People Eaters

Sharkboy, it's a shame your memory doesn't go back more than 5 days... if it did, you'd remember yourself posting a picture of your zoas to this same forum and not in the sticky thread:

I dont usually post in picture threads. However, since blues are my favorite... This is my alltime favorite zoanthid, hands down.
Please dont PM me for frags, or the name or anything. Last time I posted a pic of these I got slammed with tons of PM's. I am not selling these. Thanks.


But hey, I guess that's different, you're the kettle we're the pot.

To make this thread a bit more educational, you mentioned "designer" zoas. No mention to designer zoas have been posted on this thread. But so that you can learn the defintion of the adjective designer from

designed or created by or carrying a label or identification of a designer, especially a fashion designer, but often mass-produced: designer jeans.

So let's relate to this hobby in an example... Clothes (Coral) -> Pants (zoas/palys) -> Cutoff Relax Fit Blue Jeans (People Eaters) -> Tommy Hilfiger Cuttoff Relax Fit Blue Jeans (Jason Fox Blood Shots). Attaching a person's name to the coral is what makes it designer... not labeling it with a community accepted nickname such as watermelon, eagle eye, etc etc.

Mucho I appreciate the picture thread... many time I enjoy browsing general zoa pics in that thread... however, sometimes I just want to see a certain type of zoa, spiderman, sea foam, or sometimes just general blue zoas...

Also, many times the individual type of zoa threads have information regarding that specific zoa and their care... take my example above where I spoke of how I got the purple rings to show up on my polyps... I learned that from a thread about that type of zoa a few years back.

BTW Shark, rather than posting your gripes on other people's threads, start a new thread to air your concerns or post to the many threads you are already involved in which discuss designer zoas, zoa prices, etc. The OP was not breaking any of the forum's rules and didn't deserve your comments and insinuations.

My apologies to the original poster for being part of hijacking his thread....

So what kinda conditions are you guys with the awesome purple (and red!) people eaters growing them in?


I mean, the pictures are great and all, don't get me wrong...but what *I* really want to know is how I can make the PPE (or whatever) I eventually acquire look as nice as those posted here :D
I have a 29 gal biocube with 150 watt k2 viper 14k phoenix bulb. These ppe are in the middle of my tank. I have a lot of acans and nps so I feed a lot of food any ways... mysis, shrimp, squid, silver side, dts, and marine snow. Most of the time I have low flow but I vary my flow from time to time. I have never used supplements or additives. I do 10 gal water changes every week though. In my experience pes grow very slowly.
I would like to hear other peoples' conditions and advice too.:beer:
Sharkboy, it's a shame your memory doesn't go back more than 5 days... if it did, you'd remember yourself posting a picture of your zoas to this same forum and not in the sticky thread:

But hey, I guess that's different, you're the kettle we're the pot.

To make this thread a bit more educational, you mentioned "designer" zoas. No mention to designer zoas have been posted on this thread. But so that you can learn the defintion of the adjective designer from

designed or created by or carrying a label or identification of a designer, especially a fashion designer, but often mass-produced: designer jeans.

So let's relate to this hobby in an example... Clothes (Coral) -> Pants (zoas/palys) -> Cutoff Relax Fit Blue Jeans (People Eaters) -> Tommy Hilfiger Cuttoff Relax Fit Blue Jeans (Jason Fox Blood Shots). Attaching a person's name to the coral is what makes it designer... not labeling it with a community accepted nickname such as watermelon, eagle eye, etc etc.

Mucho I appreciate the picture thread... many time I enjoy browsing general zoa pics in that thread... however, sometimes I just want to see a certain type of zoa, spiderman, sea foam, or sometimes just general blue zoas...

Also, many times the individual type of zoa threads have information regarding that specific zoa and their care... take my example above where I spoke of how I got the purple rings to show up on my polyps... I learned that from a thread about that type of zoa a few years back.

BTW Shark, rather than posting your gripes on other people's threads, start a new thread to air your concerns or post to the many threads you are already involved in which discuss designer zoas, zoa prices, etc. The OP was not breaking any of the forum's rules and didn't deserve your comments and insinuations.

My apologies to the original poster for being part of hijacking his thread....


I am astounded by your lack of self control"¦ Even after I stated that I wasn't going to lower myself to your level and attack, you still had to chime in like a crappy ringtone"¦ If you had gone on to read my next post, you would have read that I provided information on the polyps I posted. But hey its ok we all make mistakes"¦ I don't judge. There isn't anything educational about posting pictures of named designer polyps or frags"¦ I knew that before I posted the question. Which BTW johnny, is called a rhetorical question.
I guess I shouldn't even bother asking you questions since you toss them aside and go for a throat attack like a rabid dog who needs to be put down"¦ :blown:

Thank you so much for the definition of "œdesigner" jeans"¦ Did you know it could be used as an adjective before you looked it up? Oh wait that was a question"¦ I will try to refrain from doing that again"¦ :sad2:

The truth is bro, your definition of "œdesigner corals" and mine are comprehensively different"¦

While you believe it take someone's name in the coral nickname to make it designer, I do not"¦ If you had gone on to do more research you would have unveiled the fact that the word "œdesigner" can be used as a modifier. Hence why I used the description of "œDesigner Corals."

Anyone who names/creates something (whether they put their signature on it or not) and tries to market it to a vast majority of the population is in turn making it a designer product"¦ Worthless individuals like Fox and Tyree do this all the time, they just choose to put their name on it... This can be seen with the latest and greatest trendy named corals, which appears you are into along side with the others who like to "œshow them off" in eye candy threads"¦

The truth is, "œEye Candy Threads" should really be called "œEye Sore Threads."œ I don't know a single reefer personally who thinks 1 and 2 polyp named frags on white plugs is eye candy or worthy of being "shown off." Especially when the rookie fragger used such a massive amount of superglue that the glue is larger than the frag"¦

I guess in order to keep you and all the trendy coral collectors out there happy, we are going to have to find a place where the pictures of all your designer named trendy frags can be placed"¦ Oh wait, this place already exists. Its called coralpedia.

If you honestly believe that show off threads are not used to sell polyps, you are even more naive than I suspected.

BTW johnny, last time I checked we were on the same side"¦ I along with a few other friends stuck up for you and your views in one of your own threads about greed in the hobby"¦ I wouldn't expect that again.
You complained about price, yet price and naming go together like crack and the hood"¦ :uzi:

I guess my signature paints a big target on my back... Thats ok, I think sharkboy will soon to evolve into sharkman... :idea: I can take the heat...

If you choose to debate this further we can take it to PM.

Johnny, I want u to know I still love you, even if we do not agree... :inlove: :love2: :beer:

I am astounded by your lack of self control"¦ Even after I stated that I wasn't going to lower myself to your level and attack, you still had to chime in like a crappy ringtone"¦ If you had gone on to read my next post, you would have read that I provided information on the polyps I posted. But hey its ok we all make mistakes"¦ I don't judge. There isn't anything educational about posting pictures of named designer polyps or frags"¦ I knew that before I posted the question. Which BTW johnny, is called a rhetorical question.
I guess I shouldn't even bother asking you questions since you toss them aside and go for a throat attack like a rabid dog who needs to be put down"¦ :blown:

Thank you so much for the definition of "œdesigner" jeans"¦ Did you know it could be used as an adjective before you looked it up? Oh wait that was a question"¦ I will try to refrain from doing that again"¦ :sad2:

The truth is bro, your definition of "œdesigner corals" and mine are comprehensively different"¦

While you believe it take someone's name in the coral nickname to make it designer, I do not"¦ If you had gone on to do more research you would have unveiled the fact that the word "œdesigner" can be used as a modifier. Hence why I used the description of "œDesigner Corals."

Anyone who names/creates something (whether they put their signature on it or not) and tries to market it to a vast majority of the population is in turn making it a designer product"¦ Worthless individuals like Fox and Tyree do this all the time, they just choose to put their name on it... This can be seen with the latest and greatest trendy named corals, which appears you are into along side with the others who like to "œshow them off" in eye candy threads"¦

The truth is, "œEye Candy Threads" should really be called "œEye Sore Threads."œ I don't know a single reefer personally who thinks 1 and 2 polyp named frags on white plugs is eye candy or worthy of being "shown off." Especially when the rookie fragger used such a massive amount of superglue that the glue is larger than the frag"¦

I guess in order to keep you and all the trendy coral collectors out there happy, we are going to have to find a place where the pictures of all your designer named trendy frags can be placed"¦ Oh wait, this place already exists. Its called coralpedia.

If you honestly believe that show off threads are not used to sell polyps, you are even more naive than I suspected.

BTW johnny, last time I checked we were on the same side"¦ I along with a few other friends stuck up for you and your views in one of your own threads about greed in the hobby"¦ I wouldn't expect that again.
You complained about price, yet price and naming go together like crack and the hood"¦ :uzi:

I guess my signature paints a big target on my back... Thats ok, I think sharkboy will soon to evolve into sharkman... :idea: I can take the heat...

If you choose to debate this further we can take it to PM.

Johnny, I want u to know I still love you, even if we do not agree... :inlove: :love2: :beer:


Pretty harsh. How about we just chill for a bit
and lets get back to reefing? There are plenty of topics that need to be discussed on the page.
Poncho-how far do you have your light above your tank? I have the same light on a nano and very similar looking people eaters to your reds yet they don't seem happy with the light like yours do... how do you feed them, are you directly feeding them or are they just catching the floaties in the water?

IMO-reef central is like a classroom, everyone learns appears that we have someone who is definitely not a visual learner, and possibly the kid that would remind the teacher 10 seconds before the end of class that the previous nights homework has yet to be collected...just ignore him and keep posting pictures, hooray for picture threads!
So what kinda conditions are you guys with the awesome purple (and red!) people eaters growing them in?


I mean, the pictures are great and all, don't get me wrong...but what *I* really want to know is how I can make the PPE (or whatever) I eventually acquire look as nice as those posted here :D

On the tank I just tore down I was using dual 250w 14K HQIs. No supplements other than water changes and baking soda to keep alk up. The new tank has 3 250w 14k HQIs and a calcium reactor instead of dosing baking soda.

BY FAR, the thing that I've seen affect my zoas the most is water quality. For years I used a hydrometer and one day it just decided to start reading inaccurately. Salinity on the hydrometer read 1.026, but I had a lot of issues. I bought a refractiometer and found out my hydrometer's reading of 1.026 was really 1.019, which meant my salinity was 1.033. The corals REALLY did not like that.

Also, when my ALK dropped below 7 my colors faded and faded bad. When I tried keeping my temp at 80-82 instead of 76-78, my growth slowed.

If I put certain zoas, including PEs in too high of light, they grow quick but they flatten and pale.

How long did it take for them to come back? I have some RPEs that bleached to a very light pink color and don't open up real wide. I have them on the bottom of the tank under slight shade and they haven't changed in about 2 weeks.
They haven't :) I left them in the high light so they would grow out and now they are in a temporary holding tank while I finish my tank transfer (got called out of town for the week for work right in the middle of my tank transfer).

On average though with ones I have moved in the past, it has taken upwards of a month of not touching them, not moving them to have the color come back.

Here are mine. RPE. They grow really fast for me. Got them in a 28g nanocube 150w(XM 20k) hqi, an mp10 for circulation on 3/4 power. Feed all my corals about twice a week with some reefroids or coral frenzy mixed with enriched brine shrimp. Also keep at bottom of tank. Crappy pics, Best I can do.


More, they are everywhere.
Here is a picture to see the angle and distance of my light to tank. I don't target feed my zoas, they catch floater byers for the most part. But, I do spot feed my grandis polyps. Those will eat a ton of food!

I am still learning and getting familiar with my mh. I have had it for about 6 months. I originally started with the standard pc lights that were stock with the bc. So, when I upgraded to the mh I basically put all my corals on the bottom for a week or two then slowly moved the corals up. But I have had times where I underestimated the intensity of the mhs and saw my corals get torched... I think I have had those ppes for probably 1 year maybe 2. They have grown from 2 polyps to 14. Not as fast as I would like... Thus the supply side of determining cost...
Dont be fooled by the "innocence" or lack there of, of most "show off threads." These threads are put in place typically by sellers to get people to PM the poster for overpriced frags. Its sort of an unspoken secret, sellers use to suck newbies in... The zoanthid forum is not a selling/gaging interest forum, its a discussion forum. This is clearly stated in the forum sticky. A collective "picture show off sticky thread" was created to stop this.

That is a very ignorant post. First off, "MOST" is not even close to true. I know I have never done that, nor has the OP of this thread. Besides, I'll take my chances with a ZOA forum with people posting pictures of their zoas, than a ZOA forum with people like you who constantly troll other's threads.

Actually, XSharkboyX is correct. I'm not saying it's the case in this thread, but this is a VERY common issue we see and the mods watch it closely.
When I was a rookie I posted a question in this forum and got my head bit off. That was like 5 years ago... This is ridiculous. I am not interested in participating here anymore. I am not surprised that you have problems retaining or encouraging people to participate.
When I was a rookie I posted a question in this forum and got my head bit off. That was like 5 years ago... This is ridiculous. I am not interested in participating here anymore. I am not surprised that you have problems retaining or encouraging people to participate.

I am here for you bro. Don't mind some folks. I like your post actually and see nothing wrong with it. We all should participate because we all can bring something to the forum. I know you got loads of info and help which can be valuable to some. Lots of folks just remember how bad it used to be and whenever they see a picture up get all uptight. Times change and things need to evolve with it. If people want to see some pictures (that are not to sell) and how it got that way and advice then so be it. They just need to realize sometimes their actions are causing what I boldened in your post. I say stay and don't let them have their way.:beer:

Sharkboy I understand why you post the things you do but if we want this forum to be active again you can't go throwing peoples thread off course. There are many threads you can use to throw your opinion about how you feel on the topic of hyping of zoas and what not. You have done it many times and people are getting upset about it because it makes them feel unwanted and unneed; as you can see PONCHDOG2000 said they will no longer be contributing to this forum. When I see your name it just makes me want to click away from that thread because I know what is going to be inside already. We all know how you feel about this already so please control yourself and leave what you are doing to the mods because that is what they are here to do.