Oceanic 215 with Solaris Build

You mean the purple with yellow stripes? That's the male bellus. They continue to spawn at least once or twice a week!
You can get a pretty good look at two of my dragon face pipefish in the fourth pic. There's one on each side of the cave on the bottom. The male is pregnant and looks about to pop out some babies. The wrasse pictured is my yellow flanked fairy wrasse. This week I added a Filamented fairy wrasse and a Rose Streaked Fairy. They are all out and about all day and there aren't any problems between any of the fish...all living in a nice, peaceful community...so far!
Well, I have to agree that I was a bit worried, but we're going to seal off the tank, sump and refugium during the staining and sealing. I don't think it will be a problem. The doors will be done separate as will the canopy.
I really don't think it's going to be a problem.

I've read about people leaving their tanks in their house when it got fumigated (spelling???), and all they did was cover it up, and suffered no adverse effects.

Since the tank is in a place where we can ventilate it pretty well I think we'll be fine. We'll need to open up both doors and use some fans when I spray the poly, but other than that we'll be fine.
Your tank is looking better and better. I love the Yuma rock in the sand
I still don't see the purple polyp acro in there:)
Thanks, Chris. It's coming! Just didn't want to move any of the ultra rare stuff in until I"m sure I've got all the parameters in line. I've added about 10 bags of pods so it's swarming with them. Almost time!
You know what stinks about the Tech Tanks. The metal brackets that hold the glass panes on the stand are starting to rust. I've only had my stand and tank for 4 months. I think I'm going to contact Oceanic to get new ones...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11658069#post11658069 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cstires
I really don't think it's going to be a problem.

I've read about people leaving their tanks in their house when it got fumigated (spelling???), and all they did was cover it up, and suffered no adverse effects.


I am one of those people. I covered the tank and the sump and put moist towels over the plastic to absorbe any gas trying to enter. I also added a couple of air pumps outside the fumigation to pull in fresh are. I had to by some 50ft tubing to get outside of the house but noproblems. If you are worred at all that should work as it did for me.

Everything seems to be doing well with just a couple exceptions:
The foxface is chomping on my LPS so will be transferred to another tank.
There is some continuing damage to the vase coral, which we also think is from the foxface.

I've added quite a few corals this week and several fish, including three new fairy wrasse and a mandarin. I've already added a total of 10 bags of pods and my tank is crawling with them, so I felt comfortable adding the mandarin finally. He was hunting as soon as he hit the water.

I'll continue to add a bag of pods every week or so to keep up the live food population since I have so many live food pickers.

I added a gorgeous yellow with teal rim tabling acro this week. The pics just don't accurately display the colors, but it's a beauty. I also brought home my ORA Duncan colony, and ORA Rose Mille, an ORA Blue Millie and several other acros. I got my husband a very nice red/gold coco worm and some pink zoas for Valentines Day...I know, a little early but ya gotta grab em when they're there.

I have the lights at 100% blue and 30% white and I think I like this balance best so far. I have incredible growth (note the tips on the plana) and this mix is bringing out great color.

My params are steady...pretty much the same as listed last time. My calcium slipped a bit, obviously due to the addition of all the corals, so we upped the doser to adjust.

Some new pics:



New Aussie Lineatus wrasse:


Valentine Zoas


ORA Duncan


Cirrhilabrus roseafascia

Very VERY nice Marcye! Looks like you're a wrasse lover also - those are some beautiful fish. Man - I also have a Foxface (Rabbitfish) and don't tell me they munch on LPS polyps :(. So far mine has been very good and has only touched his Nori and algae that has just started on the rocks - I sure hope it stays that way.

Your colonies look wonderful - what's the name of the one in the first photo - very soft yellow colony?

It's nice to have full colonies in such a large tank. Lots of mine are really frags and until I find a place that they are truly happy I've not glued them down. So, each AM I spend picking them up from the night time activities. Will you need to get yours accustomed to the new lighting?