OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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it's really hard to learn about this tank when all I see are posts that contain less than 5 words or posts that are TOTALLY off topic of the tank
sorry you have to hear this scapes, but Jonathan thread is more like a lounge/bar room :bum: .
scapes: Sorry this thread isn't up to your expectations. There are plenty of more worthy threads on RC, many of which I follow, enjoy, learn from, and sometimes add my own 2 cents.

I often get annoyed by "I'm tagging along" or "great tank" posts, as I tend to appreciate posts that are more informative, but that goes with the territory and if you haven't noticed, people that post in this thread are a loose group of REAL reefers.

Don't you have some flowers to deadhead?
No problem. I should be off by 4 or shortly thereafter.

I lost the elegance yesterday. Damn angelfish started in on the right side of it and it's toast. I guess I need a new centerpiece coral now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10455726#post10455726 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sherm71tank
I lost the elegance yesterday.

I had very good luck (and I do think it is a degree of that element with those corals; I would not even have had it were it not from someone else who quickly recognized that it would fare poorly in his tank) with one for almost two years... until I added a centropyge that I just couldn't resist. Needless to say, that fish was not worth the loss of that coral.
hehehehehehehe(about your reply to Hop)

....sorry to hear about the elegance, but indeed it's you choice of fish. That coral was a beaut. Let's put a nice SPS in there!
Sorry... I personally feel that once you take the individualism out of the hobby, it looses it's appeal. We are from many different backgrounds, with many different experience levels. The common bond is reefing and well... I like people and reefing.

This is one reason that I don't surf RC much anymore. It's lost it's appeal and being FUN, educational and informative. There are too many people here who think that somehow they are one post, one method leaders in the hobby. I'm sick of typing a two page thesis on why a certain husbandry technique works well for me:)

I enjoy this thread and the other 27 I subscribe to, but I would really like to see RC get back to where it was four or even six years ago and allow people to HAVE FUN!

But just my .02... I've been wrong many many times before:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10455860#post10455860 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hop

But just my .02... I've been wrong many many times before:lol:

How many times do you think? Six or seven? :rollface: :D Don't get stuck on the fine print!

Jonathan: We may have to do just that!!!

token: I also had great success with them several years ago. I had one in a 55 gal that I had to get rid of because it grew too large for the tank. Ahh well......
I love Alaskan Smoked Porter
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10455885#post10455885 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Hop, you realize your post had 7 words right?
Two were the same word, so I wasn't sure how to count it:lol: I didn't want to get caught up in the fine print particulars!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10455906#post10455906 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hop
Two were the same word, so I wasn't sure how to count it:lol: I didn't want to get caught up in the fine print particulars!
I was giving you credit for two sentences; the first, "Wow." qualified and was below the limit but the second had six words so it failed.

But, really, I failed. ;)

More seriously, this is one of my favorite threads. It reminds me that this hobby is just that. I can sometimes get caught up in it, struggle with it and be battered by it.

But then I read about beer bottles in the fish room the next morning or a buddy helping another with a skimmer and remember what it's really about...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10455478#post10455478 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sherm71tank
BTW Jonathan, I'll be over right after work tomorrow to help out with the reactor.

Help empty the fridge you mean! :beer:
I'lll have some Porter for ya Sherman...if I go into the store tomorrow. I think I may be having withdrawel from the valium if you can believe that...and you want to hear something else totally retarded?

My wife sent the LAST case of Goulden Caroulus Grand Cru to my friggin' Dad...and he's in North Carolina for God's sake. I was so confused by this apparent total loss of reason on her part, I didn't even know what to say. Is that considered a Capital Offense?
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