Oceanic 215 with Solaris Build

I must say Marcye, I'm very impressed with the Solaris color. I figured LEDs were at least 3 to 4 years away after listening to Sanjay. We'll see long term but so far - looking wonderful. I see you placed the Elegance in the rock work - is this normally where they live? For some reason I always thought they were more "Sand" creatures.

"I know it's not the best color" - yes that was bad, but I have a feeling if you give it a few extra silversides all will be good :D.
mdaybowls...yes, the cabinet is getting a face and there will be a canopy that goes wall to wall. There will be a cabinet on each side so when it's done it will look like a built in. Hopefully this will all be done by Christmas;) At least that's the plan!

Well, the Solaris I've had since March is still proving excellent. The colors are amazing in that tank and I'm hoping for the same here. Sanjay saw the tank when he and Julian Sprung visited and he and Julian were both impressed with the coloration. I"m sure, as with all things these days, the technology will only get better, but I love the light cycle and that Banana Austera that I placed in the tank (stayed brown under 250 MH for the several months I've had it) already has a hint of blue and it's only been in there, what, about a week now? I'm having fun placing corals right now that I know are magnificent when fully colored to see how they do. I'll be placing two more this week: a wild Lokani frag and a 20,000 Leagues Lokani...both browned out since the farm problems (not sure if you know about that, but someone put something in my farm tanks and killed off most of my corals:( Anyway, these are two that survived so it will be fun to watch them come back.

;) Reef Artist...silversides are like chocolate...they can make everything good!
Beautiful Marcye & Tom! I hope the plana colors up for you, I think it will. All the fish are looking great too. This is going to be an awesome tank when it fills in..I love it. I wish you all the best with it.
When do we get to crack champagne over it?:beer:
Hey Waterfaller1 - nice to see you're still around :). Not to make Marcye's thread the socal hour :twitch:. That Gonapora is doing great and still has that morph coloration. I can't wait to get it into my new tank-it will be a few months though :(. It's funny, in that my Randall's Goby now lives under it - LOL. I watch that he doesn't do damage and so far it's going good.

Sorry Marcye - :D. The coral you gave Marcye is wonderful, could you tell us something about it?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11323235#post11323235 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Me No Nemo

Well, the Solaris I've had since March is still proving excellent. The colors are amazing in that tank and I'm hoping for the same here. Sanjay saw the tank when he and Julian Sprung visited and he and Julian were both impressed with the coloration.

Note to self: build a large reef tank with a 72" Solaris I fixture to get Sanjay and Julian to visit. Geez, how'd you swing that one?
No new pics since two days ago. I'm going to add some more corals tonight...the lokanis...so I'll try to grab a few then. Everything is doing very well. Added two more bags of Reef Pods and about 1/5th bag of Phycopure. All my parameters are staying very consistent and the corals are all maintaining their colors so only time will tell.
how are the reef pods are they reproducing? where did you pick them up at? also where did you pick up the phycopure? What are your long term plans for maintaining your copod population if you have any?
Very nice upgrade, including the remodel of the home and the choice of paint. It looks like it is coming along swimmingly.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11325972#post11325972 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefArtist
Hey Waterfaller1 - nice to see you're still around :). Not to make Marcye's thread the socal hour :twitch:. That Gonapora is doing great and still has that morph coloration. I can't wait to get it into my new tank-it will be a few months though :(. It's funny, in that my Randall's Goby now lives under it - LOL. I watch that he doesn't do damage and so far it's going good.

Sorry Marcye - :D. The coral you gave Marcye is wonderful, could you tell us something about it?
Hi, I am so happy the goniopora is doing well for you. I wonder what happened to that tiny one like yours that popped up on a rock after you left? I will have to ask Marcye. My clowns,though they are hosted by frilly shrooms...still frolic in the daytime amongst my purple & red goni..and the alveopora. The corals never seem to mind at all. The poor male, he only gets relieved of his egg fanning duty one day or so...every few weeks. They lay them on the glass amongst the shrooms. When I see him out playing in the gonis, I know they don't have eggs.:)
The coral I gave Marcye is A. Plana. I grew it from a tiny frag. It snapped off it' s stem one day . After it broke I could never seem to find the right spot for it, but it was healing nicely. It is also a coral that looked quite brown under my 10Ks when it's polyps were out, but when the actinics only are on the polyps look green. I think under the solaris it will look much better, and color up. Wait until she tells you what happened with Bella last night, the female bellus angel I gave her.
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Thanks all!

Big news! The past couple of days my male bellus angel has been chasing the female pretty aggressively. I've had the pair in one of my store reef tanks for several months and had never seen them do this. Sure enough tonight they did the "shimmy" similiar to clown fish and apparently are mating! Both were on their side in the water column and the male released a large white cloud that pretty much engulfed both of them then they broke off. Totally fascinating to watch!

Everything seems to be doing very well. Left work too late to get the lokanis so I'll try again tomorrow. Noticed more green around the Suharsonoi today. I backed the whites on the Solaris down to 50% to get a bit more blue in the tank. Even at 50% the tank is still very bright. I just prefer more blue color (I usually keep 20K XM's over my tanks).
Oh way to cool! I need some of what you have in your tank -LOL. Maybe it's "love portion PODs". I guess they like their new home and definitely a testament of your reefkeeping skills. Not that I would ever doubt that - just look at your store and everyone knows - you have a gift. Keep up the great work and tell use more!

waterfaller1 - I'm so glad your clowns are doing so good. Mine have taken to my shrooms but are looking for something better. I had to put a plastic mesh around my Duncans - they were loving them to death. I had to as the duncans couldn't eat at all! I'll be getting them an anemone once my tank is ready for it - until then - it's looking at the plastic!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11337418#post11337418 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheSaltwaterGuy
Wow, turning out very nicely! Can't wait to see the end result!

Me either! Thanks!