PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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We have a 75 gallon 4 ft tank with a 20 gallon long sump. A Reef Octopus skimmer, live rock rubble and Cheato in the sump. 95 lbs live rock in the tank and 80 lbs live sand in the tank. It has been up for about 3 months now. We have 2 small ocellaris clown fish, a royal gramma, 2 blue damsels a talbot damsel and a firefish. We also have a skunk cleaner and a peppermint shrimp, various snails and a few small hermit crabs. There is a small feather duster and some xenia, purple star polyp, glove polyps and a few zoas that were on the live rock that we purchased. No idea what the zoas will be because they are white from being light deprived from before we bought the rock. We would like to get a yellow tang to add to the tank last. What other fish would you recommend we get? Also, can you have more than one skunk cleaner shrimp?
Thanks so much for your advice!
We have a 75 gallon 4 ft tank with a 20 gallon long sump. A Reef Octopus skimmer, live rock rubble and Cheato in the sump. 95 lbs live rock in the tank and 80 lbs live sand in the tank. It has been up for about 3 months now. We have 2 small ocellaris clown fish, a royal gramma, 2 blue damsels a talbot damsel and a firefish. We also have a skunk cleaner and a peppermint shrimp, various snails and a few small hermit crabs. There is a small feather duster and some xenia, purple star polyp, glove polyps and a few zoas that were on the live rock that we purchased. No idea what the zoas will be because they are white from being light deprived from before we bought the rock. We would like to get a yellow tang to add to the tank last. What other fish would you recommend we get? Also, can you have more than one skunk cleaner shrimp?
Thanks so much for your advice!

There is no problem having multiple shrimp including multiple cleaner shrimp. Be sure the peppermint shrimp is REALLY a peppermint shrimp rather than a camel shrimp as the latter are not coral safe. I would recommend a tang from the Ctenochaetus family rather than from the Zebrasoma family as they are less aggressive. I don't normally recommend fish as our tastes are likely to be different; I will, however provide commentary on any fish compatibility issues.
Originally Posted by schatzi
Hi, I have a 125gDT & 110g sump/fuge, other details in the signature. After much research here's what I think I'd like to do. Planning a mixed reef, not really set on what corals, I'm open to them all.

Listed here in order that it seems they should be added. Other than where I might get more than one of the same type I will most likely only add one at a time, so by the time I get to the Mandarin it should be many months down the road.

Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) I have this guy already, he's almost done with QT
Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Blue/Green Reef Chromis (Chromis viridis) I'd like more than one, how are just 2? What do you suggest? They often reduce their number to one
Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) Would like more than one, what's an ideal number? They are small, three to five. Remember they are on the more difficult side and require multiple feedings per day, starting out with Nutrama Ova
Resplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus) Excellent fish, I also like carberryi
Schooling Bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
Clown Goby, Green (Gobiodon atrangulatus)
Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) I always recommend against as they can be very aggressive and a major pain
Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loriculus) I'd really like this guy, any coral types he can work with?
Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) Would you/she consider a Kole or Bristletooth tang instead?

Very much open to suggestions/substitutions or change in order to add them to the tank. The only one I have to get is the Tang (for the wife).


Ok...updated the list a bit, feedback please?

Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) Have already
Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Resplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus) qty 3
Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) qty 3
Schooling Bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
Mystery Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus)
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lineatus)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus)

Ok...updated the list a bit, feedback please?

Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) Have already
Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Resplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus) qty 3
Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) qty 3
Schooling Bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
Mystery Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus) Will be problematic with a fairy wrasse, dottyback and possibly a mandarin
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lineatus)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus)

There is no problem having multiple shrimp including multiple cleaner shrimp. Be sure the peppermint shrimp is REALLY a peppermint shrimp rather than a camel shrimp as the latter are not coral safe. I would recommend a tang from the Ctenochaetus family rather than from the Zebrasoma family as they are less aggressive. I don't normally recommend fish as our tastes are likely to be different; I will, however provide commentary on any fish compatibility issues.

Thank you Snorvich! I would love to have a Mandarin when my tank is more established and can support one as well. Will neon gobies be okay in the tank? If so, should I get just one?
Really cool aquascaping. Seven fish may be pushing it and adding a pair of clowns, especially if sexually mature, and even more especially if they are already mating will be too much. Also, some fish, especially an anthias, really require a larger tank. The helfrichi firefish should be added first and allowed to settle in. The flasher wrasse may have an issue with the firefish, but maybe if it were the last fish added, might work.

Thanks a million. I'll probably keep it to just the Midas, Basslet, clown goby, and either the flasher or helfrichi. Are there other good fish to conisder for a tank like this? I know you don't like to recommend but is there a group or some interesting fish I should consider?
I will be setting up 56cm x 56cm x 56cm cube tank within next couple of weeks. Apart from cleaner wrasse I never had any experience from the same family before and was wondering how many wrasses can I keep in such size tank if any? I would highly appreciate if youcould advise me on the numbers and compatibility and which order they should be introduced to the tank?

Please accept my apology if this question has been asked before.

Thank you Snorvich! I would love to have a Mandarin when my tank is more established and can support one as well. Will neon gobies be okay in the tank? If so, should I get just one?

Neon gobies are interesting but I think one would be best unless they are a true pair
I will be setting up 56cm x 56cm x 56cm cube tank within next couple of weeks. Apart from cleaner wrasse I never had any experience from the same family before and was wondering how many wrasses can I keep in such size tank if any? I would highly appreciate if youcould advise me on the numbers and compatibility and which order they should be introduced to the tank?

Please accept my apology if this question has been asked before.


Every question is unique. However it is impossible to accurately answer a "how many" type question as it depends on the fish type from a size and interaction perspective. Could you provide me with a stocking list of which wrasses you are considering?
Thanks a million. I'll probably keep it to just the Midas, Basslet, clown goby, and either the flasher or helfrichi. Are there other good fish to conisder for a tank like this? I know you don't like to recommend but is there a group or some interesting fish I should consider?

Well if you limit it to those four, I would look at one of the possum wrasses. Cryptic but fascinating.
Originally Posted by schatzi
Ok...updated the list a bit, feedback please?

Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) Have already
Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Resplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus) qty 3
Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) qty 3
Schooling Bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
Mystery Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus) Will be problematic with a fairy wrasse, dottyback and possibly a mandarin
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lineatus)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus)


How about the Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse(Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus) or a Leopard Wrasse (Macropharyngodon meleagris) do instead of the Mystery Wrasse?

And how would 2 Neon Blue Goby(Elacatinus oceanops) do with this group?
How about the Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse(Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus) or a Leopard Wrasse (Macropharyngodon meleagris) do instead of the Mystery Wrasse?

And how would 2 Neon Blue Goby(Elacatinus oceanops) do with this group?

In a smaller tank, a leopard wrasse may bully a mandarin. C. rubrimarginatus is ok, but is slightly aggressive.
55 gallon tank help??

55 gallon tank help??

Could 2 occ clowns, 2 mandrens, 1 Royal Gramma, and 7 Green chromis go into a 55 gallon tank with two 60 gallon filters with a 160 gallon protein skimmer and 55 lbs of live rick? If the fish wont work would 2 occ clowns, 2 mandrens, 1 sailfin tang, and 5 firefish work? Thanks!
Ok, here is the list of wrasses I like the most and was wondering if they are compatible with each others? If not then which option would you go for as I am open for suggestions?

Flame wrasse
Fairy wrasse
Scotts fairy wrasse
Naoko wrasse
Velvet wrasse
Clown fairy wrasse

I have no intentions of keeping any shrimps and tank would be predominantly SPS based with 3” DSB. I am hoping to stay away from any other species but may consider pair of true percula if it’s possible!

Many thanks

Could 2 occ clowns, 2 mandrens, 1 Royal Gramma, and 7 Green chromis go into a 55 gallon tank with two 60 gallon filters with a 160 gallon protein skimmer and 55 lbs of live rick? If the fish wont work would 2 occ clowns, 2 mandrens, 1 sailfin tang, and 5 firefish work? Thanks!

A 55 gallon tank will not sustain one mandarin long term unless it has a producing refugium that is mature. The chromis will quickly become one or two. A sailfin tang gets very large quickly and needs a much larger tank.
Ok, here is the list of wrasses I like the most and was wondering if they are compatible with each others? If not then which option would you go for as I am open for suggestions?

I am assuming the tank dimensions in your profile are in inches rather than centimeters. Generally for this thread it is ideal to provide tank size and other aspects of your environment

Flame wrasse I love a pair or triad of flame wrasses (C. jordani)
Fairy wrasse ?
Scotts fairy wrasse C. scottorum is very aggressive, I do not recommend it and it loses coloration without a female
Naoko wrasse On the aggressive side
Velvet wrasse Again, I would suggest pairing it
Clown fairy wrasse C. solorensis loses some coloration absent a female; slightly aggressive

You might consider Lineatus and/or rhomboidalis

If you are going to do multiple fairy wrasses, you should buy or build a hang on acclimation chamber for socially acclimating new arrivals.

I have no intentions of keeping any shrimps and tank would be predominantly SPS based with 3" DSB. I am hoping to stay away from any other species but may consider pair of true percula if it's possible!

Shrimps are safe and fairy and flasher wrasses do not require a DSB as they cocoon for the night rather than bury. Flasher wrasses are also worthy of consideration.

Many thanks

Many thanks....I need to change my profile specs. New tank dimensions are in cm.

So pair of flame wrasse and pair of velvet wrasses would bring the total number to four. I never thought about Lineatus or rhomboidalis, which one would bring more colour to the tank more peaceful? If flasher is OK then its defo on the list.

Many thanks

Many thanks....I need to change my profile specs. New tank dimensions are in cm.

So pair of flame wrasse and pair of velvet wrasses would bring the total number to four. I never thought about Lineatus or rhomboidalis, which one would bring more colour to the tank more peaceful? If flasher is OK then its defo on the list.

Many thanks


C. rhomboidalis is very peaceful. All flashers except the 8 line flasher would do fine.
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