Pizza Night! Friday, Jan 11th: Corner Reef, Reifschneiders Grill, and Tonblonga's!

Stupid flu has had me down for a couple days and now the wife has it. Doesn't look like I'm going to make this one. :mad2:
Me and the wife had a great time. It was awesome to meet people with the same interest as us. I look foward to meeting other people in the club.
Thanks to all of you guys for coming out and paying us a visit. What a great site to see the place filled up with reef geeks! I only wish I would have had more time to chat it up with some of you.

Hope the grape fed you well and that you had, or are still having, fun at Tony's!
Finally left Tony's at a little after 1am. Worth every minute! I had a great time talking to so many reefers tonight. Steve, thanks for opening your store to us! Tony, thanks for opening your home to us, and be sure to tell your wife we had a great time staying up later than all the other folks and having some REAL fun! :P
Beth and I had a blast as usual. Huge group last night :eek: Thanks to everyone who came out. I think I counted around 40 at the store at one point. Lots of new faces too. Please welcome all our new members who joined last night!

Olival (Marcos)
Brad (Brad)
Cleyton (Cleyton)
yzquadracer (Mike)
Kegogut (Dave)
PGLoynd (Patricia)
88mmsbf (Alex)
DevonG (Devan)
MgSullivan (Michael)

Plus, a couple renewals:
mpcart (Mike)
bkelly (Barb)

We'll get you all an email containing a password for and membership card in the mail in the near future.

Thanks for having us out Steve. Your store is look'n good my friend and although I was too busy last night to do any shopping myself I heard some really great deals were had! I need to make personal trip down some time in the near future.

Thank you Tony and Carla for welcoming the club into your home. Beth and I really enjoyed ourselves. I wish we had the energy to stay longer. Your house is amazing and the tank looks fantastic. :thumbsup:
Awesome time last night, glad I got to catch the end of it. Thanks for the hospitality and memories Tony and Carla, and the new nickname :lol: