i had an interesting issue....
i had a rather noisy dry side. i got me some bearings(ended up being ceramic after all), put them in, put it on.... 10x louder than before(not nasty knocking loud, just a louder wirring sound). i was mad. let it run on full blast all night to see if it would quiet down, nope. woke up this morning, took it apart 2 more times... nothing looked out of place. so i switched one of my 3 washers from one side, to under the spring washer (testing something) same noise.
then i took it off and let it run when NOT attached to the glass. it was silent. put it on the glass, noisy. hmmmmm. so i started to move the wet side ever so slightly away from the glass, it got quieter. so i remembered when i first set it up and measured my glass, i set it to one thickness more than i measured my glass to because the wet side fell off twice. started her back up at the correct thickness, viola! no noise. i guess the increased magnet force pulling the dry side motor was enough to put stress on the bearings to cause noise. phew. user error. now i can enjoy my vortech finally!