40 Gallon Tank. Skimmer, Nexx cannister filter, T5 lights, 40+ lbs live rock, live sand. Going to add 17-20 gallon sump very soon. Has been cycled about a month now.
Want to have some mushrooms and soft coral.
What about.... (not necessarily in order of purchase)....
1 Clown (not sure which kind yet, suggestions?)
Avoid a pair, A. percula is nice
1 Firefish goby
Be sure this is added first and let it settle in
1 Algae Blenny (or other blenny maybe?)
1 Serpent Starfish
Be careful, I seem to recall it can take fish
1 cleaner shrimp
Or a pair
If above does not already have the tank maxed out I'd like to add 1 more "front and center" not shy, colorful fish for the family/kids to watch

I prefer the funky fish/inverts you have to watch the tank awhile to even see but it's a "family tank" so, compromise! I like watchmen goby but...too shy? What else might work?
A watchman goby and pistol shrimp should do fine
For CUC, which I already have, I have the Reefcleaners quick crew for 40 gallons--all snails, no crabs (and I don't want to add any). I think the CUC is pretty good.
I do too. No crabs!
35+ Dwarf Ceriths
14 Nassarius
14 Florida Ceriths
8 Large & 10 Small to Medium Nerites -
2 turbo snails
2 zebra turbos