Oceanic 215 with Solaris Build

Mike, I think in each group you will have one morph into a male. Case in point is mine. Wow, she's been a lone female for at least 4 years since the male died and as soon as I placed another female, within days she began the transformation. It's pretty mind blowing!!! Like you, at first it was my thought, as well, to do several species of anthias, but continued reading hasn't turned up any hard evidence that I'll be able to keep to all female groups and I haven't seen any male anthias that will tolerate another in the same tank. If I even have them next to each other in display tanks, they'll scrape themselves up trying to get to each other through the partition. Sorry for the bad news:(
So how are you finding the Solaris lights? Are you happy with them?

Just curious as i'm thinking of getting rid of my 2 400w halides and getting one of the new 48" Solaris lights for the tank. I will be keeping mostly SPS and Clams.
Mike, I'm doing some research for you. I've never kept several females of different species, nor has anyone I've asked so far. I'll let you know if I find anyone who's tried it.

So far, I love the Solaris light. I now have the whites down to 45% and the blues 100%. Coral colors are changing. It'll be interesting to see how they do. I really don't have any blue corals in there yet. I did place a small piece of wild Lokani and it bleached out, so I removed it. One of the two Aussie elegance is definitely changing...I"m watching it to make sure it's not under too much light. All fish are doing well. The female anthias is probably half way through the change. The purple square is getting noticably darker. I'll be adding another small female this week. With a larger harem, I'm hoping for a super male. We had to rebuild the left side as the clowns had collapsed some of the rock so we fortified it. Of course my poor husband was under attach the whole time, but managed to get the rock moved and smaller rocks underneath to prevent it from happening again. I'll try to post some more pics soon.
Looking great Marcye! Thanks for the reminder, I need to make sure my clay rocks are on a firm surface. I have lots of diggers (pistol shrimp - goby's etc). Don't want to have to climb in these big tanks to often.
Well, been very busy lately and just haven't been able to play with the camera to try to get some decent pics. The tank 45% on the whites and my have to drop them even more. My acros are doing very well...except the one I lost to the Vortech (too close...blew the skin right off!).

I lost one lobophyllia that, despite being only 1/2 up on the rock was still under too much light...really upset about that one as it was purple center with an orange exterior. All the fish except one are doing very well. I lost the powder brown tang...the only fish I bought outside my normal place. It was actually a pity buy as he was pretty thin and I hated leaving him to just die. At least I tried. I'll get another soon from my normal source and I'm sure I'll have better luck.

My Suharsonoi is getting very green and has excellent polyp extension. My Banana Austera is getting more color and my elegance is doing fantastic.

The blue spot jaw is happily entrenched within his fortress and eats like a pig...he's truly my favorite fish to watch...goofy as anything!

The female anthias appears to have finished her transformation to male. I will soon add a third female and will wait a while before adding any more fish.

My cabinet is coming along nicely and will have some custom panels in the front. Will be in touch with the designer very soon to get those started.

Here are a couple pics from today showing the progress so far:



Looking fantastic Marcye! The woodworking is wonderful, it's so hard the get the ends to butt together so cleanly and clearly he did a great job.

will you be putting a ledge on the lip right below the tank?
Thanks all! Yes, it's being built in sections so it can be pulled apart if we need to get to the back for any reason. The canopy will also be recessed. There will be some simple crown molding on top and also some wood trim tying all the wood work together. We need to talk soon!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11401345#post11401345 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mflamb
Do you think a female of each species will morph?

I had a trio of Bartlett's Anthais (1 male and 2 females). One weekend while I was away, the male jumped out of the tank. In less than 48 hours the dominant female turned in to a male.
hi,,,question about the light please,,
is it true ,,you don't have to ever change the light led bulb at all?
what if one led burn ,,can it be replace ?or fix?
does it come with hanging kit too or just the leg?
my tank is 63 long,,,so i may have to hang it,,
where is thebest place to buy that light do you know? thanks
haha,,jobless but not a homeless,,,jobless b/c i love my hobby so much so i quick my job and stay home build my dream tank instead,,,,
i do have to say i love the look of the LEDs but my lord it would cost me a fortune to light my tank with them . at 11 ft long i would have to mortgage my house for them lol
You can check out the lights here:

My tank is doing very well! My SPS are growing and coloring up nicely. All my fish are doing exceptionally well. The only coral I'm having some problems with at this point is one of the two Aussie Elegance and a favia, but I think I just have to feed more as the tank is so new.