one month after the upgrade to an 850gal reef

That is insane, awesome, absolutely incredible! You did an excellent job. It does look so close to what an underwater diving picture would look like. I have read every single response you have written in this thread, and its so cool how you decided to put the tank together with the moving lights and all. Great job.
Makes me want to upgrade my 55. Just a few questions
how many fish?
How many kinds of corals do you have, like different colors of acros and such.
Can you get a pic of those rose bubble tip anemones? I'd love to see the group.
Have your gonioporas always been far(ther) away from the light?
do you target feed your clams or anemones?
How much live stock did you loose threw the whole process of moving?
So how many watts do you have on it total?
And you set this whole thing up in a day?! What an inspiration!
Thanks for the pics. It looks awesome!
Keep up the good work!:eek2: :eek1: :eek2: :eek1: :D

1) There are about 20 fish
2) There are about 25 coral heads with about 15 species
3) My gonioporas have always been towards the bottom
4) I target feed the anemones (meaty seafood) but, nothing else
5) I lost 7 heads during the move after all was said and done
6) The light hood has 5800watts of light
Going out today going to upgrade my 5 gal you guys will see I will post pics of my new 6 gal reef with 3000 watts of light 1liter sump 8 inch sand bed and a ES53 skimmer lol


awesome tank you should be proud.I had a great time reading about it and looking at your pics
First I'll say beautiful tank. Every question I had was answered within the 11 pages :)

It easily rivals any marine displays at the zoos.

The New England Aq. reminds me that typically the reef displays at public aquariums are quite disappointing. Do you guys find that to be true? I'vd been to NE, Balatimore, Monterey, Long Beach and Steve's is way more impressive.

I would have to say the Aquarium at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha Nebraska comes close. It is amazing. 850,000 gallons of circulating salt-water. oh, it does have the usual huge shark.ray underwater walk-through tunnel. But the reefs are what is amazing....

I gotta stay with this thread.

Steve, there are no words.... :beer: :beer:

How are those Sequence pumps working out for yeah? I read earlier that you where going to "test" 2 before making the complet switch. Have you done that ? I have a Sequence 21 model and love it.
Doc... I've been running two of my four closed loop pumps with the Seq 23 for about two months now and they have yet to leak a drop of water while having the same noise and amp draw as the Dolphins. I will be replacing the other two closed loop pumps here shortly (I'm getting tired of constantly replacing the wet towel under the Dolphins). I will replace the rest of my Dolphins as they fail( with the equivilent sequence pump) in the future.
Man, you gotta love photo shop these days. I wish I had thought to take a picture from a reef and digitaly work it into an aquarium....... ;)

Karm40... I never really considered the Tunze wave pumps. They put out great flow- true.... but, at a price... visual pollution. When I set up this tank, the overiding concern was to have absolutely no plumbing pipes... no powerheads... no wires... no returns... and, as much as possible, no overflows.... just reef. I couldn't figure out to hide the wave pumps without impeding their flow... in fact, I run two of the closed loop jets with 3/4 eductors on them.. and I had a tough time hiding them.
Karm40... actually, I think the Tunze pumps are called "stream" pumps.. not wave. I guess I'm not sure what pump that you're refering to...... Ah, I just found it... Wave 2K pumps... they do put out a great flow, but for the reasons stated above, I passed on it... just too hard to completely hide without impeding its flow
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OK you forgot one thing though.
a decompression chamber for when you have to go to the bottom.:fish1:

This tank just leaves me in awe! I found myself speed reading the posts
to get on to the next pictures and to your replies.

Thank you ever so much for sharing this with all of us!

You have my vote for best tank of 2003! ahh heck 2004 :)

Best to you and your tank!
Steve, I am up here in Vancouver Wash and was wondering where you located your carpet anemones? I am having a hard time locating one in any of the usual LFS, did you mail order, or have one of the LFS special order?
Awsome reef by the way...and when are you going to host a club meeting?;) I would love to see this tank in person!
bmcelhinn.... I have about 10 cleaner shrimp, 25 snails, and 2 serpent stars. The most effective clean up crew member is me. I'm a believer in manually removing detritus through water movement (and thus removal from the filters in the overflows) and frequent sand vacuuming. This detritus removal improves water quality tremendously... especially when it comes to phosphate. That's why my sand always looks so white... I clean it often... and each cleaning removes a bunch of sand along with the detritus... and after several cleanings, I replace the sand. This way detritus doesn't collect, the water quality stays high, and my sand looks great.

Madmike.... carpets have been rare lately up here, so, I suggest you go mail order. Cquarium gets carpets fairly often. I go to LA fairly regularly on business and sometimes ship stuff back up to myself when I make the LFS rounds down there. I already hosted two meetings... where were you? I may host another this summer. Right now I'm starting to work on my next project... an extremely comprehensive website for my tank that I hope will debut in early summer.
Cool, thanks for the info. I started my tank around the time you last hosted a meeting i knew I felt like a rookie and didn't go, i'm kicking myself still:lol: .Looking forward to seeing the website.