Oh LEDs....


New member
Well, my ecoxotic panorama strips are all starting to fail on me. I've worked with Ecoxotic previously with replacing them and they are great but I'm tired of finding strips that flicker or burn out, etc....

So, I ordered this yesterday: http://www.rapidled.com/dual-aurora-puck-kit-dimmable/

Price seemed nice and the number and intensity of the diodes far exceeds those on the Ecoxotic strips.

Anyone have experience with these pucks? Or RapidLED?

They were super helpful with all my questions yesterday which was a huge reason I decided to order.

Hope to have some pics of new lights up once they come in.
You basically just bought an Ecotech Radion without the extra stuff. I have been looking at these for a bit since they were recommended by a friend. Good find!
Thanks! I was comparing the array to the Radions and the diode colors vary a bit but I'm hoping (with some level/intensity adjustments) they'll look good. I also only purchased one of the double puck kits so I'll have 1/2 a radion on each side of my 75.
Well, you essentially bought half a radion, w/4 channels instead of 5. But Rapid is a GREAT company to deal with.
Sounds like a great light.

If rapid is cloning Ecotech, this would explain the merger with AI and earlier price drops. 900 to 750 for the Pro model is a substantial cut, but I'd imagine Ecotech will break 500 by the end of the year for a lower end model. I'd be interested to see what happens. as soon as they put the Aurora in the Onyx box they'll be in real good shape. But the software will still be lacking, at least for the moment.
Oh and.....those aurora pucks use the TIR lenses. Only thing they need to figure out is how to make it more channels.
Oh and.....those aurora pucks use the TIR lenses. Only thing they need to figure out is how to make it more channels.

Seems like they're taking a page from the chinese book lol. As long as they don't get destroyed by Ecotech's legal team, it should be a positive for the industry.
While I have people chiming in on these pucks.... anybody use Rapid's PWM controller (http://www.rapidled.com/ddc-02-pwm-controller/)? I ordered it with the Aurora pucks to have a simple sunrise sunset feature. The only problem I see is the PWM controller only has 3 channels so I'll probably just tie the Blues and Violets together on one channel. Unless someone has a better idea.

Did you order the 60-48P drivers? Regarless, if you did order the P drivers I'd still go with a Typhon controller over Rapid PWM dimmer.

Yes, I ordered the 60-48P drivers. I was looking at so many controllers yesterday before I ordered these my head hurt.... I figured after everything, keep it stupid simple, buy the controller from the company I'm buying the LEDs from.... we'll see.

I was also considering the Storm but it looks like they are out of stock as of now. Eventually, I want to pick up an aquarium controller, so I'll rely on the Rapid PWM for now.

Thanks :)
I still say the typhon, the Rapid PWM only does 3 channels and the typhon does 4. It's probably an all around better controller.
Have heard good things about Rapid. The Rapid Aurora pucks and LEDgroupbuy Lumia 5.2 are pretty exciting in the DIY world IMO.
Seems like they're taking a page from the chinese book lol. As long as they don't get destroyed by Ecotech's legal team, it should be a positive for the industry.

Since RapidLED appears to be an authorized retailer for Vortech pumps (http://www.rapidled.com/pumps/), I would think EcoTech knows quite a bit about this company... Maybe we are seeing "radions" below the $500 mark and just don't realize it....

Sorry, these are the things that keep me up at night. :)