Pics of my 600g AGE Hybrid


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Well since we have a few snow days...I took a few pictures of my tank. Its been a while since I have posted any in this forum, but I have a thread on our local club site if anyones interested in the progression of this tank.

The tank is now 2 years old.

Here are the pics.






and finally a full tank....kind of difficult to take since the tank is so wide....


Hope you are all staying safe and warm,

the Pink Tailed Pig? Yes, hes a favorite of mine. I have had him years and he really is a pig.

too funny!

too funny!

I've been a fan of your aquarium for years, Paul.

I just did a search on 'Pink Tail Trigger' and this thread pops up. Can you tell me more about it? My LFS is trying to sell me one :lmao:
Hey Gary,

Thanks for the kind comments, muchly appreciated.

Lets see...the PTT. I love them. They have great personalities, much like you wuld expect with a puffer. The coloration will often change depicting mood. Mine will go an ashen grey and bright yellow when munching on nori.

I would say they are reef compatible with caution. Mine has not (to my knowledge) nipped anything except for a monti plate once or twice. They eat anything you add to the tank and are voracious eaters. Mine likes diced shrmip and is finger tame, tho be careful- fingers and shrimp can look very similar.

The only issue I have had with him was when i had a sickly jawfish. When the jawfish rolled across the tank the trigger bit it clean in two. then left it. I guess again from my habit of feeding him shrimp pieces.

My personal call...get one if your tank can stand the fish. It will be out all day long crusing slowly over the surface of the rock structure.

hth, if you have specific questions, please let me know.

thanks for the info!

thanks for the info!

how large is your Pink Tail, Paul....
would you place one in a 72" long 225 gallon reef aquarium?

Does it "blow" at the sand and rocks searching for food? Does it ever spit water out of the aquarium?
mine is about 8-10 inches,

no he never messes the sand bed. They are vegetarian by nature, they have an upwards facing mouth so hunting for food below him his tough. He chooses to grab stuff floating by.

He has never spat at me, nope.

and yes, i think you would be fine. They are not prolific swimmers, tho he can dart across the tank if needed.



I don't know if you sold me on the trigger but you've sold me on your reef aquarium.... it's one of my all time favorites. Well done! :beer: