New tank inhabitants:


In Memoriam
1 x Vlamingii Tang


1 x Spotted Mandrin


4 x Dispar Anthias


1 x Sailfin Tang


This brings our fish total up to 18

The Powder Blue Tang is chasing the Vlamingii Tang.
The Rust Angel is chassing the Dispar Anthias.

I guess in the morning we'll see how this plays out.
18 wow i never would have guessed, you have plenty of room in there still lol. I just read an article on an sps dominated awesome tank that housed over 50 fish at 300 gallons. Break the record marco! I'm open tues :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9161163#post9161163 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84

look at the deal I gave you! only in South West Florida .

You always give me good deals!

<grumpy voice> now that i said that ... there won't be anymore?! </grumpy voice>