New SPS pics and more


Premium Member
Hello all,
I haven't posted pics in a long time so enjoy....

My Cali/ORA tort with one halide on and one off

One of my favorite inverts, a pom pom/boxer crab

ORA rose mille

Another mille

Blue with green polyp encrusting monti sp.
Some more...

Bali AC hoeksemai

Pink Pocci

Pink Stylophora

A. Humilis

Here is an experiment I am trying...I have 3 different types of caps which will hopefully whirl around the green pocilliopora when they all grow out.
Thanks for all of the compliments!

Justin, they are very cool crabs....I don't really see too many pictures of them on RC.

Steve, I love the pic of that blue yumma. Where did you snag that little jem? Let me know if you are fragging it anytime soon I'm sure I have a couple frags for trade to feed your addiction:)

Tangreef, will do. I can't imagine it would take more than 4 or 5 months to get a real nice growth form as each of those grow real quick.
Kurt, my wife picked up that yuma at Reef Collection last year ;) If it splits on it's own I'm up for the is my wifes and she won't let me cut it up :D
Wow not only are those some great looking pieces you also have quite an eye for photography, I wish I could take pictures even half as good as that I always have problems with oversaturation of the picture, so the top looks super bright white, and anything not with directly light hitting it looks serverely shadowed.
Ive seen that done in san luis with a purple cap and green with blue tip tenuis!! it was probably the most amazing show peice I have ever seen!!