New Members and Introductions

Thanks Mac & Ryan,

It's definitely an addictive hobby. I'll try to post some pics when I get home. My camera makes my water look a little yellowish, but here are a few pics from a few months ago. I've since added a few corals and more live rock. I'll definitely try to make one of the meetings, but I have a 21 month and 8 week old sons at home. Here are some pics on photobucket.


Tank looks really good! You can start your own thread and post pictures too :) That Hippo tang is gorgeous. Again welcome and I'm looking forward to meet you.

Thanks Ryan, she's a really good looking Hippo tang. She just eats and craps I'll start getting some new pics and setting up my profile. I look forward to meeting you guys.

I've noticed a lot of new names browsing the club forum lately. Feel free to introduce yourself guys, we always like to get to know those of you who have recently discovered us whether you're registered members or not.
Hey All,

I am just getting back into the hobby after about 10 years off. My last tank was a 50g Truvu reef tank that I bought from Aquarium Concepts whan they first opened. New house, kid... No time for tank.

Now my son is 10 and loves science. It is going to be great to learn with him. I just got a Nanotuners JBJ 28g HQI cube.

What is the best place to get water in/near Tracy?


Welcome Paul. Nice to see you're back at it :) I'm a little ways away from Tracy but there are a few members from your neck of the woods. Post away and enjoy the stay
Hi Paul, and welcome!

The 28g HQI is a sweet little setup. As far as Tracy, the one shop that I knew of out there has closed. You might want to start a new post to see what the other Tracy locals do.

Most people are making their own RO/DI water and mixing their own saltwater, but you might get some leads on pre-mixed saltwater. If nothing else you'll get to see who else is reefing around your neck of the woods :)
I'm Angel. I have a 20 gallon, but have lost many softies over the last year & a half. Now I'm down to the sturdy little mushrooms & my ever resilient Tomato Clown named "Roma" (get it? Roma Tomato? hey I coulda called him "Hot House")
Anyway, I dream of the day I can set up a 110 or larger. Right now space is limited & funds are even more limited.
I would love to attend a meeting if it's not too far. I live in Tracy, and yes, I am the same Angel that worked at the fish store on 11th Street... :wavehand:
Hi Angel, welcome to NVR.

Sorry to hear about your losses over the last year. Were you able to figure out what the cause was? if you need any help from the club feel free to start a thread with your tank conditions and what you've experienced.

Regarding the meetings, they are always in Stockton at Valley Brewery. We sometimes have special events in other locations, such as our regional frag swap (Oct 2009) which will be in Tracy. You can always find out what's going on at the website

If you register under the membership link (free) you will get email notifications for upcoming events also. In the mean time I suggest chatting with people here on the forum so you'll know a few people before your first meeting. Look forward to seeing you around!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15166185#post15166185 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jacob D
Hi Angel, welcome to NVR.

Sorry to hear about your losses over the last year. Were you able to figure out what the cause was? if you need any help from the club feel free to start a thread with your tank conditions and what you've experienced.
Possibilities include ugly red slime outbreak of '07, the hair algae outbreak of '08, the closing of the fish store, & let's not forget the downward spiral of tank maintenance. Basically it was my own negligence. I lost my Kenya Tree (a gift from a customer of the fish store) & Pulsing Zenia (from a local veterinarian/customer)
I'm MUCH better NOW though...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14853370#post14853370 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by apshooter
What is the best place to get water in/near Tracy?
I could get yelled @ for this, but here is what I do for water:
I buy the water from the machines. (sorry)
Then, I add my conditioner & I aerate it for a day, then I add my salt. Once I reach the desired salinity, I leave it in my plastic bucket (the kind that salt comes in) with a heater, power head and let that sit for another day. I have been doing it this way for as long as I have had salt water tanks, and it seems to work for me. (Tracy water sux) Hope that helped.
Welcome Angel,

We have a few Tracy natives that frequent the boards here and there. It's always fun making a new thread for yourself and explaining your setup to us. Plus it gives us another tank to look at :) It would be nice to meet another reefer. The meetings are always fun and the food at the Brewery is always awesome. Kids are welcomed as well. Hope to see you at one of the events soon enough. Welcome welcome

Thanx Ryan. I should be at the June 27th meeting. I will be the chubby little lady with green eyes who used to work at the Tracy fish store that no longer exists... :) (aka "Angel")
Evening all! I better introduce myself as I am sure I will be posting here quite a bit. This will be my first attempt at a SW tank, still on information overload but I'm coming around.

My setup consists of a 39g Cadlight tank, just finished making the stand and the next project is an LED light setup. Trying to get all of that finished before I actually start on getting the tank going. I have been buying things off and on from the forums here for the past few weeks, ended up with a ReefKeeper Lite, Tunze 9002, StevieT media rack and a few other odds and ends.

Anyway, enough talking here is my empty tank! Just waiting on the doors to finish off my stand:)

JoshuaG - Welcome!

Wow, lots of DIY'ers here and starting out with your own stand is very cool. Keep up the good work and lets see those pictures as your progress through your first SW tank.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15268890#post15268890 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by plankton
JoshuaG - Welcome!

Wow, lots of DIY'ers here and starting out with your own stand is very cool. Keep up the good work and lets see those pictures as your progress through your first SW tank.


Thanks! The stand was the first real woodworking I have done since highschool, talk about a headache but in the end it was alot of fun.

Here is some BRS shelf rock I just got in the mail, can't wait to get to the point of doing my "aquascape"!

Welcome Josh,

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. There are a few Manteca members on the board now. I like your pick of alcohol :)
