This is a killer set-up. Did you build a rack to hold your rock in place, or is it just stacked? Also, what kind of substrate did you use? If I had that much flow in my tank with my sugar fine sand, I'd have a constant sandstorm.
Thanks for the compliment PPP. have the Carib Sea Sugar fine sand...I've personally found that best. My sand is staying pretty much spotless. We altered the flow so it just barely stirs the top of the sand. I have about 10 Tongan Nassarius snails and 5 Tongan conchs on my cleanup crew. They do an awesome job. I also have two Carribean cucumbers. My rock is just stacked. I love the Tonga Fusion Branch rock as it not only is very porous (I feel you need less as there's a lot more surface area due to the porosity) and the form of the rock allows for excellent stacking. The pieces I got are the XLarge show pieces...most were between 30 and 55 lbs, and pretty much just fit together. I'm very pleased with the way the rockwork came out..nice clean look with lots of space for adequate flow.
Just a couple updated pics. The stand is coming along very nicely. The corals are really starting to color up with lots of blues and purples popping. I have the blue light at 100% and the white down to 40%. All the fish are doing very well, including my Bluespot Jawfish.
Thanks for the thumbs up Marc...there are a couple of suprises that will be built into the front canopy. I'm very pleased with the progress so far...but I need more coral!!! I didn't want to rush it too much, but I think I'm ready to add some serious pieces.
hummmm... Orlando, FL... do you have a chiller for your setup?
Nevermind, found my answer in your first post...
...I'm determined to do this without a chiller so I went with the new Solaris 400w I Series Light. Here's some pics from the start up to what we have finished today...
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