Love your reef!
Your corals are beautiful and your design is elegant!
A quick question on aesthetics and this is not meant in any negative fashion what so ever because what you have is unquestionably great, it's just a question of aesthetics or "eye of the beholder".
Have you ever considered minimizing your display slightly? By that I mean I see you have 3 or 4 corals growing on coral grow out rocks on the sand in front. Personally I think it would look even better if you removed those as well as the single dark purple green coral dead center hanging forward, and then you would have a more open look to the reef. Perhaps you could then put one yellow colored coral towards center left top where the dark puple-green one is right now or just behend that spot.
Anyways, just a thought, but don't let me stop you doing what you're doing 'cuz its awesome as is!!!
Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup: