Phyto2 AZOX Macro Diet, 8oz.


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Phyto2 AZOX Macro Diet, 8oz.

A nutritious diet scientifically designed for the nutritional needs of
both Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic coral,
Gorgonia and planktivorous fish.
AZOX macro Coral diet is comprised of various size zooplankton gut loaded with phytoplankton and selected for their size, nutrition and attraction by coral. These small meaty particles are neutrally buoyant, packed with energy and ideal in aquariums with Non-Photosynthtic specimens such as gorgonia and tentacled corals. The included appitite stimulant also makes the particles attractive to finicky eaters such as Anthias sp. and Mandarinfish
Available from the manufacturers of PHYTO2, AZOX comes in an attractive 8oz. pump. Broadcast feeding is a cinch and encourages natural feeding responses in aquarium specimins. Supercharge the effectiveness by target feeding AZOX to larger coral mouths and see an instant feeding reaction.

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