Nikecivic's (Mike) 180 Gallon Build Thread

Really nice set up. I like how you set up your rock to be right under you radions. Do you thing three radions would well if you did have you rock work like that?
Really nice set up. I like how you set up your rock to be right under you radions. Do you thing three radions would well if you did have you rock work like that?

Thanks! I setup the position of the Radions because of the 2 braces. The rock work was a coincidence because that's what I had for the large rock pieces and I wanted to go with rock islands. I assume the Radions is good coverage because they should have 2'x2' coverage. I guess if I upgraded to the TIR wide angle lenses would be better but that's a future upgrade.
Looks great! I used to have a majestic in my 225 mixed reef and I had no issues. Try to get it small and feed well and you should be okay.
Regarding the lights I think you should rotate them 90deg to get more coverage left to right. Can't wait to see it progress!
Updated pics

Updated pics

Ok so I decided to pay more attention to my tank and picked up some frags at RAP.

Here are the lates pics!

Full Tank Shot

Left Island

Center Island

Right Island
Current fish are:
Purple Tang
Yellow Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Harlequin Tusk
Flasher Wrasse
Resplendent Anthias
Green Mandarin
Diamond Goby
Black and White Misbar Clown fish
Davinci Clownfish
Purple Firefish
Red Firefish
Flame Angel
I had issues with high Alkalinity from running my Calcium reactor and lost a few colonies. I picked up a nice size acro colony from Crystal at FRAG.

here is the latest pic...
