Barry, let me explain to you the genius that is I. I decided to get a tankless water heater so that I could save money essentially by only heating the water when it was being used, rather than 24/7 while it sat around in a tank and lost heat.
So I have very cold ground water, coming in at about 55F during the Summer and 45F during the Winter. This required a top-end water heater, and since I don't have natural gas, it would have to be be electric. I opted, after much research, for a very well constructed expensive model that measures the incoming water temp. and only uses enough electricity to get the water up to my set point.
This water heater is powerful enough to run at least two hot water appliances at once and I ran 2 x #2 lines to its sub panel plus the #6 ground. It has a 125AMP breaker at one of my main panels. So here I am with really a great water heater. The water is a steady heat and because it us set to the correct temp. (109F) we don't have to mix hot and cold to get the right temp. and that in theory saves water too.
I also bought a Bosch dishwasher that heats its own water, as well as a clothes washer that heats its own water. And because this water heater is set to the desired temp. and does not require us to use cold water to mix, you can flush the tolilet in the same bathroom the shower is running, and no change in shower water temp. It's basically water heater heaven right?
Except for one unforseen problem. We now all take endless showers because we never run out of hot water. That means that when my son takes an hour long shower at 3.2 GPH, he is actually using 192 gallons of water. How do I know how much water is used...well this fancy water heater tells me all the data about water flows, temp.s and power consumtion right on its LCD screen. And for thoseof you living in condos, this heater is designed to fit between two seriously, it's smaller than a briefcase. So you get an extra closet. I replaced two extra large water heaters with this little box.
Next time you come out Barry, I'll show it to you.