Oh LEDs....

Since RapidLED appears to be an authorized retailer for Vortech pumps (http://www.rapidled.com/pumps/), I would think EcoTech knows quite a bit about this company... Maybe we are seeing "radions" below the $500 mark and just don't realize it....

Sorry, these are the things that keep me up at night. :)

lol, work keeps me up at night :(

I think anyone can be a retailer of Vortechs if they can sell enough of them. I'd love to know what ecotech would say about the similarity though...

And now.... We build!!!
Not much work on the lights today.... managed to route all the jumper wires into a molex and mounted the fans on the heatsinks....

Should be blowing down, I was also suggested to leave a gap between the heatsinks and the fans, I have mine sitting about 1/2" off the heatsink. Your build is looking good!
It honestly doesn't matter if the fans are pushing or pulling just as long as air is moving.

Technically your wrong, but practically your right doesn't matter to much in this type of application. :reading:

When you push water molecules across a surface you will transfer more heat.

The other side of this, when you pull (IE, create a vacuum) water molecules across a surface, you will transfer less heat.
I say either way works simply because, if it's pushing air it's pushing cooler air onto the heatsink. And at the same time if you're pulling it's pulling the hot air away, therefore both doing the exact thing. Either way is fine.
If there was a plenum covering the whole heat sink I would configure the fan to pull for greater efficiency, since there isn't a plenum then pushing would be best.
Wanted to give a quick update on my RapidLED Aurora Pucks.... I got to a point where I had the Blue channel and White/RGB Channels at about 80%+ which I think was frying the SPS at the top of the tank while anything else in the lower portion or not directly under the pucks were doing good but not great.

So, tonight I added 2 T5HO bulbs to the mix. So, current lighting will be RapidLED Aurora Pucks at about 40% power for 10 hours (with an hour ramp up and down), and ATI AquaBlue Special and Blue+ for about 3 hours midday with a gradual build up. Hoping with the decrease in the LEDs my Acros will start looking better and with the T5s my lower lying coral will continue to grow.

Did a quick test this evening and I really like the combo of the LED and T5... kind of a windex color with just the T5s on but when the LEDs kicked in I had some nice shimmer and somewhat of a 16,000K look (just guessing on that, not too blue).
