PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Existing stock
Powerblue Tang
Lemonpeel Tang
Coral Beauty
Lawnmower Blenny
All 2 years in tank raised from juveniles, no problems.

Possible additions
Flame Hawk
Starry Blenny
Citron Goby
Existing stock
Powerblue Tang
Lemonpeel Tang
Coral Beauty
Lawnmower Blenny
All 2 years in tank raised from juveniles, no problems.

Possible additions I would not add the blenny because it is a herbivore but the other two are fine
Flame Hawk
Starry Blenny
Citron Goby
New Captive Bred Tank

New Captive Bred Tank

I have a 45 gallon all in one tank which currently has live rock and a small clean up crew. Eventually would like to add some small hardy corals (some are already on the rock). I'm researching fish population with captive bred fish. I realize that's limiting, but it's a key part of my tank. Below is my current stocking plan based on research of available suppliers and captive bred fish. Appreciate any thoughts:

2 clowns (ocellaris variety) - can you have two color variants of the same species?
1 watchman goby
2 bengai cardinalfish
1 orchid dottyback (I've read dottybacks can be aggressive but this one seemed to have a record for more mild temperments.

I did find a source for captive bred mandarinfish (which my son loves) but I'm guessing even the captive bred are probably too difficult and my tank is too small.


God morning everyone.
I have been working on the fish list for my 90G reef tank and would like your opinion on my choices for the tank.
I plan on introducing in 4 stages, each stage to include 30 day quarantine and treatment with cupramine.
stage 1
1 purple firefish
1 blackcap basslet or orchid dottyback
1 carpenters or mccoskers flasher wrasse
1 tailspot blennie
stage 2
I flame angel
1 bicolor angel
stage 3
1 yellow tang or kole tang
stage 4
I white stripe maroon clown
Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
I have a 45 gallon all in one tank which currently has live rock and a small clean up crew. Eventually would like to add some small hardy corals (some are already on the rock). I'm researching fish population with captive bred fish. I realize that's limiting, but it's a key part of my tank. Below is my current stocking plan based on research of available suppliers and captive bred fish. Appreciate any thoughts:

2 clowns (ocellaris variety) - can you have two color variants of the same species? yes
1 watchman goby
2 bengai cardinalfish
1 orchid dottyback (I've read dottybacks can be aggressive but this one seemed to have a record for more mild temperments. For your tank mates, it should be fine. Stocking plan is fine.

I did find a source for captive bred mandarinfish (which my son loves) but I'm guessing even the captive bred are probably too difficult and my tank is too small. Correct. Also, captive bred mandarin fish tend to have a less than stellar track record.


Hi everybody, just looking for some advice. I'm setting up my first reef on a budget, a 27-gallon cube that I got second-hand with some equipment. I'll be running a protein skimmer (Aquatic Life Mini) as well as an HOB filter (with floss and Chemi-Pure, I guess), and have 30-some pounds of live rock.

I have a wrasse question. Could you recommend any wrasses that would work for my tank? I was thinking of the six-line, but it seems like they can get aggressive. I'm looking for alternatives. I'll probably have a small goby (with pistol shrimp), a clown, and perhaps a smallish wrasse.

225g display tank

225g display tank

hey Steve,
I was hoping for some input on my fish selection below. 225g tank has been set up since March of this year and currently only has 2 fish (royal gramma and Diamond Watchman goby). Taking into consideration my list below, i was looking at adding 3 fish at a time on average (after TT and 4 week QT) starting at the top and then moving to the bottom/last additions. Would appreciate your feedback on my potential selections.

Royal Gramma – already in DT
Diamond W Goby – already in DT
Tailspot Blenny
Matted file fish
Tanaka’s Pygmy wrasse
Chalk Bass
Orange backed Fairy wrasse
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Linespot Wrasse
Magnificent Foxface
Ocellaris Clownfish – pair
Bellus Angelfish – pair
Cherub Angelfish
Mystery Wrasse
Yellow Tang
Yellow eyed Kole
Desjardini Sailfin
Blue Throat trigger

Reworked stocking list for 29g (30"W) FOWLR / future reef tank with macro algae, fan worms and soft coral.

Gold assessor x 1 OR Royal gramma x 1 OR Red cardinalfish x 3
Yellow clown goby x 1
Panamic barnacle blenny (Hancock blenny) x 3 (I have a barnacle already)

Scarlet Skunk Cleaner shrimp x ?
Peppermint shrimp x ?
Bumblebee snail x ?
Cerith snail x ?
Nassarius snail x ?

I am unsure about how much of a CUC I will need and would appreciate some guidance on that.
Hi everybody, just looking for some advice. I'm setting up my first reef on a budget, a 27-gallon cube that I got second-hand with some equipment. I'll be running a protein skimmer (Aquatic Life Mini) as well as an HOB filter (with floss and Chemi-Pure, I guess), and have 30-some pounds of live rock.

I have a wrasse question. Could you recommend any wrasses that would work for my tank? I was thinking of the six-line, but it seems like they can get aggressive. I'm looking for alternatives. I'll probably have a small goby (with pistol shrimp), a clown, and perhaps a smallish wrasse.


This particular thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff. I do not recommend a six-line because it will greatly limit your tank mate choices going forward. The only real wrasse for this sized tank is one of the three species of possum wrasse. A goby/pistol shrimp is fine, and one of the lesser aggressive clownfish (or a pair) is fine.
hey Steve,
I was hoping for some input on my fish selection below. 225g tank has been set up since March of this year and currently only has 2 fish (royal gramma and Diamond Watchman goby). Taking into consideration my list below, i was looking at adding 3 fish at a time on average (after TT and 4 week QT) starting at the top and then moving to the bottom/last additions. Would appreciate your feedback on my potential selections.

Royal Gramma "“ already in DT
Diamond W Goby "“ already in DT
Tailspot Blenny
Matted file fish
Tanaka's Pygmy wrasse
Chalk Bass
Orange backed Fairy wrasse
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Linespot Wrasse
Magnificent Foxface
Ocellaris Clownfish "“ pair
Bellus Angelfish "“ pair males are difficult shippers
Cherub Angelfish
Mystery Wrasse I would avoid with fairy and flasher wrasses
Yellow Tang this must be last fish added but the tangs ideally should be added concurrently
Yellow eyed Kole
Desjardini Sailfin
Blue Throat trigger

Reworked stocking list for 29g (30"W) FOWLR / future reef tank with macro algae, fan worms and soft coral.

Gold assessor x 1 OR Royal gramma x 1 OR Red cardinalfish x 3
Yellow clown goby x 1
Panamic barnacle blenny (Hancock blenny) x 3 (I have a barnacle already)

stocking list looks fine

Scarlet Skunk Cleaner shrimp x ? two
Peppermint shrimp x ?
Bumblebee snail x ? avoid
Cerith snail x ?
Nassarius snail x ? two

I am unsure about how much of a CUC I will need and would appreciate some guidance on that.

Since this thread is about marine fish compatibility, I don't really provide advice on CUC.
Thank you again! I will look around on some of the other threads to see if I can find more info on CUC. I'm sure it's out there. :)

I always recommend starting your own thread in New to the Hobby. You will receive a large variety of view points and you can choose one that seems to fit your situation best. Since I am the only responder to this particular thread, I try to stick only to the one topic.
I always recommend starting your own thread in New to the Hobby. You will receive a large variety of view points and you can choose one that seems to fit your situation best. Since I am the only responder to this particular thread, I try to stick only to the one topic.
Thank you for the advice and suggestion. I appreciate the input. :)
fishlist for 90G

fishlist for 90G

Good day everyone!
I have been working on the fish list for my mature 90G reef tank. I plan to introduce fish in 4 stages each with 30 day quarantine and treatment with cupramine.

stage 1
1 purple firefish
1 blabkcap basslet or orchid dottyback
1 carpenter's or mccosker's flasher wrasse
1 tailspot blennie

stage 2
1 flame angel
1 bicolor angel

stage 3
1 yellow tang or kole tang

stage 4
I white stripe maroon clown

I welcome your comments and suggestions. Thanks
Good day everyone!
I have been working on the fish list for my mature 90G reef tank. I plan to introduce fish in 4 stages each with 30 day quarantine and treatment with cupramine.

stage 1
1 purple firefish
1 blabkcap basslet or orchid dottyback
1 carpenter's or mccosker's flasher wrasse
1 tailspot blennie

stage 2
1 flame angel
1 bicolor angel

stage 3
1 yellow tang or kole tang

stage 4
I white stripe maroon clown

I welcome your comments and suggestions. Thanks

You are fine until you get to stage 4; this species of clownfish is incredibly aggressive and I do not recommend it in this sized tank
PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

Opinion on a Royal Gramma & Bi-Color Blenny in a 40B? Royal being the last fish added. Only other fish is a Yellowlined Cardinal. Rock work is 2 separate islands at each end of the tank. Blenny's home is a Turbo snail shell at the far left corner.
Opinion on a Royal Gramma & Bi-Color Blenny in a 40B? Royal being the last fish added. Only other fish is a Yellowlined Cardinal. Rock work is 2 separate islands at each end of the tank. Blenny's home is a Turbo snail shell at the far left corner.

Should be fine.
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