Picture of the Week - Let's see those Skimmers!

Haha, it was given to us free (actually, two 250s and a 400) so I figured why not. It obviously is pulling... something... out of the water, something that I wouldnt drink.

For the record, the system it was running on (as I have had to shut the system down before it got running completely due to school getting in the way of my reefing) was an ~130gal frag system consisting of two 30gal breeders, two 30gal fuges, and a 30gal sump.
The DIY skimmer I have thats been on for about 10 minutes before taking this picture.


I just got home from L.A. after buying algeaguys 225 gal tank setup. I cant wait to see the skimmer in action.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7146907#post7146907 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bradleyj
Marc, how long do you let it run in the vinegar/water bath?

It ran like that for at least 3 hours, and it was muriatic acid and water, with maybe a cup of leftover vinegar added as well.

Look at all your new toys. They look brand new!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7143826#post7143826 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Just post - that is the purpose of this thread. To see all the different kinds of skimmers people are using. I'd like to see if anyone has that italian skimmer yet, that I saw in the Elos Sponsor forum two days ago.

I have an Elos 1000 coming in a couple weeks, but here are some past girlfriends. :lol:









And I got to borrow this one



Under here was my first big skimmer, ER 12-2RC - that started my equipment fetish.


And I had this one custom made for my Elos tank. Now though I do have an Elos skimmer coming so not sure what I will do. That Elos looks awfully sweet.

elos ns-1000

elos ns-1000

I just got an elos 1000 this weekend. the elos rep Jesse was in for our local swap.
I posted these pics in the elos forum already, but since Marc asked...here it is before getting wet,


It all breaks down for cleaning easily, no tools needed, just four thumb screws hold the body together.

close up of the thumb screws, shows the attention to detail nicely,

This is the one adjustment you make on the skimmer, how much air that goes in the body is controlled precisely by this plastic C-clamp.

water and air enter from the top and shoot through this tube,

a close up of the inside of the body, this is the top where the body meets the collection cup.

It produces very fine bubbles that fill the entire chamber and rise up at a nice steady rate. The ehiem pump is perfectly matched with the skimmer.
I could not wait to try it, within an hour the skimmer was making thick frothy skimmate, then it went nuts and I had to turn the air off.

I'll have some pics up soon of it in my sump and making the first good skimmate :)
In the sump

bubbles and cup, notice the silencer at the end of the silicon tube.

this is a little more than 24 hours of running. we have foam :)
melev told me since i supposedly have a "fancy" skimmer i am supposed to post :D

here is my RC80 that i got in December

then i got a Deltec AP600 in March
ap600 at start up

ap600 after 48hr

ap600 48hrs of skimmate after 6days break in

AP600 next to the RC80

got an APF600 on March 24th...13days after i got the AP600 :D sold the ap600

start up

4days worth w/ the APF600

you guys asked for it :D

fliger has the crown for the most different skimmers
It's me getting used to the skimmer :) now I'm getting this,

I spoke to Jesse at elos, he said to be more concerned about raising the bubbles in the neck than the amount of bubbles in the tube. I think the skimmer is still breaking in.
we'll see what happens in a couple of days.


Here is a NS1000 working properly. Jhale had the silencer tightened and it wasn't letting the skimmer work properly. We figured it out after he posted those pics. Here are some pics of the same skimmer working on my tank. Melev I got your email after we talked, thanks. I will be talking to you...



I'm going on record to say <b>I love this thread!</b> And oddly enough, the song "Oh yeah" by Yellow is playing in the background. :lol:

Flinger, what does the Elos 1000 cost? TheMoneyPit, what does the 2000 cost? I'm really impressed with the quality / workmanship I've seen.

Btw, I just bought a used ASM G-3 two nights ago from a club member. Since I don't have it yet, i can't post a picture at this time. However, I can tell you this - I got it for $60. :D
Marc your right the build quality on it is pretty incredible, you would appreciate it.
You can really see the thought that was put into the design and construction.
This is not to say it makes it a better skimmer than the other amazing ones in this

I like how all the tubes are gasketed and just slip into their openings.
This is a shot of the venturri, if you look at the end you can see the two rubber seals.

it slides into this hole,

and makes a perfect fit,

the ns-1000 lists for $799.00
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7163518#post7163518 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheMoneyPit
All I know is that it will be expensive, I think Elos is releasing the bigger skimmers at Interzoo.

Seeing your username, this post makes me crack up.