Hi Chris...thanks! There's a very nice teal acro in my shop that's just SCREAMING at me to take it home! Man am I tempted! (BTW, do you have a name for the white with purple polyp acro you gifted me? That is probably the most incredible acro ever! I've been searching and not coming up with anything.)
Everything's doing very well, almost.
My very wicked female maroon clown has tunneled under the rock on the entire left side of the tank and collapsed some of the rock. All's well with every thing, but I'm going to have to rebuild and fortify that whole side. Since she is a blood thirsty beast, we'll have to get clever to do this with not bloodshed (I'm serious...she doesn't just nip...she tears!)
Besides that the corals seem to be doing well. Great polyp extension, subtle but obvious coloration. Just looks so bare! I think I need to find some more corals to fill it out a bit. I have a "super male" square spot anthias on order...hopefully he'll be in next week. I've had my female for probably 5 or 6 years now and she's never flipped to a male. But, now that I have the smaller female I have to wonder if that will cause her to begin the change. Don't want to chance two males so I'm moving quick on gettting a male in there. One other small problem is my large female anthias does have a small white "growth" on her lower lip. I think she scraped herself at some point during the chase and move so it should heal up on its own. Thought at first lymph, but looking more like a mild bacterial infection.
Bluespot Jaw is definitely bunkered down in the hideout. He's right up front, exactly where I wanted him to be.
I'm leaving before my lights are on and just missing them at night. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to grab more pics. I also ordered a new macro lens for my camera, so hopefully that will arrive by then as well. Marcye