Noisy Vortech DrySide FIX!!

Any updates from anyone who's replaced their bearings? I picked up a used MP40 and it's noisy enough to hear from 20ft away (whirring sound, more evident during when rpms ramp up). I plan on replacing the bearings and will see what's available locally at the RC shops; otherwise, has alot of options.

Can anyone tell me what the correct order of the washers is? I pulled mine apart ages ago and forgot the order of the washers that sit between the bearings and the motor casing.:thumbsup:
i think mine just had a spring washer and a flat washer. in page 1, you can see the spring washer toward the bearing/mag. so i would say put it there, and the flat washers if any between the spring washer and case.

the washers go on the back side of the Dry side. that way they push toward the glass and arnt fighting the magnets pulling on each other.
this is a fantastic thread. I have been shopping for a bargain MP40, but was afraid to get a worn one. Nice to know you can upgrade some major problems easily even for an old one.

I also heard that you can do a firmware upgrade of a GEN1 to a GEN2, but until I get my hands on one I can't verify it.
i think mine just had a spring washer and a flat washer. in page 1, you can see the spring washer toward the bearing/mag. so i would say put it there, and the flat washers if any between the spring washer and case.

the washers go on the back side of the Dry side. that way they push toward the glass and arnt fighting the magnets pulling on each other.

That makes sense. I'm at work now so it will have to wait until this evening.
really!! thats very interesting to know.
do you think they were just cheap ceramic bearings, or needed to break in, or do you not know? (very curious)
also, do you think it could be from installing them? maybe ceramic bearings are too delicate to be pressed on?

dont know i did wait for week or so to see if the sound would get better, but it did't change , now that i think about that they may be, about installing them i was carefull too, i dont think that was a reason.
i picked up a noisy mp40 also. ordered my bearings. abec 5, non ceramic. ~$30 shipped for 2 abec 5 bearings, and hopefully a quiet MP40!
i had an interesting issue....

i had a rather noisy dry side. i got me some bearings(ended up being ceramic after all), put them in, put it on.... 10x louder than before(not nasty knocking loud, just a louder wirring sound). i was mad. let it run on full blast all night to see if it would quiet down, nope. woke up this morning, took it apart 2 more times... nothing looked out of place. so i switched one of my 3 washers from one side, to under the spring washer (testing something) same noise.

then i took it off and let it run when NOT attached to the glass. it was silent. put it on the glass, noisy. hmmmmm. so i started to move the wet side ever so slightly away from the glass, it got quieter. so i remembered when i first set it up and measured my glass, i set it to one thickness more than i measured my glass to because the wet side fell off twice. started her back up at the correct thickness, viola! no noise. i guess the increased magnet force pulling the dry side motor was enough to put stress on the bearings to cause noise. phew. user error. now i can enjoy my vortech finally!
Thanks for the suggestion Eurobeaner. I just replaced my Vortech bearings with high grade ABEC5 hybrid ceramic bearings and I too now have more noise than before. I will increase the spacer distance tonight and hopefully have the same results as you.
i just changed the bearings one one of my vortech. The noise dropped alot, but its still louder than my other pumps. I must have bought a wrong bearings from ebay. I'm planning on buying other bearings just to try it out.
i will say that a Vortech isnt as quiet as a internal pump like a Tunze or MJ...
The reason is because the motor noise isnt muffled by the water and tank. its on the outside so it will produce some noise....
the pumps are great and move a lot of water, but if you have the ability to put them on the back of a tank, or behind something then you will be much happier.... Who knows, if they come out with a different housing that breaths and has a 2nd cover to muffle the sound, then it would be super sweet!