Pizza Night! Friday, Jan 11th: Corner Reef, Reifschneiders Grill, and Tonblonga's!

I had a blast last night too! Although I couldn´t go to Tony´s Store and Pizza was nice. IT´s great to share thoughts about the hobby! Looking forward for the next one! Thanks a lot Nick and Matt for being such great hosts!
I hated to leave so early last night but we had previous plans. That was the second time I have been to the store and it keeps getting better. Hope to have more time to socialize at the next one!
The first one in miss in a long time and this is what happens :headwalls:

So tell us what happened with twiggyb?????

All I can say is I laughed so hard I fell off a chair, stumbled to a couch and cried! I haven't laughed that hard in YEARS!!!
Thanks for coming out and you are all very welcome. Not sure if it will stick , but Carla attempted to give Twiggy a new nickname: "ROOSTER" after his unique facial hair.