pics of my new fish/sps reef :)

Skylsdale: the foam method isn't very common in here for reefs either. In planted freshwater tanks and African Cichlid tanks it is quite common.

I won't be adding much more corals I think, but sometimes I see a unique piece, which I can't impossibly leave at the store :bum:

I bought the Turbinaria about 7 years ago, as a 2$ piece of about 1.5". In the previous tank, I glued the colony to a reef pile, which is almost covered with this coral entirely. It is one of my favorite corals.

Like I said before, I like to experiment. I also add quite an ammount of phyto, in order to experiment with non-zooxanthellate animals. At this moment, I only have quite an ammount of mysid shrimp and small tubeworms thriving, but I also like to try some 'more', but I take my time..

In order to make it a little easier to keep 'sensitive' fish, I also added a UV sterilizer past week.

At the time I took this pic, I only had one cardinal left, ime this species doesn't live very long, only about 1-2 years. I'm slowly increasing the school back to 'normal' levels. Tuesday, I added two more.

This tuesday I also added a small majestic angel:

The regal died, unfortunately. It eagerly ate even flake foods, but from what i've heard, all regals out of this shipment died, i suspect there was something wrong in the whole route between catch (Red Sea) and arrival at the very reputable store. I recieved full store credit for it, but it still was very dissapointing...

There is a gallery on 'our' forum, which can be reached at

Gallery on Dutch forum

All members can post their pics there, so see for yourself :)

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insulating foam

insulating foam

Tanu, I want to make sure that I'm getting this correct. Your back ground was made from spray foam insulation? I didn't know that the stuff was reef safe. It's very cool and I'd like to do it myself, but I need more information please.
nice tank. i also would like to hear more about your background. a name brand of the insulation that you used would be great. thanks.

In regards to the foam design, here is a site some of you may be interested in: It's based out of the Netherlands as well so I can't understand a lick of it (maybe Tanu could translate a bit of it?) ;)

Anyway, cruise around the site and check out some of the tanks--INCREDIBLE when it's done right. I have yet to hear of anything deteriorating, but I'm not sure if SW would have a different reaction with the foam.
I also received an email on this topic, which I'll answer here, so the replies can be read by everyone interested.

Spray foam indeed. After the foam has hardened, the tank is rinsed thouroughly 3 times: fresh water, fresh water with table salt, fresh water again. Hereafter, no problem.

Some people also seal the foam with epoxy. It is just ordinary 'hardware store' foam. I didn't really incorporate powerheads in the foam, but I have one pump chamber. In there are two pumps: one Tunze Turbelle and one no-name pump to achieve (with the help of pvc tubing) a bottom dwelling current.

The sand used on the surface was just 'ordinary' crushed coral.

These backdrops are created the easiest, when one applies the foam, rocks, sand and so on, when the acrylic sheets aren't glued in place yet. Better have the sheets lying on a table or so. When everything has hardened out, you glue the sheets in place and 'bond' them with a little extra foam.

About the translation: which part do you want to have translated? It is the website of a LFS (no saltwater unfortunately!), with some pics of really cool aquascaped tanks, but I'm affraid they don't explain their techniques on this site.

I've seen that Sarco myself, it is just 'normal', but Andrew (16 year old schoolboy with quite some knowledge! cool!) uses 14.000 K Hqi, and he didn't know how to adjust the whitebalance...

So, it is a 'normal' Sarcophyton :)

WOW such a beautifull reef he have and only 16 year,excelent.
One more question if you dont mind.
This 14 000 K bulb,is that new aqua connect bulb?Do you have some opinion about this bulb,good or bad?
Thank you.
Indeed it is the 'new' (available for more than a year now) Aqua Connect bulb. Personally, I think everything looks too blue under it, so colors won't come out very clearly. He started reefkeeping about 2 years ago, and is quite serious!

In my observations, growth rate is also a little lower then under 10.000 K bulbs. When changing bulbs, Andrew switched back to Aqualine Buschke 10.000 K bulbs again.


Yesterday I added a Regal Angel (Red Sea). :cool: I was lucky enough to be able to purchase one from another reefer, who didn't want the angel anymore :eek1: :eek1: The regal has been in captivity for more than a year and looks very healthy!

It is somewhat visible on the right in the pic above...

Do you have any troule keeping everything in place? Do you have any trouble with things falling over?
Awesome Tanu!

Awesome Tanu!

Very nice setup indeed! Im curious about the Opti White glass, I have built a few glass tanks myself and remember the option being around for a while to get OptiWhite but it was a new thing over here in the states and I think its no longer manufactured atleast in the US?!?! Im curious if you have seen Starfire glass what your opinion to the comparison of Starfire versus Optiwhite...from what I have seen you are the first tank I have seen using Optiwhite glass...Yes? No?