist) -MA
FUPA (hobbyist) - CT
Gotham Aquatics - NY
Graham S. (hobbyist) - NJ
Greg's Corals (hobbyist) - CT
Greg Demos (hobbyist) -
Greg Hiller (hobbyist)- MA
Gsxr750 (hobbyist) - CT
Jason Fox - MD
Jeremy St. Louis (hobbyist) - CT
King Pin Coral - NY
Kwong1998 (hobbyist) - NY
Marine Reef Habitat - MA
Matt Spaulding (hobbyist) - CT
Michael Reeve (hobbyist) - CT
MO~Idol (Steve) (hobbyist)- NY
NY Coral King - NY
Obscura Reefs - CA
Ocean State Aquatics - RI
Pablo (hobbyist) - NY
Paulywalnuts (hobbyist) - CT
Pacific East Aquaculture - MD
Pieces of the Ocean - NY
Polywise (hobbyist) - NY
Popcorals - NY
Puff Daddy Reefs (hobbyist) - MA
Reef Bum (hobbyist)- CT
Reef Creations - NY
Rock Hard Reefs - NY
School of Fish - MA
Scoobnoob (hobbyist) - ME
Shoreline Pet - CT
Skimmy (hobbyist) - NY
Shayna 123 (hobbyist) - CT
Sniper2b (hobbyist) - CT
Speedy Corals -
SteelerMike (hobbyist) - RI
Supreme Reefs - VA
Talon's Cove - NJ
Tank Breakers - CT
TJM Corals -
TSM Corals - NJ
The Coral Reef - CT
The Reef Shoppe - NY
Triggreef (hobbyist) - CT
Ultimate Corals - NJ
USCTom (hobbyist) - NY
Wet Pets - CT - UT


Reef Breeders
Dirks Real Reef Store
Boston Aqua Farms
Reef Trends
Rock Hard Reefs
Neptune Systems
Rod's Reef
Tropic Marin
The Frag Farmer's Market is a giant sized coral market. Imagine 60 different people setting up tanks full of corals for sale. Sellers include the big names (Jason Fox, Pacific East, Aznutty) all the way down to some small scale hobbyists who grow out at home. The buy in for shops and hobbyists is low, so they pass their savings along to you. You will not find a bigger selection of corals, or better prices anywhere. You can look at it this way, you would probably drive an hour to a good shop to buy, what if you could drive 2 (depending where on the Cape you are) to see 60 shops all in one place? I have been to quite a few swaps, and shows and I think that there are more corals at the FFM than any other one I have been to. You name the coral you were hoping to find, it is there, and likely in a few different people's tanks! This is the biggest one in the area, easily. The local CT guys call it "Reefer's Christmas." The only thing that I always hear complaints about is that it is overwhelming when you first get there.
Add to that a raffle with all kinds of stuff that you would want, including corals, a ton of high end clownfish, gift certificates, pumps, lighting, supplements, frag tanks, an Apex controller...
I am working on putting together a few talks during the day, on photography, general reefkeeping, etc... I'll post that info as I get the details ironed out.
I run the FFM, so I may be biased, but for $5 admission, you won't find a better place to shop for frags and get a chance to chat with a TON of other reefers.
The Frag Farmer's Market is a giant sized coral market. Imagine 60 different people setting up tanks full of corals for sale. Sellers include the big names (Jason Fox, Pacific East, Aznutty) all the way down to some small scale hobbyists who grow out at home. The buy in for shops and hobbyists is low, so they pass their savings along to you. You will not find a bigger selection of corals, or better prices anywhere. You can look at it this way, you would probably drive an hour to a good shop to buy, what if you could drive 2 (depending where on the Cape you are) to see 60 shops all in one place? I have been to quite a few swaps, and shows and I think that there are more corals at the FFM than any other one I have been to. You name the coral you were hoping to find, it is there, and likely in a few different people's tanks! This is the biggest one in the area, easily. The local CT guys call it "Reefer's Christmas." The only thing that I always hear complaints about is that it is overwhelming when you first get there.
Add to that a raffle with all kinds of stuff that you would want, including corals, a ton of high end clownfish, gift certificates, pumps, lighting, supplements, frag tanks, an Apex controller...
I am working on putting together a few talks during the day, on photography, general reefkeeping, etc... I'll post that info as I get the details ironed out.
I run the FFM, so I may be biased, but for $5 admission, you won't find a better place to shop for frags and get a chance to chat with a TON of other reefers.

More like a 2.5-3hr drive for me. But that's irrelevant, since I'm going! Just don't tell my wife, ok?
I wanted to let people know that there is a group rate for the Nathan Hale Inn for the FFM. If you call and let them know you are with the Frag Farmer's Market, the room is $139 for the night. The Nathan Hale is by far the closest to the school, just a walk across the parking lot behind the school!
Just got confirmation that we also have a group rate with the Best Western in Mansfield CT- just a 5 minute drive from the school. Just tell them that you are with the FFM!

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Big news for the Frag Farmer's Market this year!
David over at Reef Trends is going to the safety sponsor for the FFM this year. He will be by the door and be providing dip for people at the FFM. This will give you a chance to dip any of the corals that are coming home with you from the market that day. Safety first! Thanks to Reef Trends for offering to do that for us!