Perry's 120 Gallon Reef

That's awesome! Really hope everything makes it. You have a stunning tank and it shows with how well you manage everything. It will all be back to normal before you know it. Take care.
Hello All!
We made it, power back on and just going to run actinics and blue led strips for the day, I was literally on my last leg when I went out to get internet on my phone, you actually had to travel a few miles to get cell reception. I received a voicemail notification and it was Stormborn Reef letting me know the shop had power, and I could use their generator. This was phenomenal news as I rigged up my car battery to a power invertor, and used a Korilla 4 for 48 hours at the point my battery bit the dust, I will try and deep charge it, but got me all the way through. I met Steve and Sarah at the shop, and they let me borrow their generator, which has been running since 9AM this morning. My tank was only still without movement for about 3 hours this AM, but I was really stressing. I cannot thank Steve and Sarah and Stormborn Reef enough, I was going beyond 52 hours at this and these guys totally came to the rescue!

Thanks again Stormborn Reef :)

that are GREAT news!

happy to hear you, your family and your tank are okay! :bounce2::bounce3:

Thanks again you guys!

So for an update I decided to test today, and was pretty happy with the results. I have managed to bring Mag down, using less flake in mix, calcium still higher than I would like at 450. All in all though, I had zero movement on alk, so that is cool :)

Parameters tested today:
S.G.~ 1.026
Alk~ 7.56dkh(over a month at this level)
Ca~ 450
Mag~ 1400
NO3~ 5ppm(up a bit as expected)
PO4~ 0.02 on Hanna Handheld

I took 3 quick photos, FTS, Right Side, and Left Side. Some colors are a bit off to me, the pics don't show, but I cannot complain at this point. I will be trying to get caught up on all the journals and with AF, just had a ton to deal with, yard, house, AC Repair, Oven Repair, just a ton of at home stuff. My free time will improve by next weekend, so for now, got to work :) Thanks again everyone, I appreciate all the kind sentiments and concerns, we have a tremendous community here, and it shows!!! Thanks again!



Oh jeez, I was pages behind and forgot that you would be effected by Matthew. So happy to see everything pulled through ok!

Thanks Mark, It was a close call, but thankfully I did not lose a thing, I am just super happy to not have to be draining the tank! Thanks for checking in man!

Good work getting through it Perry :beer:

Thank You Tim! I am very fortunate indeed :)

good to see the tank is doing so good!

thanks for sharing buddy

Thanks Flo, Now I can get back on track from the recent vacation, things were really dialed in, but considering the storm, I am just lucky to have corals and fish! Cheers Mate!
Glad to see you back on track, Perry!
The fts is still looking pretty schmick!!

Thanks Matt,
Lucky break man, little high in nitrates right now, nothing having me too worried, but will be looking towards a source, I have a missing bi-maculatus, I have a scary suspicion this may be why :( Corals look good, main thing with the tank is that my Alk has been super stable, I mean at least 6 weeks or more of testing yielding exact results(Lamotte Alk Test/ 7.56dkh). I have slowly decreased CA to 420 and Mg to 1350 as per today(Salifert). I manually manipulated the formulas dosed so that these values would fall. I made a major goof with bad test kit readings and took CA to 490 and Mg to 1500+. New test kits came in and sure enough, my before low reading were these levels due to manually adjusting based on Salifert test kits, they seem to throw a reading that is low towards there life cycle ending. Anyway, that is about all lately... Thanks again man!
Glad to see you back on track, Perry!
The fts is still looking pretty schmick!!

Perry could you give me the full rundown of what you did during your blackout.

This really depends on what you are blacking out for. If cyano treatment, it will change versus just breaking an algae cycle with lights out. My recent blackout was due to Hurricane Matthew, during this period, my lights and all pumps out, only one Korilla 4 and battery powered air pump. Day 3 I restored most equipment, as Stormborn let me borrow their generator. Later that day, power was fully restored, and I only ran actinics. So, I did not dose, however, I did give 2 drops of Energy due to polyps expanded on the 2nd day, I figured a spot of food would not hurt anything. I did not feed fish during this time. When doing the blackout with pumps running, I usually suspend mineral and trace dosing. I usually do not feed fish, still skim, and I would likely suspend all other dosing. I would run the stack reactor though, this would still keep water clean and clear. If you wrap the tank with a blanket or something, this will keep ambient light out which would help to break algaes. Just my two sense :)
I took 3 quick photos, FTS, Right Side, and Left Side.




thought this page could use some pics. lol
Perry glad to see you made it thru the storm. I think everyone on the east coast got pretty luck. my tank is looking pretty good. probably around christmas time will be time to go off the deep end and buy some sps.
Perry I am thinking of doing it for the cyano or possible dino I have on my sand bed and in the frag tank.
Honestly not really sure whats going on in my tank right now, hoping that 3 days darkness will at least get the sand clean looking. But not sure I want to stop feeding fish and corals due to the paleness of some corals.
How is your sand looking now?
Perry I am thinking of doing it for the cyano or possible dino I have on my sand bed and in the frag tank.
Honestly not really sure whats going on in my tank right now, hoping that 3 days darkness will at least get the sand clean looking. But not sure I want to stop feeding fish and corals due to the paleness of some corals.
How is your sand looking now?

I don't think that you need to do a blackout on your tank. I think you saw the pic of my sand that I posted about two weeks ago on Perry's thread. I think it is an imbalance between carbon and the bacteria. I stopped dosing Probio S after I posted that pic and my sand is starting to clear up. Also have been getting alot more skimmate. Just my observations.
thought this page could use some pics. lol
Perry glad to see you made it thru the storm. I think everyone on the east coast got pretty luck. my tank is looking pretty good. probably around christmas time will be time to go off the deep end and buy some sps.

Thanks Matt,
You need to make a trip out here soon man!

Perry I am thinking of doing it for the cyano or possible dino I have on my sand bed and in the frag tank.
Honestly not really sure whats going on in my tank right now, hoping that 3 days darkness will at least get the sand clean looking. But not sure I want to stop feeding fish and corals due to the paleness of some corals.
How is your sand looking now?

I believe the deposits are bacteria related, simply stop dosing for now, and only use NP Pro, it is what I am doing. I have some deposits in the sand, but not like what Mr. Fishtank photo'd. Only visible during lights on and subsides at lights out, I would continue Energy with low nutrients, cut Amino Mix and Vitality in 1/2. Either way, keep me posted Michael :)

I don't think that you need to do a blackout on your tank. I think you saw the pic of my sand that I posted about two weeks ago on Perry's thread. I think it is an imbalance between carbon and the bacteria. I stopped dosing Probio S after I posted that pic and my sand is starting to clear up. Also have been getting alot more skimmate. Just my observations.

Agreed, the skimmate production is key in this type of system, glad to hear you are getting the balance back :)