PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Thank you for your advice, it is greatly appreciated. I may give it a try and keep an eye out for aggression. Would you recommend introducing them both into a QT at the same time (removing my current one from DT to QT) or should I QT the snowflake and then move him into the DT later? (sorry to go off the main topic of the thread).

Probably QT at the same time. Time is your enemy here as maturity will breed aggression. Clownfish dynamics is not straight forward so these are my best guesses.
has anyone here ever kept this species of pseudoanthia? minimum tank parameters, sociability, hardyness?

Wrong thread. Sure lots of people keep them, they tend to be larger and more aggressive than most anthias. For any group, you need a minimum of 125 gallons because of the social interactions.
Easy Keeper Schooling Fish?

Easy Keeper Schooling Fish?

Currently have 29G, moving to a 92G corner, with 90 lbs live rock, live sand, ASM MiniG skimmer, fuge with chaeto. Have a pair of clowns hosted by an RBTA, a Caudin's Cardinal, 6 Line Wrasse, Yellow Watchman Goby (1 inch). I am looking for an easy to keep/feed (if there is such a thing), non-aggressive schooling fish that I can have a few of...maybe 5. Something that actively swims around the tank. I looked at Chromis and Anthias and they seem a little hard to keep. In the summer we go away a lot and feeding a fish many times a day is not feasible for me.
Currently have 29G, moving to a 92G corner, with 90 lbs live rock, live sand, ASM MiniG skimmer, fuge with chaeto. Have a pair of clowns hosted by an RBTA, a Caudin's Cardinal, 6 Line Wrasse, Yellow Watchman Goby (1 inch). I am looking for an easy to keep/feed (if there is such a thing), non-aggressive schooling fish that I can have a few of...maybe 5. Something that actively swims around the tank. I looked at Chromis and Anthias and they seem a little hard to keep. In the summer we go away a lot and feeding a fish many times a day is not feasible for me.

Unfortunately I have no good news for you. In a larger tank, you might find fish that will shoal, Anthias, as an example, but none will "school".. In a 92 gallon tank, cardinals will initially shoal, but long term will pair up.
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Ok then, how about some active swimmers for my 92G? I want motion. I am very happy with my other fish but I'd like to add some colorful motion.
Ok then, how about some active swimmers for my 92G? I want motion. I am very happy with my other fish but I'd like to add some colorful motion. A few colorful active fish of different species perhaps?
Ok then, how about some active swimmers for my 92G? I want motion. I am very happy with my other fish but I'd like to add some colorful motion.

That is much easier. I love flasher wrasses including flasher wrasse harems. They will give you motion and superb behavior.
Snorvich, you advised that my stocking list would be suitable for my tank a month or two back. I've now got a question about the order for adding them and how many I can/should add at a time. Here's a quick recap of my stocking list for my 125 gallon reef w/ 30 gallon sump:

Already in tank:
2 oscellaris clowns
2 green chromis
purple urchin
brittle star
snails (nassarius, turbo, cerith, nerite)

Planned additions:
2 cleaner shrimp
1 Banggai cardinal
1 Foxface
1 Flame Angel
3 Lyretail anthias (2 female, 1 male)
1 Kole tang
1 Green mandarin

I've got a 29 gallon quarantine, or at least I will once I finish tearing down my old system (from whence the clowns, urchin, and brittle star came) and cleaning out the tank. My plan is to set up the QT tank, and then purchase the fish in stages. Will I have any issues with increasing the bioload too quickly or with the fish harassing each other in my smaller QT tank for a month if I add them in this bunching:

2 cleaner shrimp, cardinal, foxface, flame angel

~ 6-8 weeks later

3 anthias and kole tang

~6 months later (once copepod pop builds up in tank)

Green mandarin

Thanks again
Snorvich, you advised that my stocking list would be suitable for my tank a month or two back. I've now got a question about the order for adding them and how many I can/should add at a time. Here's a quick recap of my stocking list for my 125 gallon reef w/ 30 gallon sump:

Already in tank:
2 oscellaris clowns
2 green chromis
purple urchin
brittle star
snails (nassarius, turbo, cerith, nerite)

Planned additions:
2 cleaner shrimp
1 Banggai cardinal
1 Foxface
1 Flame Angel
3 Lyretail anthias (2 female, 1 male)
1 Kole tang
1 Green mandarin

I've got a 29 gallon quarantine, or at least I will once I finish tearing down my old system (from whence the clowns, urchin, and brittle star came) and cleaning out the tank. My plan is to set up the QT tank, and then purchase the fish in stages. Will I have any issues with increasing the bioload too quickly or with the fish harassing each other in my smaller QT tank for a month if I add them in this bunching:

2 cleaner shrimp, cardinal, foxface, flame angel

~ 6-8 weeks later

3 anthias and kole tang

~6 months later (once copepod pop builds up in tank)

Green mandarin

Thanks again

That looks pretty good. What color is the brittle star? Some are problematic and can take fish.
The brittle star is mostly black. He had been in my other tank for years and has never bothered any of the fish that I've noticed, so I'm not too concerned on that front.

Thanks for the help
I've got a 75g DT and a 40b sump w. fuge. ~90lbs of LR, and a 1.5" sand bed.

Foxface Rabbitfish
Tang - Kole or Bristletooth
2x Clowns - Perc or False Perc
Goby (w. shrimp) - Dracula, Black Ray or Yasha Haze

Alternates/if we have the room and bioload:
Royal Gramma
Orchid Dottyback

Other than knowing that the dragonette should be later, I'm not sure what order to add these in either.
Originally Posted by schatzi
Hi, I have a 125gDT & 110g sump/fuge, other details in the signature. After much research here's what I think I'd like to do. Planning a mixed reef, not really set on what corals, I'm open to them all.

Listed here in order that it seems they should be added. Other than where I might get more than one of the same type I will most likely only add one at a time, so by the time I get to the Mandarin it should be many months down the road.

Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) I have this guy already, he's almost done with QT
Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Blue/Green Reef Chromis (Chromis viridis) I'd like more than one, how are just 2? What do you suggest? They often reduce their number to one
Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) Would like more than one, what's an ideal number? They are small, three to five. Remember they are on the more difficult side and require multiple feedings per day, starting out with Nutrama Ova
Resplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus) Excellent fish, I also like carberryi
Schooling Bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
Clown Goby, Green (Gobiodon atrangulatus)
Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) I always recommend against as they can be very aggressive and a major pain
Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loriculus) I'd really like this guy, any coral types he can work with?
Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) Would you/she consider a Kole or Bristletooth tang instead?

Very much open to suggestions/substitutions or change in order to add them to the tank. The only one I have to get is the Tang (for the wife).


Ok...updated the list a bit, feedback please?

Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) Have already
Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Resplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus) qty 3
Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) qty 3
Schooling Bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
Mystery Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus)
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lineatus)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus)

Hi, I have a 75g with 110 lbs LR, 2" sand bed, 25g sump, coral life skimmer 120
Hp 8.2, nitrite 0, nitrate 5ppm, ammonia 0, calcium 450, phosphate 0.

I currently have 2 false perc, blenny, one cleaner shrimp. (a hippo tang and yellow tang that i'm holding for a friend) His tank crashed after 7 day with no power.

This is what i would like to have.
3 Bangaii Cardinalfish
3 spotted Cardinals
1 royal gramma
1 finger leather
1 Kenya tree
1 sun coral.

My tank has been cycled for a little over 4 months.

Thank in advance for your replies.
Snorvich you totally confused me. Are you saying that I can have no other active fish because I have a 6 line in a 92G tank? Say IT AINT SO!
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I've got a 75g DT and a 40b sump w. fuge. ~90lbs of LR, and a 1.5" sand bed.

Foxface Rabbitfish
Tang - Kole or Bristletooth

In a 75 gallon tank, we do not recommend two large grazing fish. Of the two, the kole tang is preferred

2x Clowns - Perc or False Perc
Goby (w. shrimp) - Dracula, Black Ray or Yasha Haze

Alternates/if we have the room and bioload:
Royal Gramma You can easily add this one
Orchid Dottyback

Other than knowing that the dragonette should be later, I'm not sure what order to add these in either.

Always most aggressive last.
Hmmmm it never bothers anyone in the tank, even the tiny goby. They all rush to eat together and he grabs some food and goes on his merry way. This is in a 30G tank. Wow I will only have 2 clowns, a teensy watchman, a cardinal and the wrasse in my 92G. :-((((( Maybe I need to find him a new home.
Hmmmm it never bothers anyone in the tank, even the tiny goby. They all rush to eat together and he grabs some food and goes on his merry way. This is in a 30G tank. Wow I will only have 2 clowns, a teensy watchman, a cardinal and the wrasse in my 92G. :-((((( Maybe I need to find him a new home.

That is certainly an option.
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