I am open to all ideas. I am currently upgrading my 63 gallon to a 320. I've never had a big tank, and have no idea where to start. I want to add three big fish (tang size) and focus on the small stuff. What would you stock with?
Currently have 2x percs, 3x chromis that get along nicely (!!!) An African flame back angel, a bluespotted shrimp goby, and two hitchhiker tidepool gobies (Max size 1.5 inches) - never had aggression, disease, or any issues. All young.
My husband wants colours other than blue and yellow. We are more into corals and inverts than fish, so the more reef safe the better, though I'd attempt certain borderline safe things - my pygmy angel is a model citizen, and I kept a copper band for years with zero issues.
I can catch stock locally is I'm lucky and patient - anthias, angels, tangs - I've seen wild gem tangs, doubt I can catch one tho.
What would you suggest?
As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to evaluate stocking lists provided tank size is provided. Gem tangs (I have had one) are nice but probably not worth the effort. They are reasonably common where you live, however. If you are primarily interested in corals, I would look at the wrasse group: leopards, possum, flashers, and some fairy.