Any other gobys you would recommend that will help my diamond keep my sand clean?
Not really. Sorry.
Any other gobys you would recommend that will help my diamond keep my sand clean?
75 gallon reef tank inhabitants. ... established tank...
Kole tang
Flame angel
Occ clown
Clown goby
Lawnmower blenny
Bangaii cardinal
Thinking of adding one or more of the following:
Royal gramma fine
Hawkfish fine but not shrimp safe
Flasher wrasse fine
Mandarin difficult but may be ok
How does it look?
50 gallons reef tank 30" x 22" x 18"
Actual population :
- Pair of pink streaked wrasse (Pseudocheilinops ataenia)
- Pair of blue stripe pipefish (Doryrhamphys excisus)
- Pair of red fire shrimp (lysmata debelius)
What i would like to add to get an endemic solomon island pop (except shrimp) Having dived the Solomon Islands many times, I think that is an excellent idea
- Pair of yellow nose prawn goby (Stonogobiops xanthorhinica) with candy pistol shrimp A bonded pair would work, but simply putting two together probably would not; multiple pistol shrimp would be fine, however
- 1 Multibar dwarf angelfish (Paracentropyge multifasciata) This is a very difficult fish to keep. I would only try it in a larger tank that was exceptionally mature
What are your thoughts? I love the concept behind this tank
- 1 Multibar dwarf angelfish (Paracentropyge multifasciata) This is a very difficult fish to keep. I would only try it in a larger tank that was exceptionally mature
What would you suggest as a show piece for this tank.
I have already tried with fathead anthias (Serranocirrhitus latus) but he got ick and died. I don't want to give another try to this fish.
So i'm looking for a 4-5" original fish, ok with inverts and that isn't a goby, a wrasse or a pipefish and that would fit the project ...
I am interested in getting Blue/Green Chromis and am curious of its compatibility. I picked that one since all other Chromis seem to grow a bit bigger and are labeled as semi-aggressive. Is this one really peaceful or are all chromis similar?
Should I get one and stick with one or get three at once?
I would go with Black Axil Chromis (Chromis atripectoralis) as these are peaceful and long lived; however I would only do one
Fish: 1 Ocellaris Clown, 1 B&W Clown, 1 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Fire Shrimp, 1 Corral Banded Shrimp, 1 Arrow Crab, 2 Peppermint Shrimp, Bristle Worms and CUC. coral banded shrimp can take fish as can a arrow crab
Reef: 150 lb. Sand, 70 lb. Rock, Frog Spawn, Button Polyps, Mushrooms, Kenya Trees, Feather Star, Brain and several aiptasias. . . . as you now know, feather stars will not survive
Tank: 50g hex, overflow, 20um sock filter, 23 gal sump with DSB, 2 pumps, 3 in-tank circulators, 5 UH fluorescent, chiller 650, heater 150W, skimmer 65, I got the tank on 7/18/2014 but it has been established for over 15 years!!
BTW, Getting the Feather Star was an ignorant rookie mistake on my part. . . .
Getting together my stocking list for my 37G (30"L x 22"H x 12"D) FOWLR.
2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Yellow Clown Goby
2 Firefish only one will work
1 Royal Gramma
Hi Steve,
I'm thinking about moving my tank home. Will the Randall goby, possum wrasse, helfrichi, & the barnacle blenny be ok in a 20L for a month or 2? Nothing else will be added until everything goes back in the 40B & gets settled again.
Just want to make sure this is an ok plan. Thanks again![]()
Assuming it is fully cycled, they should be fine.
If it were me, I would go for a seahorse. (Not the pygmy seahorses found in the Solomon Islands as these are incredibly difficult)
My reef has a flow of 1900 g/h wont it be too much for a seahorse (the only one referenced by fishbase that is not pygmy is the hippocampus kuda)?
That is pretty high for pipefish as well. You must exercise great care as you are keeping fairly delicate species.
Steve is this true? Someone on RC says they have kept one with no problems. I've checked around, and although they are described as " aggressive" they are described as community fish. Isn't this a paradox? LA says they can be kept in 120 gallons, but that they grow to 5'. How is this possible? Surely they should be kept in a much larger tank. I'm setting up a 150 and this would be great, but surely it eats small fish. What do you think?