New to SPS


New member the bottom of my thread is what my tank consists of and I have included this picture of my tank...

TankShot.jpg you can see that I have these two great towers of LR on which to position some SPS where they will get lots of flow and lots of 250W 20K MH lighting.

....These are my test results as of this past Sunday, Aug 20th.

SG-1.024, pH-8.3, CA-447, KH-6 and NH3, NO3, NO2, PO4 are all ZERO.

....I add Seachem Calcium Additive and have been adding Purple UP once a week for the last 7 weeks.

What do I need to add to my tank to make it a suitable environment for SPS to flourish ?!?

What equipment do I need to have for the same result....?
I have a Coralife external in-line pump rated at 1750 gph...and inside the tank I have an original dhnuygen Tunze Mod that moves a ridiculous amount of water and I also have two Maxijet 900 with rotating disc attachments and another straightline powerhead.

I don't have any problem putting another powerhead whereever it needs to go to give them the surface flow that they need.
Nice job on the towers! I can just imagine all shapes and colors of corals jutting off of them as they grow in :thumbsup:

The only thing I see wrong is your Alk @ 6. You mention you're adding Ca, are you adding anything for the Alk as well?
I agree, your Alk is low, I like to keep mine at 9Dkh, 8 Dkh to 10 Dkh is a good range to keep it in, just pick a number and stick with it.

Once you get some experiance you can play with lower levels of Alk, but it is more important to keep them steady at lower levels, below 7 seems to cause problems IME.
