Hey all, sorry for the delay in responding- it's just been a busy month.
Not much new on the tank as far as updates go- still have cabinetry to finish. As far as the questions-
melev- there is actually quite a bit of coraline but it's hard to see in most of the pictures. The foam on the back wall is about 60-70% covered in coraline now.
Apparition- In your daily thoughts...That could be kind of scary

. Never had my own stalker before

dez_2121- Having a very supportive better half makes all the difference in the world. I wouldn't have even attempted this without her. She's the brains of the operation- I'm just a newbie! This is my first reef tank afterall.
kimoyo- Notice in the picture all the plumbing in the sump on the right side? That's all for the skimmer output to help reduce the bubbles. I have the output of the skimmer split into two 3" PVC "T's" to help disipate the bubbles before entering the sump. I have messed around with several configurations and so far this seems to work the best. The fact that it's a 7' long sump with 9 baffles helps a lot as well.
dez_2121- The tank is 96x30x30 and is 3/4" thick on all sides and actually 1" on the back. I thought about making it out of 1" on all sides but as it is I don't have hardly any deflection at all- maybe 1/8" at the center which is very acceptable.
rmanecke- Thanks! I don't know if I'd call it "NO FEAR DIY". Several things on this setup I had never seen before so it was kind of new territory and I put a lot of thought into making sure everything would work correctly and last a long time and so far it's paid off. I also just installed a second DIY 1 ton split chiller since our garage temps are easily in the 120-140 degree range this time of year. So far they are working better than I had hoped and are very reliable and efficent.
neotekz- Most of the people that see this that aren't in the hobby just like to look at the display tank (Nemo and Dori come up more times than I can count). They don't really seem very interested in the sump room at all or even ask about it. Other reefers, on the other hand, are the exact opposite- seems like they enjoy standing in the hot garage looking at the sump room more than the tank!

I seem to be in the garage tinkering more than looking at the tank sometimes as well, partially because all there is to do in the display tank is feed, and scrape the glass

all the fun stuff happen in the garage
I'll see if I can find some new pics to post this week!