At first I thought I had flatworms but I think it was TMZ pointed out walking ciliates. I got a chance to get up close and sure enough they are a type of Hypotrichida. I found a few that can be a redish color but haven't positively ID'ed them yet to a specific genus. I do have some other kinds spread through previous photos but those red ones really love the ATS. I don't think I've really seen them like that anywhere else in the tank.That's a lot of worms in that one shot! I like the copepod (?) on the side, too. Have you bought any small animal cultures to add, or did these come with live rock?
Sorry for the blasting. I have taken a lot of pictures the past couple of samples. I have one more to do from a different area. I was going to tonight but not able to so will tomorrow night hopefully.You post so many pics that it's hard to follow. Yet everyone appreciates it and I can't get enough.
I am not sure. Definitely not algae strands. Very straight.I see the strings. What do you think they are?