New Members and Introductions

Welcome to the site hope you enjoy there are a great bunch of people here and were always willing to help.
I didn't know you guys even had meetings any more. I posted a couple of times and sent private messages after the first meeting I went to last year and I never heard back. I never saw any posts about meeting times/dates either.
Welcome Ed and Ryan. Hope you guys can make it to the meeting on the 28th. I shall be there and work in your guys neck of the woods :)
Hi I just moved to Stockton from Chico to do the Pharmacy program at UOP. I went to the MARS frag swap and met a new friend that referred me here so I cant wait to get to know some new people! I have a 72 gallon bow front and a 14g biocube that I am just starting up.
I wish I would have joined sooner so I could have made it to your meeting a couple weeks ago. Oh well, keep me posted with upcoming events.
Chris, Welome to the club. It's always nice to here from new people involved in the hobby/life. Please feel free to ask for any help with your systems, The main thing I've gotten from being a member is, theres an ocean full of knowledge and help, just ask.
Good luck with Pharmacy courses I here there tuff. The club info can be found at
Hi Chris, and welcome! The members of NVR are pretty laid back reefers, I think you'll like it here. Our next event will be in April, the announcement will be up very soon. Like Mac suggested check out the website, and if you haven't already use the registration form to register. Once you do that you'll get all the club event announcements via email. We're also on Facebook if you do that sort of thing.

If you can, start a new thread and post some pics and/or info on your setups... we always like to see new tanks!

I'm glad you found us. How are all the frags you got at the swap? We'll be needing some pictures even if Carol has to take them. Don't forget the ones you got at Your Reef. For all of you that didn't go, Chris cleaned up in the frag swap raffle both with coral and gift certificates.

Welcome aboard.

Welcome Chris,

Happy to see another member on the boards. Post away and enjoy your stay. The NVR members as mentioned above pretty chill. Any questions just ask. :) My friend is also going to school to become a Pharmacists and he has a 40gal SW tank as well.


Thanks for the welcome all! And thanks Gina for ratting me out on the raffle lol jk. We have our Chico frag swap on Sat. March 21st for anyone who is interested. It will be $10 and I think there will be hamburgers and hotdogs, located
Sternet's Martial Arts
2420 Park Ave
Chico, CA 95926
There is a min of 3 frags and of course more is welcome!
If you have any questions I will do my best to give you info.
I will also post some pics when I get the time.
My name is Fernando. I Currently have a 72 gallon tank with a 29 gallon fuge. I have been in the hobby for three years starting with a aggressive fish only tank and i gradually changed to a reef tank. Much thanks to RyanRoxXx for his continued support in the challanges of owning a reef tank, And for introducing me to the NVR community.
Happy Reefing,
Sup Fern,

Glad to see you finally crossed over to the forums. You will find some very knowledgeable and laid back reefers on this forum. I've learned a lot from NVR members and RC! Post away and welcome :)

Hi Chris and welcome to the wonderful world of reefing.
Hope to meet you at the next meeting.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14573945#post14573945 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chris Rx
Hi I just moved to Stockton from Chico to do the Pharmacy program at UOP. I went to the MARS frag swap and met a new friend that referred me here so I cant wait to get to know some new people! I have a 72 gallon bow front and a 14g biocube that I am just starting up.
I wish I would have joined sooner so I could have made it to your meeting a couple weeks ago. Oh well, keep me posted with upcoming events.
Welcome Fernando,
I love the look of the bow front tanks. Anyway it sounds like you have a good start. Post some pictures of your set up.
Hope you can make it to the next meeting.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14595886#post14595886 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fern68
My name is Fernando. I Currently have a 72 gallon tank with a 29 gallon fuge. I have been in the hobby for three years starting with a aggressive fish only tank and i gradually changed to a reef tank. Much thanks to RyanRoxXx for his continued support in the challanges of owning a reef tank, And for introducing me to the NVR community.
Happy Reefing,
If I missed any body... I just want to say...

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To NVR & Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

And happy reefing,
Hello my name is Chris, I met Mike at Twins Aquarium in Stockton and he introduced me to NVR.

I've been reefing for about a year now and started out by buying a 12gallon Saltwater Eclipse system for my son Christian. It was his 1st B-day present and my wife had to twist my arm to try saltwater. I heard it was a difficult hobby and I thought I didn't have time for it. My wife has regretted talking me into it ever since.

Well, I ended up buying a used 100 gallon reef system after owning the 12 gallon for 2 months. The 12 gallon was limited on the lighting and volume and I wanted to try some corals, so I spent $600 on the established 100 gallon reef system. I ended up selling my 100 gallon and purchased a 95 gallon wave tank back in Dec.

Here are the specs on my current system.

95 gallon wave tank with 35 gallon fuge
Coralife 2x150 MH's, 2x96 Actinics, 4 LED moons
3 Koralia 4's for water movement
Euro-Reef Protein skimmer
150lbs of LR
150lbs of LS


Blue Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Sailfin Tang
Maroon Clown
Perc Clown
Majenta Dottyback
Cleaner wrasse

XXL Pink Bubbletip hosted by my Maroon
200+ hermits
50 Nas snails
1 serpent star
1 Long Spined Urchin
6 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
2 Cleaner Shrimp
6 Emerald crabs


2 Toadstools
Star polyps
Yellow button polyps
Finger leather
Various Zoanthid colonies/Rocks
Pulsing Xenia's
Brain coral
2 Maxima clams
1 Crocea Clam
Various Purple, Red, and green mushrooms
Candy canes
Feather duster

Macro Algae

Red Lace
Red Grac

It's been a very addicting and expensive hobby, but has been very rewarding which allows me to spend a few minutes out of my day to get my mind off of work. The next step for me is to try SPS and to look into more Acan's and Blasto's. I'm sure that I could learn alot from the experience of others from NVR and Reef Central. I look forward to talking to some of you guys
Hey Chris,
Welcome to NVR. It sounds like your just as addicted to this as the rest of us. Be sure and check out the clubs website at:
Hopefully you can make to the meeting next month, the speaker has like 30+ years in the hobby. Should be interesting.

Again WELCOME, Mac
Hi Chris,

Looks like you are doing well. :) I would love to see some pictures of your tank and setup. Welcome to the NVR forums. Looking forward in meeting you at possibly a meeting or even Twins. I'm always there.
