picked up a new Monti.. and fragged my green polyp acro..I.D.?


In Memoriam
check out this Monti I picked up about a month ago. its got the yellow bbody with blue polyp and also I fragged my colony of green polyped acro. any I.D. on this acro?


i second the peltiformis, i have a VERY large colony of it, grows very fast and like a lot of light to keep its blue polyps
The first one sure looks like the peliformis, sweet if it holds the base colro.
Sorry wentreefgirl, definately not the tyree flower petal...and the sunset monti has the orange base with very green polyps not yellow. Those are some nice frags :D.
I have a colony of the bonsai and they are totally un alike. These have a bit thicker branches and the green polyps are just crazy. My first guess was the secale also but they dont also seem to be similar in the branches.
I will actually have 3 frag packs available sometime this week when I have the time to get them together. I will have 6 frags and I will include this green polyped acro.