P.Cilliata help needed


New member
Hi all, I've had my first mantis shrimp for about 7 months now and the last two months she's been acting very oddly. Ok i should say odder than usual as she's always been a bit off. She's moving around the tank with her head right down toward the sand and appears to have issues with her raptors. She's never even attempted to strike me, or her coral goby tankmates which concerns me somewhat. Though feeder shrimp do eventually vanish!!

And after her last molt three days ago, it looks like she has shell rot over a fair part of her carapace. Does anyone have any decent care sheets for this species, or any tips and general tricks for them as I'm coming up blank online.

Temp is 25.5, Salinity is 0.026, no nitrites or ammonia, nitrates at below 10, 50% water changes performed weekly without fail.


(The site doesnt want me adding photos, so i've had to provide a link to my instagram!)
I have never seen this in P. ciliata. It doesn't llook like conventional shell rot. Rather I suspect else. One possibility that comes to mind is that something might be stinging it. Do you have any zooanthids or anemones in the aquarium?

Zoanthids on the top rock yeah and plenty of pest nems that're being dealt with slowly. Slightly tricky to get rid of when your mantis shrimp just loves a tasty shrimp snack.