Uronychia*is another of those impossible, almost imaginary, but real beings, who live in drops of water.*A strange and not very common ciliate that inhabits the brackish waters of some coastal lagoons.*Uronychia*feeds on algae and bacteria and more than a protozoan with cilia looks like a protozoan with*▷*claws*.*
The front part of*Uronychia*carries a tuft of short cilia, they are placed in the vicinity of the mouth and thanks to them, this ciliate advances sailing, with that ballast armed in hooks of its posterior portion.*To one side and the other, the hooks of*Uronychiashow their appearance of threatening claw, appear immobile and rigid and more than useful appear to be a hindrance, yes, looking fierce.*
The thick cirrus-hooks of*Uronychia*are nothing more than cilia soldiers who have made this weapon of peace.*They are only prepared for flight, some of them, such as spring jumping*▷*when*Uronychia*is seen in danger and thus, jump and*Uronychia*flea*pirouette*disappears from the scene.*We do not doubt also that whoever dares to take a bite of this small ciliate will take a thorny memory of the experience.*
Uronychiashows in the interior the round and greenish remains of a spherical kelp, gleaned in the sediments some other while shuddering in jumps from time to time.*
The specimen of this ciliary that appears here photographed at 400 magnification with interference contrast technique comes from samples collected in the Peniscola marshes, wetlands of extraordinary interest in which among a unique fish fauna also inhabit microscopic organisms like this .