Richard this is very true. Just about all fish that are sold with the exception of maybe four (that I can think of) are relitively easy to keep for if you learn about the animal and then make a commitment to care for it the way it needs to be taken care of. You can't buy a copperband butterfly, mandarin, moorish Idol and seahorse, put them in a tank and feed flakes. It ain't gonna happen. You have to learn what those fish do in the sea, what they eat and how often. There is a reason that all of the fish are not evenly distributed in all of the seas. The oceans have been there for millions of years and the fish as we know them have been there for thousands of years yet most of them are only found in a limited range. Why do moorish Idols only live in the pacific? I don't know. The Caribbean is nice but they are not there nor are long nose butterflys. Why? There is a reason. I don't know it but I am sure there is something in the fishes natural range that it needs, or at least likes. We have to learn what these things are and try to duplicate or at least substitute it. Baby brine shrimp are not always a substitute for pods thats why so many people have a hard time with mandarins. Tangs are schooling fish and are extreamly stressed in a tank alone, thats why they are so called "ich magnets". Copperband butterflys eat worms and most other fish eat smaller fish, heads, guts and all, Frozen Angel Diet may not always work on all fish that look like an angel fish. Moorish Idols eat mostly sponges. Believe me, they do.
That is why, in my opinion it is hard for a Do Not buy List. It should be "Do not Buy" unless you know what you are doing and you are willing to spend the time these animals need. If your fish keep dying, it is not their fault, it is yours.