Oceanic 215 with Solaris Build

Looking great! I have a few questions about your refuge - What type of lighting are you going to be using? I see that Tom used a true union after the pump and I was wondering way? I know the reason behind the union/ball valve combo, but I'm confused with the true union.

Great set-up, I see you've got Tom doing what he does best, he did great at your "Frag" annex too when I sawit!
Thanks for posting a lovely LED setup, you know what you like and how to do it!
Thanx again for sharing.
Yes - sorry up late and didn't write the question correctly. The True union that is location between the refuge and the return pump - why use a true union and not just a union/ball valve? I wasn't sure when I plumbed my pumps in so I went with union/ball valves on both sides, I have noticed lots of people using the true union - just wondered why.
The true union was used to conserve space, plus there are often leaks with a union/ball valve. In order to avoid leaks, he would have had to use a standard union and a ball valve...because it's a 2" it would take up a lot of space.
Thanks Marcye, I always like to know the small details dealing with plumbing which I know nothing about. You mentioned having a automated system for changing your water - linked to your computer, is that correct? If so, have you decided on the equipment and the software? This is going to be very interesting to see everything put together!

BTW - I love the glass work that was created in your window, very nicely done.
Well, we don't have the automated plumbing set up yet. Tom used to own Icon Systems which designed and implemented microprocessor based controls and plumbing. According to him (I'm just the typist on this stuff) the designs included Piezo Technology, sensors, microprocessors and electronic solenoid valves linked to touch screen so the whole building can be controlled. We plan to implement that eventually, but Tom actually has to design the system for small scale so that will be part of our ongoing project.

Thanks regarding the glass work. It's actually an Anderson Window product. I'm still working on getting a front door with the same design in the top since it's just to the side of that wall. Wish me luck!
A few quick updates: Interesting, my pink pocillapora is changing color. Although the base color is deepening to a burgundy color, the polyps are changing to an electric green. They were very pink when I first placed the coral in the tank!

Everything is doing fantastic. One problem I'm having is trying to feed the jawfish. He's getting food, but the other fish are grabbing alot of it before he can as he darts in and out for one piece at a time. I think I"m going to have to get creative with feeding him.

The clowns are making a mess of the left side of the tank with all their sand "swooshing." I'm going to have to move the corals from there as they are covered in sand each day. I think I'm going to place a long, flat rock in the sand in front of the anemone to see if this helps.
Well, just met with our cabinet maker and got the rough designs done. He feels it will be done by Christmas for sure! The cabinet will have a 3-D structure instead of being just flat...the cabinets on the side will extend out so the tank will look recessed. It works on paper;) We'll be using MinWax for the stain...a combo of black walnut and red mahogany which is what we used for the window frame. The wood will be maple as I didn't want too much grain. I want everything pretty simple and the tank to be the focus. Tom is working on the RO/DI and top off system. My camera's battery died and the charger is at work, so I'll get some more pics up probably Tuesday (might have lower bowl tickets to the Magic tomorrow night and can't pass those up if they become available!)
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Hey Marcye! I just got off the phone with Carole and she directed me to your new tank build thread. Congrats on the new tank, it's awesome! I really love the aquascaping--you and Tom did a great job. Carole told me you are running Vortechs; how do you like them? I love mine.

Take care!
Hey there Les, long time no see! Thanks! I love the Vortechs. With those and the Flow Accelerators on the Dart we have more than enough flow (actually had to throttle the pump back a bit). How's your tank doing? We need to stay in touch! Marcye
Well, the tank is doing fantastic! My acros are showing visible signs of coloring up daily. The Suharsonoi is getting very green on the base, the plana is already getting more purple, the Austera is turning blue and all the polyps are fully extended. The anemone looks fantastic and, as hoped, is staying exactly where I placed it. I'm particularly please with a piece of Aussie Tubinaria I picked up recently. There were a few small patches of purple on the base and I was hoping that the purple would become more dominate under higher light. It is! I believe it's Turbinaria Stellulata. I've found a pic of a very similiar piece in Corals of the World. The pic is from Australia and the base is very purple. This will be a fun coral to watch transform! I took some pics this morning but I can't get the white balance right...I'm either too yellow or too blue. I really have to take some time to play with the setting to try to get the colors truer. All the fish are doing great, including my blue spot jawfish which was my biggest concern. He's still in the same spot up front and has to know everything that's going on. I still have the whites on the LED's at 50% and the blues at 100%. I'm still considering toning the whites down to about 35% for a bit as the light is very bright, but I'm giving it some time to see how all adjust. I really like the ability to set the light color at whim, a very nice feature on the Solaris. I'll try tonight to get better pics.
Parameters day 24:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Phosphate: 0

Salinity: 1.025
Calcium: 460
Alk: 10.5
Magnesium: 1400

Readings on Aquacontroller III after two hours of lights on:
Temp: 79.4
ORP: 260
PH: 8.54
I'm glad to hear you like the Solaris, been thinking about getting one, just don't know when to jump in as the technology curve is still progressing