PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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40 Gallon Tank. Skimmer, Nexx cannister filter, T5 lights, 40+ lbs live rock, live sand. Going to add 17-20 gallon sump very soon. Has been cycled about a month now.

Want to have some mushrooms and soft coral.

What about.... (not necessarily in order of purchase)....

1 Clown (not sure which kind yet, suggestions?) Avoid a pair, A. percula is nice
1 Firefish goby Be sure this is added first and let it settle in
1 Algae Blenny (or other blenny maybe?)
1 Serpent Starfish Be careful, I seem to recall it can take fish
1 cleaner shrimp Or a pair

If above does not already have the tank maxed out I'd like to add 1 more "front and center" not shy, colorful fish for the family/kids to watch :) I prefer the funky fish/inverts you have to watch the tank awhile to even see but it's a "family tank" so, compromise! I like watchmen goby but...too shy? What else might work?

A watchman goby and pistol shrimp should do fine

For CUC, which I already have, I have the Reefcleaners quick crew for 40 gallons--all snails, no crabs (and I don't want to add any). I think the CUC is pretty good. I do too. No crabs!

35+ Dwarf Ceriths
14 Nassarius
14 Florida Ceriths
8 Large & 10 Small to Medium Nerites -
2 turbo snails
2 zebra turbos
Hey Snorvich,

What do you think about this:

I have a 240 gallon 96"x24"x24" tank coming soon that I will be upgrading into. My current tank is a 55 gallon Reef.

Fish Stocking Plan
Current Fish in Existing tank
2:Maroon Clown (Mated Pair) - Premnas biaculeatus
1: Pajama Cardinal - Sphaeramia nematoptera
1:Yellow Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus
1:Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
1: Pygmy Angel - Centropyge argi
1:Christmas Wrasse - Halichoeres ornatissimus
New Fish
4:Chalk Basslet - Serranus tortugarum
1:Flagfin Angel - Apolemichthys trimaculatus
1:Flame Angel - Centropyge loriculus
1:Rusty Angel - Centropyge ferrugatus
1: Potters Angel - Centropyge potteri
2:Flame Hawkfish - Neocirrhitus armatus
1:Clown Tang - Acanthurus lineatus
1:Sailfin Tang - Zebrasoma veliferum
1: Puple Tang - Zebrasoma xanthurum
1:Yellow Belly Regal Blue Tang - Paracanthurus hepatus var.
1:Bristletooth Tomini Tang - Ctenochaetus tominiensis
1:Court Jester Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi
6:Orange Lined Cardinalfish - Apogon cyanosoma
10:Blue Reef Chromis - Chromis cyaneus

The existing tank is going to become a refuge for the new one. I will also be running a 55 gallons in the sump with a Reef Octopus NWB250 which is rated for 312-390 gallons. So, total gallonage of the system will be 350 gallons. And no I will not be adding all of these fish at once. I plan to slowly add them in one at a time, except for the schooling fish in which I will probably add 3-4 at a time.
Hey Snorvich,

What do you think about this:

I have a 240 gallon 96"x24"x24" tank coming soon that I will be upgrading into. My current tank is a 55 gallon Reef.

Fish Stocking Plan
Current Fish in Existing tank
2:Maroon Clown (Mated Pair) - Premnas biaculeatus Very aggressive and will take over about 50 gallons of tank space
1: Pajama Cardinal - Sphaeramia nematoptera
1:Yellow Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus
1:Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
1: Pygmy Angel - Centropyge argi
1:Christmas Wrasse - Halichoeres ornatissimus
New Fish
4:Chalk Basslet - Serranus tortugarum
1:Flagfin Angel - Apolemichthys trimaculatus
1:Flame Angel - Centropyge loriculus
1:Rusty Angel - Centropyge ferrugatus
1: Potters Angel - Centropyge potteri One of the more difficult pygmy angels
2:Flame Hawkfish - Neocirrhitus armatus I think these must be paired if more than one; not shrimp safe for sure
1:Clown Tang - Acanthurus lineatus I definitely recommend NOT doing this fish; they are problematical and very aggressive
1:Sailfin Tang - Zebrasoma veliferum
1: Puple Tang - Zebrasoma xanthurum
1:Yellow Belly Regal Blue Tang - Paracanthurus hepatus var.
1:Bristletooth Tomini Tang - Ctenochaetus tominiensis
1:Court Jester Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi
6:Orange Lined Cardinalfish - Apogon cyanosoma They will initially shoal, but in the long term pair off
10:Blue Reef Chromis - Chromis cyaneus

More often than not, they fish winnow down to one or two

The existing tank is going to become a refuge for the new one. I will also be running a 55 gallons in the sump with a Reef Octopus NWB250 which is rated for 312-390 gallons. So, total gallonage of the system will be 350 gallons. And no I will not be adding all of these fish at once. I plan to slowly add them in one at a time, except for the schooling fish in which I will probably add 3-4 at a time.

That is a LOT of fish for a 240 gallon tank, many of which are largish. As I have that tank (and a 350), I think the tank will look crowded. I assume FOWLR as many of these fish are not "reef safe"
120g w/ a 75g sump and 120 lbs lr
sps dominated mixed reef

chevron tang x1
purple tang x1
blue/yellow assessor x3
yasha haze goby x2
clownfish x2
midas blenny x1
peaceful community

peaceful community

I'm trying something a little different in my 65g - trying to grow macro algae. I currently have a pair of clown fish (1-1 1/2") and a green & a citron goby. I want to stick to fairly small fish b/c it's just 36" wide. I like gobies - especially the green ones. Could I have 3-4 of them together? Along w/ watchman, and a rainbow goby? They'd be cute scurrying among the rocks & algae. Also I want 2 Blue Grudgeon gobies. For upper level swimmers I was thinking about 2 flasher wrasses. And later - much later - after all fish are in, a gold midas blenny. I realize this may be a heavy biological load, but w/ fuge (chaeto & red mangroves) and the algae in DT figured it'd be OK. I have lots of snails & pretty many small hermits.

Thanks for suggestions.
I'm trying something a little different in my 65g - trying to grow macro algae. I currently have a pair of clown fish (1-1 1/2") and a green & a citron goby. I want to stick to fairly small fish b/c it's just 36" wide. I like gobies - especially the green ones. Could I have 3-4 of them together? Along w/ watchman, and a rainbow goby? They'd be cute scurrying among the rocks & algae. Also I want 2 Blue Grudgeon gobies. For upper level swimmers I was thinking about 2 flasher wrasses. And later - much later - after all fish are in, a gold midas blenny. I realize this may be a heavy biological load, but w/ fuge (chaeto & red mangroves) and the algae in DT figured it'd be OK. I have lots of snails & pretty many small hermits.

Thanks for suggestions.

Although I personally have multiple large tanks, I too favor small fish. In general, I like your strategy but it is difficult to evaluate interactions of that many conspecifics.
Another question if you can answer: Will my already grown green ( 1") & Citron (1 1/2") gobies beat up new, probably smaller additions to their own species? My Citron & Green don't pay each other any attention, but my Citron stays in the water column or stuck to glass more & green is hopping all around rock work. They have both been in tank for almost 2 years.

BTW thanks for hanging out on this thread and helping - few others seem to want to.
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I posted a fish list about 1 month ago, but it has changed due to some further research I have done:
76 gal. half-circle
Lighting: AI Sol blue LED's- 2 modules.
Sump- 30 gal.
Filtration- 80 lbs. live rock, 70 lbs of aragonite sand, filter floss, carbon
Skimmer- Reef Octopus 6 (rated for tanks up to 150 gal.)
Clean-up crew- "Reef cleaners" snails
Tank plans: All sps corals

Fish list:
1 Foxface Lo
2 Percula Clowns
1 Blue-green Chromis
1 Melanarus Wrasse
1 Kole Tang
1 Midas Blenny
1 Royal Gramma

I appreciate your expertise and ideas!
Another question if you can answer: Will my already grown green ( 1") & Citron (1 1/2") gobies beat up new, probably smaller additions to their own species? My Citron & Green don't pay each other any attention, but my Citron stays in the water column or stuck to glass more & green is hopping all around rock work. They have both been in tank for almost 2 years.

I do not anticipate any problems

BTW thanks for hanging out on this thread and helping - few others seem to want to.

You are most welcome. I feel an obligation to "give back" to the hobby.
I posted a fish list about 1 month ago, but it has changed due to some further research I have done:
76 gal. half-circle
Lighting: AI Sol blue LED's- 2 modules.
Sump- 30 gal.
Filtration- 80 lbs. live rock, 70 lbs of aragonite sand, filter floss, carbon
Skimmer- Reef Octopus 6 (rated for tanks up to 150 gal.)
Clean-up crew- "Reef cleaners" snails
Tank plans: All sps corals

Fish list:
1 Foxface Lo
2 Percula Clowns
1 Blue-green Chromis
1 Melanarus Wrasse
1 Kole Tang
1 Midas Blenny
1 Royal Gramma

I appreciate your expertise and ideas!

I think that two large fish is too much. I like each, pick one.
This may have been asked in the thread before but there are 5300 posts so i thought asking would yield better results. I have a 75g tank currently cycling with a 20g sump. There is around 70ish lbs of rocks in the display with a few more pieces in the sump. The skimmer is a Reef Octopus NWB 110.

Here is my proposed stocking list
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Linespot Flasher Wrasse
Blue Flasher Wrasse
Red Velvet Fairy Wasse
Orange-Black Fairy Wrasse
Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse
Pink Margin Wrasse


List 2
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Linespot Flasher Wrasse
Red Velvet Fairy Wasse
Orange-Black Fairy Wrasse
Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse
2 Ignitus anthias
Lubbock's Fairy wrasse or 2

Is this too much for my system to handle...I asked a LFS but I don't really trust them. Also if I keep more than one Lubbock's do I need to make sure it is a male/female combo?
Two questions - current stock list at bottom, tank info in signature ;)

1. Can I safely add a peppermint shrimp to my current stock list? I was once warned that the two cleaner shrimp I currently have might not tolerate (read:thunderdome) another shrimp in my size of tank.

2. Do I have room to add another fish comfortably? By comfortably I mean I never want to reach a 'heavy' load, nor to I want a crowded tank. I don't currently have plans to add another fish and I'm enjoying how much space they have to move around - I simply like knowing where my limit is ;)


Stock List:
2 Ocellaris - generally very friendly
1. Eibl (red stripe) Dwarf Angel
1 Royal Gramma
1 Yellow Wrasse

2 Cleaner (skunk) shrimp
4 Turbo Snails
5 Nassarius Nails
Blue Leg Hermit Army
This may have been asked in the thread before but there are 5300 posts so i thought asking would yield better results. Having been answering for much of that time, I would not really remember even if I thought I did

I have a 75g tank currently cycling with a 20g sump. There is around 70ish lbs of rocks in the display with a few more pieces in the sump. The skimmer is a Reef Octopus NWB 110.

Here is my proposed stocking list
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Linespot Flasher Wrasse
Blue Flasher Wrasse
Red Velvet Fairy Wasse
Orange-Black Fairy Wrasse
Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse Aggressive, not recommended
Pink Margin Wrasse My experience is that the males are difficult shippers


List 2
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Linespot Flasher Wrasse
Red Velvet Fairy Wasse
Orange-Black Fairy Wrasse
Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse Aggressive, not recommended
2 Ignitus anthias Well, a pair of anthias needs a larger tank but one is fine
Lubbock's Fairy wrasse or 2 If two, must be M+F

Is this too much for my system to handle...I asked a LFS but I don't really trust them. Also if I keep more than one Lubbock's do I need to make sure it is a male/female combo?

As far as crowding, it is marginal
Two questions - current stock list at bottom, tank info in signature ;)

1. Can I safely add a peppermint shrimp to my current stock list? I was once warned that the two cleaner shrimp I currently have might not tolerate (read:thunderdome) another shrimp in my size of tank.

My concern would be the "yellow wrasse" which may eat shrimp. Can you provide the species? The cleaners should not care

2. Do I have room to add another fish comfortably? By comfortably I mean I never want to reach a 'heavy' load, nor to I want a crowded tank. I don't currently have plans to add another fish and I'm enjoying how much space they have to move around - I simply like knowing where my limit is ;)

Bioload wise, a small one would be fine.
Be careful about compatibility, however


Stock List:
2 Ocellaris - generally very friendly
1. Eibl (red stripe) Dwarf Angel
1 Royal Gramma
1 Yellow Wrasse

2 Cleaner (skunk) shrimp
4 Turbo Snails
5 Nassarius Nails
Blue Leg Hermit Army

Your hermit will likely kill your snails in the long run to "try out" their shells
Originally Posted by WetShepherd View Pos
Two questions - current stock list at bottom, tank info in signature

1. Can I safely add a peppermint shrimp to my current stock list? I was once warned that the two cleaner shrimp I currently have might not tolerate (read:thunderdome) another shrimp in my size of tank.

My concern would be the "yellow wrasse" which may eat shrimp. Can you provide the species? The cleaners should not care

The Yellow Wrasse is a Halichoeres chrysus. He took a few good pecks at the Nassarius when they were introduced but I haven't seen him bother them since. None of the fish have ever troubled the cleaners - they all make use of their service except possibly the Royal Gramma - he continues to be a bit shy.

The Wrasse is fully grown or almost fully grown - should I be watching for problems? Will any of these guys be a problem for corals?

2. Do I have room to add another fish comfortably? By comfortably I mean I never want to reach a 'heavy' load, nor to I want a crowded tank. I don't currently have plans to add another fish and I'm enjoying how much space they have to move around - I simply like knowing where my limit is

Bioload wise, a small one would be fine.
Be careful about compatibility, however

Great I'll stick with what I have - it's nice knowing I've left them some extra space.


Stock List:
2 Ocellaris - generally very friendly
1. Eibl (red stripe) Dwarf Angel
1 Royal Gramma
1 Yellow Wrasse

2 Cleaner (skunk) shrimp
4 Turbo Snails
5 Nassarius Nails
Blue Leg Hermit Army

Your hermit will likely kill your snails in the long run to "try out" their shells

I had the impression that the Nassarius could quickly dive into the sand for protection, but like most snails they seem to just turtle up. The hermits haven't touched them yet but I'll keep an eye on things. Is the sump a suitable place for hermits if you have a fuge?

Thanks Snorvich/mike - both for the answers and your other posts ;)
My concern with hermits or critters in the sump is blockage and flooding. Halichoeres chrysus can/will eat shrimp. Clowns will not allow cleaning. Any dwarf angel is NOT safe with coral especially LPS.
My concern with hermits or critters in the sump is blockage and flooding. Halichoeres chrysus can/will eat shrimp. Clowns will not allow cleaning. Any dwarf angel is NOT safe with coral especially LPS.

Thanks Steve, you're correcting a lot of bad info I've received and I suspect you know the head aches you've saved me.

Re: the clowns - I admittedly don't know what constitutes the actions of cleaning. The shrimp and the clowns share a cave at night (contrary to what I expected from clowns) and that's when the touchy feely seems to happen for them.

That's terrible news about the dwarf angel. The only possible solution I can imagine would be to start a second tank ;)
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