Perry's 120 Gallon Reef

Hey Bulent,
My goal is to recover through nutrition, massage, streching, and working out. I am a surfer, so my goal is to be in surfing shape, I am not! I missed the winter swells, and missed many, due to being out of shape, that and not wanting to buy a new wetsuit(Large wouldn't fit) :) The spring has come, and I am now ill. In the upcoming weeks, my goal is VERY simple. To get back in the salt, catch some waves. This is the biggest form of cure, both mentally and physically, the salt water has a way of relieving joint stress, I just need to be well enough to get out there :) Thanks for the well wishes, now back to some reefing stuff mate!

Make an excuse to be at RAP in Orlando in two weeks :) I will be there with RR and Acid Trip, and more, with the LFS(Stormborn Reef) I work at part time. We will have a booth with 3 20 gallon frag setups, same isle as JF and WWC, should be a blast :)

I hear you on the gout bud, totally food related, that and beer. I like food, and I like beer, but I like being healthy and mobile more, so maybe it is time for change. "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got" Hope all is well my friend :)

Oh Perry, for just hours I will not be able to meet you in person. I will be that week in Tampa, visiting my youngest son. His birthday week. And I will be returning Boston on Friday 22 at the evening.

I will be driving from Boston to Tampa. Any store/place you would recomend to visit in the Tampa/Orlando area. I will be the full week, with exception of weekend that will be driving .

If I could bring coral over the border, legally, it'd almost be worth the trip.
Post some pics from the event, it's fun seeing all those crazy coral people..
Makes me feel less weird! :)
Beer.... Pure carbs and uric acid crystals!! Bad for the belly and gout!! That's a two'fer.
Maybe you should go high class and start drinking two buck chuck. :)

2 Buck Chuck :) Yeah, I am just going to enjoy a few drinks every once in awhile and pretty much put it on the shelf. I hear you about RAP, wish were a bit easier for you guys in Canada, but I understand the regulations and so forth. Well, if you ever make it to the area, we can cheer a drink, you have the beer, and I will have a tonic water, lol.... As far as coral nerds go, we come in all shapes and sizes. I think we should start a thread of each of us showing our tank with our picture. This would be a trip to see what we all look like.... Anyway, thanks for stopping in, I am feeling much better and anticipate being able to start working out again this week. I have already started several weeks ago converting my diet to mainly plant based foods. Be good Matt!!!

Oh Perry, for just hours I will not be able to meet you in person. I will be that week in Tampa, visiting my youngest son. His birthday week. And I will be returning Boston on Friday 22 at the evening.

I will be driving from Boston to Tampa. Any store/place you would recomend to visit in the Tampa/Orlando area. I will be the full week, with exception of weekend that will be driving .


Awe shucks! It would have been totally cool to meet you, owell, maybe next time :) That's a heck of a long drive Daniel, hope you have someone to switch off with you, drive carefully buddy! There are several stores. The store I work at (Stormborn Reef) is the cleanest one you will find in the central FL area, very organized, excellent fish health, lots of corals. We are carrying full AF lineup, and the saltwater is AF "Reef Salt" that we sell premixed to our customers. The store is on the outside of Orlando, but totally worth the drive. Otherwise in Tampa, I would check out Fish And Other Ichty Stuff(FAOIS), also Coral Corral. Near the airport in Orlando, I would certainly check out World Wide Corals. Hope you have fun, check out the Tampa Aquarium if you have time. I lived i Tampa for years, in fact my 18 year old daughter lives there, so much to do. I know you are limited, but Bush Gardens is a totally cool theme park, worth it. Many awesome restaurants and night life too! Have fun my friend!
Perry.... let's keep in touch these weeks. I am planning to go to Orlando , probably more than once during that week and I will do my best to visit the store and meet you there. Let see how that week evolve. I will PM you my phone so we can txt.

I will be driving with my wife. It's like 20 year that I do not drive such a long trip. I did it twice in Argentina, from Buenos Aires to Florianopolis (Brazil) ~ 1000 Miles. It will take 2 days, but it is part of running out of the rutine. I take flights almost every week for my job. I go and come back all along the east coast.


Ps: PM sent.... let me know you got it.
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I wish I can go to RaP Orlando :(

So many cool reefers in Florida.
The million dollar question is : are you willing to ship? :D
Perry.... let's keep in touch these weeks. I am planning to go to Orlando , probably more than once during that week and I will do my best to visit the store and meet you there. Let see how that week evolve. I will PM you my phone so we can txt.

I will be driving with my wife. It's like 20 year that I do not drive such a long trip. I did it twice in Argentina, from Buenos Aires to Florianopolis (Brazil) ~ 1000 Miles. It will take 2 days, but it is part of running out of the rutine. I take flights almost every week for my job. I go and come back all along the east coast.


Ps: PM sent.... let me know you got it.

Hey Daniel,
Got your PM and will hold on to your number, have a safe and fun trip :)

I wish I can go to RaP Orlando :(

So many cool reefers in Florida.
The million dollar question is : are you willing to ship? :D

Lol, Arlin, my store ships, not big into online stuff.....YET, this is a project that we are teaming up on, that and acquiring many corals. We have so many beautiful wild aussie acros, some have been fragged. We have some insane orange and purple blastos, crazy gonis, acros, etc.. I have about 30 frags of sps that are going to the show in my tank right now coloring up, so I don't anticipate any pics coming anytime soon, my tank is jammed right now :)
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I have about 30 frags of sps that are going to the show in my tank right now coloring up, so I don't anticipate any pics coming anytime soon, my tank is jammed right now :)

Now I want to see pictures of the transformation of these said frags.

Just purchased a new pump for my ATB skimmer. I decided on the Airstar DC1500. The pump should match the skimmer body to perfection, really looking forward to getting this beast running :)

So I got this pump and so far all I can say is WOW! I have it tuned to it's lowest setting, and air intake wide open, and it is still collecting tons :)


I have a green cyano that has really taken off, especially since I was laid up for a few weeks, but my hopes are the skimmer will pull organics much lower, and I already see signs of the cyano appearing to extract organics from the rock, only to thicken and ultimately break off. The rock left behind looks clean. I am going to give the skimmer a week, then I will attempt to use chemi clean cyano remover. This will be my last resort, as the skimmer normally takes weeks to get back to normal, with heavy water changes. The corals are glowing, they seem ill effected by the cyano, my colors are really the best I have seen yet. I will be create a siphon tomorrow and see how much can be manually removed, I have a feeling that this will do the job and I can alleviate having to use chemicals. Here is to hoping ;)
I am going to give the skimmer a week, then I will attempt to use chemi clean cyano remover.

I think people just to Chemi Clean way too quickly. Cyano is nothing a little elbow grease can't get rid of. H202 dosing is known to be effective too. I'm not a fan of dosing the tank with antibiotics. I used Chemi Clean once, several years ago, but now I don't see any real use for it.
See you soon Perry.....on my way to Florida !!

Have a safe trip, hopefully I will get a chance to bump into you:)

I think people just to Chemi Clean way too quickly. Cyano is nothing a little elbow grease can't get rid of. H202 dosing is known to be effective too. I'm not a fan of dosing the tank with antibiotics. I used Chemi Clean once, several years ago, but now I don't see any real use for it.

I agree, I just spent 2 hours in the tank with a small siphon, I removed about 90%, so I think I can now stay on top of it, again, like you, I really don't want to use chemicals :)
Got the camera out today as it has been awhile, so fair warning to the massive pic load, lol!









