OMG!! I think I FINALLY found the perfect specimen of my favorite coral!!

20 years ago i had one that was one foot wide. The center piece of my tank.. Back then there was no SPS or chalices. It was clams, euphylia, cataphylia etc... or colt corals, (I had one 1 foot wide), leathers ( i had one 1 foot wide)., brown mushrooms, etc..

It was my favorite coral of all times.. I took my tank apart at that time, and sold it to a co worker that never paid me for $30. :headwally:

Those where the days. :o:hmm4:

That sucks. Sorry to hear about it.
My friend has had one for alomost a year and it is thriving. He actually moved it to the back corner behind his rocks cause it was killing coral. It is still doing fine as far as I know.
Im done with Elegance. I dont care to pull more out of the wild if it wont live.

I replaced it with the below. A friend of mine bought a few branches from Jimbo on here, and over a few years it grew big time. She got out of hobby and gave me this specimen. It has now been in my tank for 3 months and doing well. Notice second pic with tape measure. Aquaculture at its best!!!

