Our 375 Gallon project

A reefcast? Wassa Reefcast?
LOL = Sounds geeky and I'm all into geeky...

And thanks Winder, for the reply. I'm really curious about this stuff. You have had it going for a while now - what almost a year? Noticed any problems like Nitrates or anything? I am just paranoid, and have learned that often, if something sounds too good to be true ('Handi foam'), it often (but not always) is...

Another and I were worried it might turn into a nitrate sponge after time...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7741253#post7741253 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770
I'd have to agree with you there!! :D. I actually listened to your reefcast #7 & 8 yesterday at work......... so I guess work is good for something :)

I have to admit- until yesterday, I had only listened to the first 6 reefcasts so it was a suprise to hear my tank mentioned (I didn't expect a new Reefcast so soon- you guys are making regular shows now). Your reefcasts are definately cool and to anyone who hasn't listened you're missing out. Just in case people don't know where to go it's http://www.reefcast.com/ or follow the link on Melev's site.

We'll probably be out in the Dallas area in the next month or 2 and would love to stop by and see your tank and if you happen to be doing a reefcast I'd be happy to be part of it. And of course I'd bring some Crown and Coke with me or :D. If things go as planned we'll be living in TX down the road as well.

If you arrive bearing Crown Royal in hand, we'll fire up the reefcast machine. :lol: We did try to do "Groupcast" a couple of nights ago, so listen for those silly moments in the next episode.

You are definitely welcome to come over and visit. Although compared to your setup, I think mine may not make much of an impression.

What are your plans with the current setup if you move? Are you hoping to sell your home to a fellow reefer? Now that you are so close to the finished product, customizing your home to fit around the tank, I can't believe you're moving.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7742854#post7742854 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
If you arrive bearing Crown Royal in hand, we'll fire up the reefcast machine. :lol: We did try to do "Groupcast" a couple of nights ago, so listen for those silly moments in the next episode.

You mean I left before the "Reefcast Machine" came out! Bummer!:mad:
Insane Reefer- Just follow the link I posted to the reefcast- it's pretty cool and you can tell they have way to much fun doing it :D. Nothing fancy but some good info and joking around by fellow reefers. As for the foam- I can't say that I've noticed anything negative about it. I have nitrates of 4 - 8 but I think that's caused by the bio-load, not the foam. It's had that nitrate reading fairly constantly for well over 6 months now. I feed twice a day so that probably doesn't help.

melev- I'd love to stop by while I'm out and if you happen to do a reefcast while I'm there that would be great! It would be great to see your setup as I've seen and heard so much about it- I'm sure I'll be impressed by it. As for the tank moving- I'd rather not say just yet :)

Thanks all for the compliments! I'll try to keep posting pics but I'm running out of things to take pics of so if you have any requests just let me know.

This is a pic I took a few days ago. A little blurry and not quite the true color but I'm still learning on this new camera. I think I'm up to 2000 pics taken with it so far but well over 80% of them just get deleted because they are so bad :rolleyes:

Your tank looks nice and clean, Scott. I don't see a lot of coralline, which is like my tank.
Wow, amazing tank Scott. I found this thread from ReefCast and have to admit it's given me a lot to think about for future tanks. Considering, as a reefer, I dream about larger tanks every day, you're now in my daily thoughts. I just thought you should know so you could be honored, or scare. I'm not sure which.
that would have to be the best tank i've ever seen man i wish my wife like reef tanks enough to let me do that!!!!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6668907#post6668907 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sidewinder770

Hey Scott,

What was the best way for you to get rid of the bubbles from your skimmer without socks? Thanks.
hay whats up i had a question for you i was thinking of building a 220 with a cls but im stumped on thickness of glass if you don't mind me asking whats the thickness and hight of you tank thanks and love the tank and by the way my wife finally let me build it :)
Sidewinder. Heard about this on reefcast. Took me two weeks to read your post. Man... your planning, patience, creativity, and "NO FEAR" brand of DIY is truly inspiring.

Watching with great interest

:bigeyes: :bigeyes: :bigeyes: :bigeyes: :bigeyes:
