Perry's 120 Gallon Reef

Perry, you've bought a new lineup of T5 tubes recently, can you tell us which combo has been over the tank the past 6 months or so? Thanks.
The anthias look great Perry :) gives me plenty more motivation to get mine! The sticks are looking just as good though! You've really got some wonderful colour going on!

Dom, thank you again for the wonderful compliments. I think the anthias have added so much movement and color to the reef. The idea truly was inspired by an aquaforest tank, I believe a tank Sever had going at one point. I will not try to add as many anthias, but the goal for running the ULNS is to have a large beautiful fish population with eye popping colors. I will add a youtube link, I hope it works...

I need the red robin..... Just saying.

Michael, the RR Stag is certainly one of my favorites, that is why it gets so much show on my reef journal. I like that it does not grow as fast as other stags I have seen, it gives my frags time to catch up. I have so many frags throughout the tank, and my hopes are to get them 1/2 as beautiful as the RR as they grow into colonies. The red is more intense in person, thankfully staying a true red, not morphing out like my Red Planet did, which is pretty much hot pink, lol...

Filthy good colors Perry, the acros are looking beautiful mate - i need more bloody lyretails.........:)
I had a mate's girlfriend ask me if they were goldfish......... both of them are banned from the house and i deleted their phone numbers......... :mad2:

Andrew, I normally spit my coffee out from laughter I get from your journal reads, thanks for dropping in and getting my day started with this reply... Funny thing is I can actually see this being more a truth than a funny, lol... Thanks for the kind words! I will be adding several more of the anthias. All 6 of them are hanging tough, the bimaculatus and lyretails have joined together in schooling with one another, really a pretty sight to see. Soon we will be adding more, got to lower nitrates a bit.

Wow, fantastic colours. :beer: That Hawkins looks sweet...

Thank you buddy, I appreciate the your kind words as always. The Hawkins just keeps getting bigger. This is a tough one, I had trouble with this coral in the past, but this one is just a rock in my tank :)

Looking great buddy

Thanks Dan, hope all is well with you and your tank man!!! I need to get over to your journal and check in, thanks for dropping in on the thread :)

Perry, you've bought a new lineup of T5 tubes recently, can you tell us which combo has been over the tank the past 6 months or so? Thanks.

Sahin, I did bulb changes back in early December. My current bulbs have not changed, but will here soon. I am currently running
5xblue +
1xtrue actinic
1x aquablue special
1xcoral +

The new combo is:
4xblue +
2Xcoral +
2x aquablue special

I feel the tank is a bit dim during peak hours. I decided to another white and replace the actinic with another coral+ to help promote the pinks and reds, the overall look should be around 14-16K in appearance to my eye, and the led on either side should bring the total appearance to 20k. This is my thought, not sciency stuff, as biggles would say. This is why I love t5 still to this day, being able to simply swap bulbs to get that appearance exactly to suit your eye :)
Some randoms taken this am, this page needs a few pics...










AMAZING corals!!!!
keep posting my friend!!

AMAZING corals!!!!
keep posting my friend!!


Thanks Flo! Hope all is well my friend, cheers from FL!!!

Very nice Perry. Hope my 120 looks that good when I get it going.

Thanks Mark, I am pretty sure your 120 will great man, you have covered so much detail and are so patient, I know you will have great success! Thanks again!

Oh that Red Robin. :D

One day maybe, just maybe, I can come close to those colors.

Mark, you will get there man, I am confident of that. When things settle a bit, that finicky red color will start revealing itself. I find this corals difficult to color, however, once you get it there, it pretty easy to maintain.
Perry please stop posting gorgeous tank pics, your making us look bad.. wow man. It seems every pick looks better than the last .

Ha, ha thanks Jorge!!! I appreciate the kind words, I gotta look over your thread, you get those t5s yet?

Where did you source the red robin?

I was given the coral awhile back when a buddy of mine gave me his entire collections. I believe this is the original FF RR Stag. I cannot find many sites who sell, I see Battlecorals has it, as does JF, the frag size seems really small from both, and I know why, it grows very slow... I am fortunate to have a fairly decent size colony at this point.
Sure did man thanks again for the bulb advice. Things are looking better by the day. Still fighting a case of turf algae though, its ticking me off. Mex Turbos or blenny wont even touch it.:-(
Sure did man thanks again for the bulb advice. Things are looking better by the day. Still fighting a case of turf algae though, its ticking me off. Mex Turbos or blenny wont even touch it.:-(

Good Jorge,
Glad you like the lights, my sunpower will be here tomorrow. Try a longspine urchin, they did a great job on red turf for me back in the day.
Thanks March, the anthias are doing well, they really add to the reef and the color. Probably pick up a few more later this week :)

Quick Update:

The led strips came in, and wow are they nice. The accent is perfect for supplementation, I think anything more would be too much, will get more pics ups soon when the sunpower comes in... Also added 2 mp40's today. I decided to keep the tunze 6105 and use both mp40's at 70% and it allowed me to turn down the Gyre150 to 80%. So that is a heck of a lot of flow, and believe it or not, the crap lifted when I fired the up reminded me of why I decided for bb. I put some of my LPS back in the tank on the floor, and the collection of detritus was quite a bit, this is most certainly my nitrate issue. Owell, corals look pretty good anyway.
Wow Perry thats a lot of flow man. I cant crank my gyre past 70/30 alt gyre and mp10 past 80 without ****ing everything off. And dont grt started on the sand storm.. guess barebottom FTW
Mark that is the one :) good price too....
Thanks Jorge and Flo!!! Here are a few for you guys from the afternoon today...



Love the full tank shots Perry, you should look into the camera lens gels, they make removing the blue from the pictures effortless. I keep one taped over my iPhone camera 100% of the time now. As I stated in my thread I have now Ben using a bit of the phosphate minus for a few weeks now with good results- I gather from a few internet searches it's almost identical to RowaPhos, which itself is repackaged for a German wastewater product company. Either way, you get more of it, for less money than Rowa, and I didn't see anything coming off of it when I rinsed the first small amounts, so I haven't rinsed it since then. So far I'm liking it:)