Perry's 120 Gallon Reef

Nice pick ups and good prices. Do not worry about them being small, once they get going it will not matter.

I'll take frags of 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 once they grow in.

I will have to let you know when these guys eventually grow out ;)
How are the new acros settling in Perry, all well i hope mate :)

The new ones are still in frag tank, no losses, colors look spot on, and all in all zero loss. My frag area looked so lonely, that I had to make some frags off my colonies. This week I plan on taking the new acro frags and placing them in the display, I just wanted to give them a week to settle. Thanks for the advice on the SSC, I have a nice lower spot that will do great :)
Small Update:
Well my halide decided to take a dump on me, took me three days to realize, only because I usually go to bed before the light kicks on the frag area of my sump. Moved all the frags up top for the time being... No losses, some faded colors on my frags though.

Also, my very large green toadstool has been sold, I am moving a few softies and lps out, and making room for some additional sps down the road. I had to cut the blueberry nasuta, it showed stn, weird... Hopefully I still have a small piece make it :) The RD, Raz Nasuta, SSC, Voodoo Stag, and Acroberry all mounted in display, most are within a week of encrusting onto the rock. Colors looking good, hopefully I can get around to some pics in the upcoming week or so...
That sucks about the bulb giving up the ghost Perry. At least you caught it before any serious damage was done mate. :)
You must have heaps of extra room for some creative scaping and new frags now that giant mushroom is gone. They do look beautiful though when they're as healthy as yours, i had one that got to about 5" in my first tank and the bright green polyps looked wonderful swaying in the current.
That sucks about the bulb giving up the ghost Perry. At least you caught it before any serious damage was done mate. :)
You must have heaps of extra room for some creative scaping and new frags now that giant mushroom is gone. They do look beautiful though when they're as healthy as yours, i had one that got to about 5" in my first tank and the bright green polyps looked wonderful swaying in the current.

Yep, my girlfriend was not thrilled with me parting ways with the toadstool, but the extra space is for more sps, she understands, sort of, lol... No damage, all frags moved up top, now missing about 4 small frags, my goby loves moving things around:headwalls: Anyway, I am soaking an old piece of live rock that turned dead, so I plan on soaking in bleach, then vinegar, rodi, then sun drying, process will take a week or so.
Killing me brother, hands in the tank all day, the processed rock in the tank where that massive toadstool was, a few corals glued down, and still dealing with a pis*ed off goby who is keeping the tank cloudy :) Thinking that maybe tomorrow I can break out the dslr and get some quality pics, assuming the tank is not cloudy and sand filled like today, hopefully tomorrow will bring clarity...
Last FTS before the toadstool moved out:


FTS taken today, rock replacing toadstool, with corals mounted:

Tanks looking great! Beautiful colors. I think it was a good call removing the toadstool. That's some prime real estate for a few more acros.
Thanks CFloor,
I appreciate the kind words, yes the tank is transitioning to sps mostly like I wanted to, I am getting pretty picky about new corals now, wanting specific pieces as I move on, the real estate is way more open, I have a nice spot picked out for an efflo, should I ever score one locally:) That one you have is sick!!!

Anyway, since I am making this a journal, I think it only wise to share my recent parameters and dosing schedule.

Alk~ 7.34dkh
CA~ 400
S.G.~ 1.026
NO3~ .2
PO4~ 0.00

I really mostly care about alk, using Lamotte for testing, Salifert for all other except PO4 which is measure with a Hanna Handheld Photometer.

Supplements and Schedule:

*2 part via E-Shopps Liquid Doser using Seachem Reef Fusion @ 54ml per 24 hours on both Alk and Ca
*Magnesium using B-Ionic as necessary
*Trace Minerals using Salifert Hard Trace @ 10ml per week(seems to hold mag up)
*Water change at 10 gallons per month Brightwell's Neo Salt
*Zeostart3@ 3-4 drops per day----Carbon Source
*Brightwell's MB7 @ 10 drops every other day----Bacteria Source
*Zeo Spongepower @ 3 drops per week
*Zeo Pohls Extra @ 3 drops per week
*Zeo K&B Strong @ 1ml per week
*Zeo Zeospur @ 1.5ml every other week

Note, I do miss dosing a day here or there, not really concerned as my system is efficient on it's own. I truly believe that my skimmer is the heart of my system, I do not use filter socks, so every 3-4 months or so, I empty and clean the sump, forces a large water change. In the tank I have multiple cucumbers that do a great job, also my goby, who is a PITA, seems to keep particulate matter suspended during awake ours, constantly churning up the sand and doing what I believe is delivering supplemental food source to the corals, just seems logical. I have missed some important things in previous tanks and fully believe that a mature tank, well established with coralline is the primary backbone for success. I find too many starving their tanks out with too little focus on fish, and their feeding habits. While I think supplements are great and do work, I think they are just that, supplements. This is why I do not run a full zeovit system anymore, I sort of hybridized a version of SunnyX who was popular back in the day around here. He simply used vodka and MB7, I find zeostart3 to be a more complete C-Source, that is why I use a different version of his approach, but essentially the same thing. Thanks for taking the time to check things out :) A pic today of my favorite in the tank, RR Stag...

Looks great nice pick up on those frags. I see u dosing some kz did you start the tank with zeovit?
Looks great nice pick up on those frags. I see u dosing some kz did you start the tank with zeovit?

Thank You!
The system originally ran pellets and gfo, I pulled both shortly there after, then I went to chaeto in the sump, and while effective, I decided to make use of the sump space for a frag tank area, so I decided to simply run a hybrid version of zeovit. I do not think this system needs the stones, while my 70 did really good with the stones, I feel I can keep nutrients really low without them, and so far so good, MB7 is quite effective at pulling PO4 down. I believe zeostart3 mainly handles NO3. Should I feel a need to do so it would be simple to add in a rx, but I do not see anything that will elevate nutrients, otherwise it would have already happened when I pulled the chaeto, for this simple reason I believe the skimmer does more than it's job, the C-source and bac source merely keep me ultra low, allowing for the fish to stay fat, hopefully I can get some pics of them today:) I forgot to mention I use ESV GAC in a mesh bag in a 2LF rx, changed monthly @ 1 cup.
More pics from today, just realized that I pay so much credit to coral health to my fish, but they are yet to get recognition. I couldn't get all of them, but got most. Here is my fish list.
*Diamond Goby "Sandy"
*Highfin Goby (have not seen in awhile, very reclusive) "Casper"
*Lyretail Anthias Trio "Jack Tripper, Chrissy, Janet- 3's company)
*Bangai Cardinal (Huge Male) "Domino"
*Melanarus Wrasse(Huge Fattie) "Flash Gordon"
*Mystery Wrasse "Garcia"
*Falco Hawkfish "Chubbs"
*Pair of True Percs "Eddie and Ellen"
*Yellow Tang "Goldie"
*Bristletooth Tang "Sketch"
*Powder Brown Tang "Bubba"

Here are some of my beauties :)










P.S.~ Biggles, who is slacking now, these pics just for you mate!!!
Nice fishy pics. :beer: At least you tried to name and post pics of all your fish.

Biggles is a big time slacker...I bet he wont even bother responding to your challenge by naming all his acros and post awesome quality pics of all of them. You win Perry, you win. :)