Perry's 120 Gallon Reef

Sounds good. It will certainly be colorful. Hopefully you dont see any real aggression between the Anthias.

Cant wait to see them all.

Thank You! I will be adding 5 more lyretails, probably on Sunday. I plan on letting one sex into a male, after that, I will be looking to slowly add some of the fancier anthias as well. Bimaculatus, sunburst, and perhaps the blotched anthias as well. It will be a slow process, I lost all but 3 fish before my reboot, so I don't want to push things too quickly. I will also add 2-3 more fish non anthias as well. Probably another tang, likely the powder brown.

Wow so jealous of all those Anthias. I have two lyretails, the color they bring to the reef with the blue/green Chromis looks so natural to me.

I love the chromis as well, I may add a couple more of them too. I only have one, it is huge and health :)

Great stuff Perry!

Thanks Greg, The compliment means a lot! Just trying to match colorful sticks and fish together, hopefully the plan will work out.

Wow Perry your corals are looking great! :beer:

Thanks buddy, I hope you are feeling better my friend :)

amazing tank Perry!! :eek1:

Thank you very much, I appreciate you checking the journal out. Very kind words, thanks again :)
Tank is looking great Perry and I'm glad you're still loving the AF system. Good work going with the Anthias I think it makes the tank look even better! I'm hoping to have my system restarted with AF any day now too.
Perry your tank is looking phenomenal! That Bubblegum Mille transition was beautiful and your Hawkins leaves me speechless every time I see it, I really need to get another frag of that in the future.
Perry your tank is looking phenomenal! That Bubblegum Mille transition was beautiful and your Hawkins leaves me speechless every time I see it, I really need to get another frag of that in the future.

Thanks Josh! I am impatiently awaiting that Bubblegum to encrust and take off, I love the light blue growth ring and tips accented by intense red. The Hawkins is getting seriously large, it has grown into a rock crevice, and is now encrusting, I think it is about to go through another growth spurt. Thanks again for the kind words.

Tank looks great Perry.

Thanks Mark!!!
Tank is looking great Perry and I'm glad you're still loving the AF system. Good work going with the Anthias I think it makes the tank look even better! I'm hoping to have my system restarted with AF any day now too.

I hope the system works well for you, thanks for the compliment too :)
I actually lost one sick anthias, so only 4 lyretails right now, I will build to 9 females and 1 male. We have them at the shop, just kind of lazy not wanting to do a drip acclimate yesterday, lol... I am also going to add a small group of dispars as well. I really want another Potters Angel too. I have never loved fish so much, but I am really morphing into a fish person, never thought I would speak that out loud on this forum :)
A few random pics from today:)






Such good looking photos man. Did you decide which species of anthias you are getting?


Thanks Corey,
As of now I have 4 of the 5 anthias, one did not make it, it was kinda sickly. So that is currently 4 female lyretails. I am going to build to 9 females and 1 male over the next week. I will likely add a trio of dispars, and if that works out, perhaps later a couple of the more desirable ones. I love the bimaculatus, they are purdy :)

Wow Perry . Tank is looking amazing man. Wow i see that AF is paying off.

Thanks Jorge, things are looking great. My skimmer was acting up, so I broke it down and cleaned it thoroughly with vinegar, it came quite clean. I was concerned because I was not getting too much skimmate, and the nitrates crept up to 5ppm. Not anything to get overly worried about. The skimmer is back to pulling well again, guess keeping equipment maintained is just one of those things we tend to overlook sometimes... :)
Keeping a close eye on these, ones that I feel have potential...








And last is the Red Planet, been holding this color for awhile, looks more pink than red, but still one of my favorites...

Perry your tank is looking incredible!!! Jeez. I really like that coloration you have on your Red Planet, it's a really nice hot pink.
Uuuuff perry the tank is looking sweet!

I picked up a RMF acid trip Saturday :D

Super excited to see that one grow and color up like your
Wow, those are some awesome colours. Which AF products are you using? Looks like these AF products really produced the desired changes.
OMG Perry!! :bigeyes:

amazing Acros... I too would keep an eye or two on those!!

Thanks for sharing!!


Thanks Flo!!!
I appreciate the kind words!

Perry your tank is looking incredible!!! Jeez. I really like that coloration you have on your Red Planet, it's a really nice hot pink.

Thank You Josh! I think the Planet stands out, in the FTS you have no problem spotting it. I like that it is not so red, it has sort of electric white/clear tips right now. You can still see hints of lime green in the base, but otherwise it is morphed to a hot pink. Funny how Par, flow, lights, and nutrition can play a role in the coloration of a coral for known lineage coloration.... Hmmm......

Uuuuff perry the tank is looking sweet!

I picked up a RMF acid trip Saturday :D

Super excited to see that one grow and color up like your

Thank you very much Arlin, I appreciate the compliment! That coral is so cool, I cannot explain, It is so random the way the orange moves throughout the bright lime green, just a beauty! For me has been a slow grower, I acquired a second frag and glued it down next to my other one just to make me feel better, lol... It has finally encrusted, and shooting branches on the original frag, in 2-3 weeks it should join the second frag and hopefully that will help the coral to take off. Take lots of pics, it shifts in color often with me....

No words my friend :inlove::inlove::inlove:

The spread and depth of colour is really booming Perry!

Thank you Dom! I appreciate your kindness :) I will be updating my bulbs real soon, when I do, I am hoping for another push on colors. I still have a stubborn few that just won't fall inline, lol... Owell, it is a funny hobby, fun to sit back and watch your reef grow!

Wow, those are some awesome colours. Which AF products are you using? Looks like these AF products really produced the desired changes.

Thanks Sahin!
Here is my current break down and dosing:

ULNS Products:
*Zeolite Mix-2 cups(Vertex Zeolite RX)
*Phos Minus-1 cup(BRS RX with carbon)
*AF Carbon-1.5 cup(BRS RX with phos minus)
*Pro Bio F- 3 spoons twice per week mixed with tank water
*Pro Bio S- 5 drops daily in AM
*NP Pro- 5 drops daily in AM

Nutrition and Supplements Non AF:
*3 part dosing for minerals with Seachem Reef Fusion- Moving to AF component balling system soon
*Salifert Hard Trace(10ml per week)- moving to AF component system, trace minerals incorporated in balling mix
*BW Iodine-(3ml per week) Will discontinue through use of component system
*BW K-(5ml per week) Will discontinue and use AF
*Salifert Aminos(2ml every 3 days) will discontinue and use AF Coral A

Nutrition and Supplements AF
*Coral E- 5 drops every other day, in AM
*Coral B- 6 drops every other day, in AM
*Coral V- 4 drops every other day, in AM
*Coral Food- 3 spoons every 3-4 days, when PE feeders present, in late PM or early AM hours
*Fish V- 2 drops every other day in Larrys Reef Frenzy while thawing in tank water(1/2hour soak)
This is crazy awesome Perry, all your corals are mouth wateringly scrumdidlyuptious mate. Really pleased to see the confidence you now have in what you're doing, i'm certain things will only get better as time goes by. :thumbsup:

Thanks Andrew,
Your compliments mean a lot to me, thanks for checking in and looking over the journal.