Perry's 120 Gallon Reef

Fish Update:

Yesterday I added a trio of female bimaculatus anthias to the tank, and wow are they purdy! I have a total of 6 anthias at this point. Started with 5 female lyretails, but unfortunately one was sick, the other picked on, so without the male, the female lyretails seem to like the smaller group size, widdled down to 3. The 3 bimaculatus have been at the shop for 3-4 weeks, they are all super healthy and vibrant. I have a male lyretail on order, and will be adding several more females. I will also be adding a male snowflake for my wild female true perc. I am going to add a longnose hawkfish, lawnmower blenny too. I am currently feeding a quarter size piece of frozen Larry Reef Frenzy 2-3 times per day, and 2 cubes of PE mysis once per day.

Tank Update:

*Nitrates up to 5-10 ppm using salifert, not overwhelmingly concerned, but noticed my skimmer was in desperate need of a cleaning, so I broke it down and vinegar cleaned. I saw the skimmate collection slowing, a few days before I cleaned the skimmer. After cleaned it took 3 days to start pulling gunk. So.....Keep your skimmer clean :)

*I also added 2L of matrix to the bottom of the middle chamber of the sump. I am loading my fish supply and feeding like crazy, so my hopes are to reduce nitrates to 2ppm with a large stock of fish. My skimmer is rated for 450 gallons, and only skimming 120 gallons, so pretty confident that I will get back on track with nitrates.

*I have also increased my AF supplementation of Pro Bio S, NP Pro, and Pro Bio F to full strength dosing based on 1 drop per 100L. 6 drops per day of the liquid dosing. 3 spoons of Pro Bio F mixed with tank water every other day.

I will get some pics up today, hopefully the new anthias will show up for the photo session :)





Fish Update:

Yesterday I added a trio of female bimaculatus anthias to the tank, and wow are they purdy! I have a total of 6 anthias at this point. Started with 5 female lyretails, but unfortunately one was sick, the other picked on, so without the male, the female lyretails seem to like the smaller group size, widdled down to 3. The 3 bimaculatus have been at the shop for 3-4 weeks, they are all super healthy and vibrant. I have a male lyretail on order, and will be adding several more females. I will also be adding a male snowflake for my wild female true perc. I am going to add a longnose hawkfish, lawnmower blenny too. I am currently feeding a quarter size piece of frozen Larry Reef Frenzy 2-3 times per day, and 2 cubes of PE mysis once per day.

Tank Update:

*Nitrates up to 5-10 ppm using salifert, not overwhelmingly concerned, but noticed my skimmer was in desperate need of a cleaning, so I broke it down and vinegar cleaned. I saw the skimmate collection slowing, a few days before I cleaned the skimmer. After cleaned it took 3 days to start pulling gunk. So.....Keep your skimmer clean :)

*I also added 2L of matrix to the bottom of the middle chamber of the sump. I am loading my fish supply and feeding like crazy, so my hopes are to reduce nitrates to 2ppm with a large stock of fish. My skimmer is rated for 450 gallons, and only skimming 120 gallons, so pretty confident that I will get back on track with nitrates.

*I have also increased my AF supplementation of Pro Bio S, NP Pro, and Pro Bio F to full strength dosing based on 1 drop per 100L. 6 drops per day of the liquid dosing. 3 spoons of Pro Bio F mixed with tank water every other day.

I will get some pics up today, hopefully the new anthias will show up for the photo session :)

Any aggression between the Bimac's and the Lyretails? Which are larger in size?
Any aggression between the Bimac's and the Lyretails? Which are larger in size?

At first,
But one thy settled in, they seem to interact with each other, really cool to watch the movement now. I have a large blue/green chromis who kind of keeps all of them in check, he is daddy for sure, but they all know their role and seem well behaved thus far. None are hiding and all are eating :)
The Bimaculatas are a bit larger, BTW... thanks
They look beautiful. I'm jealous. Please keep us updated on how they do in your system. I've a male and female Lyretail in QT that had been at the LFS for a couple of months. I like them alot.

What are you feeding your anthias?
They look beautiful. I'm jealous. Please keep us updated on how they do in your system. I've a male and female Lyretail in QT that had been at the LFS for a couple of months. I like them alot.

What are you feeding your anthias?

Larrys Reef Frenzy and PE mysis
Nice pick up perry!
My lfs brings "scribble anthias" in all the time but since I have 3 lyritails 1 dispar 1 blotchy I'm scared to add anymore anthias .

I just tested my nitrates for the first time in about 3+ years (don't judge me)
They where barely making 2ppm. So I guess it was fine all along :wildone:

Is this the original acid trip or the second frag? Either way looks great!
Nice pick up perry!
My lfs brings "scribble anthias" in all the time but since I have 3 lyritails 1 dispar 1 blotchy I'm scared to add anymore anthias .

I just tested my nitrates for the first time in about 3+ years (don't judge me)
They where barely making 2ppm. So I guess it was fine all along :wildone:

Is this the original acid trip or the second frag? Either way looks great!

Hey Arlin,
Yep that is the acid trip, looking decent right now, I think it will look sweet as it encrusts and grows, just starting new branches, so fingers crossed :)
I added what I thought was 2L of matrix the other day, turns out it was the 4L bucket, so in a few weeks I should see the nitrates come down, I hope anyway...
Thanks for the heads up. Never tried LRF foods, but the store where I got the anthias from sells it so it looks like I'll be trying some out.

I think one of the best pre-prepared frozen blends out there, Rogers good too though... I have been using this for a few years now.
Perry - How much of each (LRS and PE) do you feed your tank and how frequently?

I have a male (Was a female...) with two female Lyretail Anthias (and 8 other fish.. 5 largish and the rest pretty small). I feed about 2 cubes of LRS foods and two cubes of PE daily and have had great success keeping all the fish content. I do occasionally feed a nori sheet here and there as a snack.

I am curious to know what others are doing with the same foods I use. I don't feed the tank anything else.. No coral foods etc. Thanks!
Awesome colours. I am very impressed. Keep up the good work Perry.

Thanks Bulent,
Always a work in progress, hopefully bumping my fish count will help colors improve, only time will tell :)

Looking good Perry!

Thank You Mark!

Perry - How much of each (LRS and PE) do you feed your tank and how frequently?

I have a male (Was a female...) with two female Lyretail Anthias (and 8 other fish.. 5 largish and the rest pretty small). I feed about 2 cubes of LRS foods and two cubes of PE daily and have had great success keeping all the fish content. I do occasionally feed a nori sheet here and there as a snack.

I am curious to know what others are doing with the same foods I use. I don't feed the tank anything else.. No coral foods etc. Thanks!

I feed 2-3 quarter size chunks of LRS daily and 2 cubes of PE mysis per day, agreed this heavy feeding does keep the fish in check:)
Thanks M007,
I appreciate the kind words!!!

Here is one that is going to be a stunner... Pretty sure a PB.

Thank you Dom! I appreciate your kindness :) I will be updating my bulbs real soon, when I do, I am hoping for another push on colors. I still have a stubborn few that just won't fall inline, lol... Owell, it is a funny hobby, fun to sit back and watch your reef grow!
I'm sure with some new bulbs you'll have a few stubborns cheer up a little and get some more oomph lol while it's a pain sometimes it's definitely one of the most enjoyable hobby's out there, especially with things are going well! :lmao:

Love the mix of colour they add to the already awesome colours of the acro's!! Can't wait to see more in there lol
Thanks Flo, you are too kind :)

Hardware Update:

*Purchased Brand new 8x54watt sunpower and will be mounting on either side of the unit Reef Brite 48 Lumi Lite Blue LED Strip Lights. They are new as well.
*Purchased all brand new ATI t5 bulbs(4xBlue+, 2xCoral+, 2xAquablue special)
*Purchased used 2x mp40's, I will remove all the tunze equipment from the tank, so I will use the gyre150 and 2 mp40's for flow.
*Purchased an independent BM single doser so that I can begin the AF Component system for daily automated dosing of all 3 components.

And that is all for now...