Premium Member
It seems weird that the comm lines would be the issue after running without a hitch for so long, no?
But, hey, if it gets you back on line, whatever ....
As far as the financial markets go .... ugh! Not that it will happen ... But, as long as the fed nixes golden parachutes, maybe even seizes a few of the insane CEO bonuses written over the past few years, and maybe even jails a few basteges for putting us in this position, I'll get over the bail out ... what's another trillion or so in nation debt?
... As a middle class shlump, living the "American Dream" of owning my own business, and struggling every day to cover the toxic debt that I incur, (payroll, payroll taxes, corporate taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, insurance, and $4 + dollar a gallon fuel) I can hope, ... right?
But, hey, if it gets you back on line, whatever ....
As far as the financial markets go .... ugh! Not that it will happen ... But, as long as the fed nixes golden parachutes, maybe even seizes a few of the insane CEO bonuses written over the past few years, and maybe even jails a few basteges for putting us in this position, I'll get over the bail out ... what's another trillion or so in nation debt?
... As a middle class shlump, living the "American Dream" of owning my own business, and struggling every day to cover the toxic debt that I incur, (payroll, payroll taxes, corporate taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, insurance, and $4 + dollar a gallon fuel) I can hope, ... right?