NEW Tank Build !!!

Mitras LED lamp hung! Please don't judge the colour! This is straight out the box no setting up what so ever, also crappy camera does not work well in this light.. Too tired. Will dial it in tomorrow.


Looking good!
Can't wait to see it dialed in!
You better not ask Rodney for his program!! :)
I think you mentioned your eurobrace.. Is it glass? If so, is it one piece?
I am still thinking about those spectra pure canisters..
Do they fluidize media. I assume that they do since you have gfo in one.. I see the valves going to them, so do you have one or two pumps running whole unit?
Does water go down the centre and up the outer part?
Ok I see that one line is going to the spectra pure.. So one pump.
Do you put the gfo and carbon inside a canister that usually houses the resin?
Just trying to figure out how they work..
Looks like an interesting product if it takes the place of two fluidized reactors..
The euro is one piece glass 12mm

The rector fluidises, one for GFO and one for carbon, it goes to the bio stage of the sump not yet set up
Advise corner :)

My aim is to avoid as many hitch hikers as possible in the system, hence the reason for the first time ever I decided to use dry rock (Marco) but of course its virgin with not a single critter in sight!

Other than live rock (which defeats the purpose) are their critters on the market foe this?
Once you add a couple of corals, you will have introduced critters. Within weeks your tank will begin to be populated..
Unless you intend to dip every single coral that goes into the tank..
Even if you do, I'd suspect that most beneficial critters would get through anyways..
Quick update then photos at the weekend.

I have a few fish in the system and had to retrieve what was left of my few corals from my LFS who was care taking them, they did not do too well, and the reason why they are now in a tank that really should not have any corals in it yet, but a do or die situation they are no worse off here and probably better.

The balling system using the GHL dosers, bubble magus containers and also the Ocean fresh salts is now also set up.

Slowly getting over the cloudy period with the water.

The Prodibio start up did its job, all parameters at zero amazingly, talk about good stuff.

Reef Aquatica is supplying me with a stack of live copepods and other clean goodies to kick start the system.

Corals will come from various sources, mainly dealers I trust and know exactly where they get them from, I am not into photo-shopped corals ;)

Been playing with the Tunze pumps, I so wish I was running Vortechs I just cant get good waves with the Tunze.

Everyone is admiring Concepts tank build skills, I cant thank him enough for such an awesome tank.

Photos and video to follow in a few days when I feel more comfortable with the look of everything.
I would highly recommend Prodibio's Reefbooster as well. Just started using that stuff about a month ago and I can see greater polyp extension and color with my SPS already. IMO it's a must have for low nutrient systems. Again, I know a guy that can hook you up when you are ready for it.;)
So some pictures finally now things have settled.

The photos show the GHL balling system now in place using the 3 channel GHL doser, Bubble magus 5L containers which will be filled using Ocean fresh ionically balanced balling salts. All wiring now complete on the system and it all seems stable.

Not happy with the Tunzes I wish i could use MP40's but the acrylic pushes it past their tolerence and not being a solid fixture creates resonance. May look at routing a hole in it to fit the MP40's

Yes the flower pot coral is in way too soon but had to rescue it. And the chunk of monti that used to be bright green with purple edge is acting as a guinea pig to the system

Not the best of cameras, when we start doing promotional work with the tank we have photographers on stand by!








Nice clean set up!
I like the dimensions of that tank.
What's the height awl of the Mitras?
I see that you have the hyper violet at 100% and fand speed at 75%.. Do you have the Mitras programmed now? I have yet to download the software for controlling the Mitras.. Do you have it programmed to a certain k temp? It doesn't look like you have it running with all LEDs at 100%..
Do you have a sand bed under the rubble in your bio section of the sump?
So, have you added any more prodibio products, yet?
Sorry for the 20 questions... Actually, not really! :)
10" height

I am running modified Rodney program, max intensity is 80%

100% = wear sun glasses!

No sand under the rubble only in front

I started ProdiBio Digest and BioPtim on Monday, all parameters zero never even saw a nitrite spike.
well, i might be hitting you up for your program in a few weeks..
What is the display you have on the wall behind and to the right of the tank?
i know you have the profilux system, but for us schmucks who don't have a controller, can the ghl doser be independently programmed?
The screen is the ProfiLux remote touch screen a must for any ProfiLux system ;)

Yes the SA range of dosers can be independently programmed but can not be connected to a GHL controller as it has its own on board controller.
Nice clean project. About the probe holder, if you do make one, have a 4 hole option. Ph, Temp, Redox, and Cond.
The GHL Mitras LED coral test!

Photo uploaded is of a very sorry for itself looking chunk of what used to be green with purple edges plating Montipora. This is what is left from my huge colony. As you can see its not very colourful, yes it has some purple showing through just about, and yes the water is slightly cloudy thanks to Prodibio kicking up a nice bio bloom while the tank matures. But I think we all can agree my camera work does not get good enough for photoshop.

So lets wait a few weeks and see what colour this goes under GHL Mitras LED:) Place your bets please :)

that is one sorry looking monti.
ill be watching..
question: I'll be using old and dried live rock when i finally set up my tank in a few weeks.
it was all cured before it was removed from the water last year but obviously, when it gets wet, it will need to cure all over again..
which prodibio products should i be using to to aid in the curing process?