Oceanic 215 with Solaris Build

No carbon or phos reactors. No calcium reactor...I'm dosing either Ocean's Blend or ESV with the Aquamedic triple doser.
Sounds like you are coming right along with your tank - parameters are fantastic! I bet that is nice - adjusting your lighting according to how your corals are doing - nice! Old school - we still have to move the coral :). Lets see some pictures!
Yep, old school for sure! I just got home and my lights are out already;( Work is very busy right now and with an hour drive each way, I seem to have very little time to enjoy the tank! Will try again in the morning. Thanks for the thumbs up!
Looking really nice.I have a 215 that I just took down do to complictions but thats another story can't wait to see that chocolate tang to change that will be awesome. I'm realy starting to like that fish.Hope you get your cabnets done before the holiday good luck:D
your water column has stripes from those lights. I looked into them and thought it was nice, but it doesnt seem to spread the light well. Lots of hard work, looks awesome...
Thanks all! Yep, I love the chocolate tang...will be the only tang in there. Well, you can't normally see the stripes...that was from all the sand in the water from my crazy clown fish. She was stirring stuff up so much she was creating a major sand storm!
Hi Chris...thanks! There's a very nice teal acro in my shop that's just SCREAMING at me to take it home! Man am I tempted! (BTW, do you have a name for the white with purple polyp acro you gifted me? That is probably the most incredible acro ever! I've been searching and not coming up with anything.)

Everything's doing very well, almost.

My very wicked female maroon clown has tunneled under the rock on the entire left side of the tank and collapsed some of the rock. All's well with every thing, but I'm going to have to rebuild and fortify that whole side. Since she is a blood thirsty beast, we'll have to get clever to do this with not bloodshed (I'm serious...she doesn't just nip...she tears!)

Besides that the corals seem to be doing well. Great polyp extension, subtle but obvious coloration. Just looks so bare! I think I need to find some more corals to fill it out a bit. I have a "super male" square spot anthias on order...hopefully he'll be in next week. I've had my female for probably 5 or 6 years now and she's never flipped to a male. But, now that I have the smaller female I have to wonder if that will cause her to begin the change. Don't want to chance two males so I'm moving quick on gettting a male in there. One other small problem is my large female anthias does have a small white "growth" on her lower lip. I think she scraped herself at some point during the chase and move so it should heal up on its own. Thought at first lymph, but looking more like a mild bacterial infection.

Bluespot Jaw is definitely bunkered down in the hideout. He's right up front, exactly where I wanted him to be.

I'm leaving before my lights are on and just missing them at night. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to grab more pics. I also ordered a new macro lens for my camera, so hopefully that will arrive by then as well. Marcye
I think it is A.Nasuta this is my best guess when looking at Veron Vol. #1
I think you should take the teal one home there might be another in your future same with the purple polyp.
Just a thought
I agree, Chris...I think Atlantis calls it Raspberry Lemonade or some such. Either way I love it and it's coming home soon...thanks soo much!

Well, now the bad news. My stand won't be done until after Christmas. I had to pull my cabinet maker onto some custom items at work so he'll be working on the stand the Friday and SAturday after Christmas. Oh, well, I've decided to cover the base in gift wrap and a big bow to look festive:) Maybe I'll find some Nemo Wrap....

Well, here's a video of the tank tonight. Keep in mind that I can't adjust the white balance on the video so it looks much bluer than in person. I'm very pleased with my flow. With just the (4) returns on Dart plus two Vortech's, you really have to search for the plumbing which is exactly what I wanted. My biggest pet peeve is seeing all kinds of pipes that take away from the natural look of the tank.The sand is gently moving on the surface and my cleanup crew is doing a fantastic job of keeping everything looking great.

The tank looks nice and clean, and I love the back wall the way it is. Cleaning it isn't fun, but the reef looks better with a clean backdrop.
Thanks! I totally agree, Marc. I really think a clean, black, backdrop really shows off your coral and fish colors best. No cleaning it isn't fun, but I'll tell my husband you said "good job." (Short arms...darn that 30" tank;)
BTW, those aren't dead snails on the front sandbed..those are empty shells for my Blue Spot Jaw to use on his home. He's crazy...if I put them in front of his home...he'll grab them swim away and drop them. If I put them there, he'll swim over, grab one and use it to build his home. Notice I said "him." :)
The shimmer lines aren't bad at all. Not as much as the MH, but certainly obvious. Right now, I'm happy with the lighting as it is so I don't think I need to add the Powerbrites.

Very interesting development: I've had a female squareback anthias for several years in the tank that I moved over from the 90. Of all the fish I've kept in the past 10 years or so, I've only lost 2: a midas blenny that dove into the carpet anemone when it was startled and my squareback anthias male who got lockjaw and I euthanised him since he couldn't eat. Well, this female has gotten very large and I added a smaller female last week and was going to add a male next week. Well, my large female, today, is sporting the beginning of a purple square on her side...so after all these years alone, she's turning into a male! I just find all this so amazing. I guess Reefartist was right...I must have some Love potion in the mix!
Nice video Marcye - love the Torch and Duncans, they look as though they are getting plenty of flow - LOL. So, do you have everything from your 90 in the new tank now? I just put 4 containers of Reef Pods in my tank - hoping to knock a few months off my nutrient time.

That is so cool about the female anthias. So are you still going with the addition of the other male or add more females?
Well, I think my plans are going to have to change and we're going to need all female anthias. This is an amazingly fast transformation. This female NEVER showed any signs of morphing to a male until last week when the new small female was added. Here are some pics to show the current changes:



Here you can see the new female behind her (him?). Note the lengthening of the bottom and rear fins and the white tips. Also, note the slight pink patch on the side!

Hi Marcye,
I'm planning on 3 species of Anthias, all female. I don't want to add any males to keep down agression. I haven't been able to find any info about males of one species with females of another species. I would imagine that at least one of the females will morph into a male. What do you think?