Hi ya'll.
We have a 55 in the works*4ft*, plan for 75 lbs of LR in the display, its got a 20 gal sump (where more rubble will live), in sump skimmer rated for 100g, Eshopps 800 overflow, mag 9.5 return pump with ball valve to slow the flow just a hair to keep it inline with the overflow. It will have a 3-4 inch sandbed. We also plan to have two powerheads in the tank to help with flow (probabaly the hydor Koralia Evolution or original Koralia). As as well a Tek 5 4 bulb fixture for lighting. We plan to have a standard CUC for this tank as well, hermits, snails, shrimp but thats all.
We have a list of fish and corals we've fallen in love with but dont HAVE to have them all, and realize we can't due to size of tank, but out of our selections what would be best in ya'll opinion. I just wanted to see what the more experienced thought we could have in our tank without having to worry about having TOO many fish in there. Here's the list:
Royal Gamma
Fire Fish Must be established first
pearly jawfish
Flame Angel
Percula clown ideally not paired; but may associate with some of your corals and has the potential to damage them
Red Mandarin (obviously added after 6 or more months with a solid pod population) in your sized tank, you will need a refugium
Kaudern's Cardinal
Orange Stripe Prawn Goby/Pistal Shrimp
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse may intimidate your firefish
We also like some of the more agressive fish as well, but would consider another tank for them if needed:
Fu Manchu Lion Will eat tankmates
Marine Betta gets too large for that tank, may eat tankmates
We'd like these corals: While we don't normally give coral advice in this thread, as it is about fish . . .
Torch Coral
Branch Hammer
Elegance Coral (thought I read something bad about this one) Should be an Aussie variety; dip in revive
Trumpet Coral
Bubble Coral (Pearl)
Stylophora Coral needs high flow
Birds Nest Coral
Colt Coral
Pipe Organ Coral
Ricordea Mushrooms
Blue Sympodium Polyp
Waving Hand Coral may take over your tank
Jasmine Polyp
Glove Polyp
And various Zoa's appeal to us.
So, obviously we cant have it all, but what would work best for the system we have in the works?